Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Body Never Lies

If we were all healthy integrated human beings, we would never doubt our own minds.  If we were all connected to our bodies, there would be no need to ever doubt our own thoughts.  

Our bodies were designed to signal to us certain dangers.  When our hearts race or when we fill with panic or anxiety, these are signs something is amiss.  Too often our heads ignore the warning signs our body is trying to send out, because we have been taught in various ways to deny what we think.

Throughout childhood, we are conditioned to worry what others think, want and need.  We are programmed in overt as well as covert ways to fear  the criticism of others and to avoid upsetting others at all costs.  While our well intended parents might have been hoping they produced unselfish children, the truth is they taught us to be self less instead.  

Built into our bodies are voluntary as well as involuntary response systems.  All that is involuntary is designed to save us at all costs, including emotionally and physically.  When we feel threatened either physically or emotionally, bells will sound within the cells of our bodies. These bells are meant to force our minds to help us get out of whatever dangerous situation we are in.

Unfortunately, many of us ignore our internal warning signs.  We stay in relationships we know we should end or in the jobs we know are draining us.  We run towards drama rather than away from it.  We drink, drug, lie, obsess, spend, or have affairs all while our internal security sirens and bells are blaring.  We hear ourselves justify or rationalize why we are doing what we are doing.  We lie to ourselves about the lies we tell others.  We justify staying in the emotionally draining relationships, rather than accepting how taxing they are on our souls.  We hear the bells within us, but ignore them away....

Stress lowers body pH, elevates cholesterol and increases inflammation in the body.  Eventually those of us who continue ignoring our bodies signals wind up with some catastrophic disease.  We develop cancer, asthma, diabetes, obesity, diverticulitis, heart problems, high blood pressure and so on.  Slowly we help create havoc within the cells of our bodies, that eventually destroy us.

The key to happiness, is the bridge that links your soul to your body.  On this bridge truth is discovered.  When you learn to interpret your bodies signals correctly, rather than ignoring them, the bridge becomes your guide.  The more in tune you are with your body, the better able you will be at navigating your life.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mothers and Time

Once an ocean,
Now a  lake.

Steady thievery,
Stops naught.

A cornerstone no  more,
Power has shifted through time.

Sands of time,
Slip away.

Her beauty, her strength.

Yesterday, the center of their world,
Today a visitor.

Not long ago; a lioness,
Time demands a new queen.

A knowing heart, 
Now a heavy one.

Inclined to hold on,
Grace urges her to let go.

Life has never stopped,
Nor not changed.

Nature requires not cooperation,
Nor the desire to be liked.

A mothers time, so like the seasons,
Has her own.

Mothers love eternal, 
Withstands it all.

Details busy our hands,
As life slips through them.

Time whispers to us in dreams,
To embrace the inevitable.

Squeezing harder,
Does not stop time from slipping through our fingers.

Intensifies the pain.

Look, see, feel, embrace, and breath.

Millions of others, 
Have walked this path.

It is winding, 
It is wise, it is the way it was intended.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rising Above What We See

To only see with our eyes, is to live life blindly.

To not know there is so much more to what is, is to live life asleep.

What we see, is far less real than that we cannot.

Humanity is divine.

Within us all lies the ability to create life as well as destroy it.  True, a life can be lived, without being lived at all.  Can there be any greater tragedy?  

This place we call "the world", so full of the allure of materialism, is one we all must learn to adapt to.  It is a place far from where our spirits care to dance, yet our feet belong.

To be a fully integrated human being, requires the being that is us, to somehow make peace with the various parts of who we are.  It is not enough to be of intellectual minds, nor of robust physiques.  To be truly alive, is to know all of ones self, including that which most of the world is blind to.  

The world; it's thirst for superficial flare, serves only as a playground for our material forms to exist in.  The physical parts of us, require a physical realm.  It is the responsibility of man however, to then find places for the divine in us to roam; to grow; to splendor.

To live, is to live the life we were given, through the eyes of our awareness, rather than through our optic nerves.  Awareness, is akin to rebirth.  Once asleep, and dead, as humans, in each moment we get another chance to "choose" to rise above what we see.

The ability to "choose to think" in and of itself: Divine.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When Others Fall

The recent headlines about the young woman named Becca Beushausan, left me feeling low.

Once this was a woman with an internet following in the millions.  Each person following her blog, was captivated by the gut wrenching story, about the death of her child.  Her followers were full of warmth, love, and good wishes for this woman they did not know.  Strangers; complete strangers embraced her, relating to her pain.  What Becca was going through, struck an emotional chord in so many.  These chords, so deep, so riveting, found in us all.

When it was unfortunately revealed that Becca's story was fabricated; that in fact she had deceived the public, much of her following turned on her.  Angered by the feeling of being manipulated, twisted the minds of her once loyal community.  Outrage spewed from parents who had in fact lost a child to the same disease, that Becca claimed had stolen hers.  Understandably.

Becca claims that, although she blogged daily, as if experiencing the death of her child  in the "now", the truth is she had lost her child some time in the past.  Her re-telling of her story, was simply that; a re-telling of her story.  Because Becca pretended as if she were going through the loss, as if in present day, many feel as if Becca is a woman who simply lied to gain some kind of sympathy or attention.

We may never know Becca's truth: Did she lose a child, or instead fabricate the entire story like so many believe?  I say, who cares?

There is a larger lesson in this young woman's story.  One we can all learn from.  For certain, Becca has been humbled, evident by the sincere apology letter on her blog.  This child has learned.  She has fallen to the innate vulnerability that makes her human; the ego.  Becca made a mistake.  Yes, she lied.  But who amongst us has never?  Was this a terrific lie?  Did it hurt others?  Yes, but that was not this woman's intent.  

Becca wrote what she wrote, because for whatever reason, she needed to.  Pain lives within her, otherwise she would not have needed to do what she did.  Blogging gave her a way to release whatever was hiding in this woman's soul.  If you are one of those angered by her deceit, I ask you to forgive her.  I ask you to rise above the temptations of anger, and continue to connect with what first attracted you to her blogging; pain.

More than ever Becca needs forgiveness.  Although her blogging may have afforded her the avenue to release some of her hidden pain onto, the truth is, more than anything, this woman needs a healing.  As a society, what we need is compassion.  Becca falling, has the ability to help us all become better human beings.  Her sin, can teach each of us something about humanity.

Undoubtedly, this will follow Becca all her days.  I pray she has the strength to forgive herself.  If she were my child,  I would wrap my arms around her, and say, " Today is a new day.  What happened yesterday is done. Let it go; move on.  Learn from what has taken place, and be a better person from now on for it".

I pray the millions of followers to Becca's blog choose to offer this woman forgiveness rather than to walk with anger in their hearts.  She made a mistake.  We all have.  

When others fall in front of our faces, it is our chance to help them back up.  When we do, we raise the level of human consciousness up a notch.  In doing so,  we help change the world.  I can think of no better way to live a life.

Monday, June 8, 2009


We can surely all remember a time, back when we were tiny children, when perhaps we did something we knew we should not have.  We worried what mom, dad, or perhaps what our teacher would do when they found out.  Our stomachs churned, and our minds raced, as we tossed ideas of gloom back and forth in our heads like ping pong balls.  It was awful; the anticipation.

If we were lucky, mom put her arms around us and told us everything was going to be fine.  We knew we had been forgiven, and felt relieved, almost absolved of our ills.  The feeling of forgiveness was like nothing we had ever felt before.  Feeling forgiven, made us feel whole again.

Far too many of us hold onto anger when we should simply let it go.  Many of us are addicted to feelings of rage and chaos, but don't realize it.  We hear our friends claim they are looking for peace, but instead, every time we turn around, our friend is adding more chaos to his life.  He speaks of revenge, of jealousy, of fear, and of all things negative, yet, he claims he wants nothing more but a little bit of peace.

The truth is, he doesn't want peace.  He wants the same things he has always had; chaos.  If someone truly wants peace, he/she needs to change their mind.  In order to attract peace into our lives, it is necessary for us to let go of those things we are used to.  If we are used to thinking thoughts that include rationalizing rage, anger, jealousy, or fear, then we need to decide to no longer allow our minds to rationalize them.

We are thinking human beings.  Thoughts that pop into our heads are more programmed thought patterns than they are actually products of a "thinking mind".  Thinking requires conscious effort.  One must decide to judge their thoughts if peace is ever to replace a chaotic mindset.

Forgiving others, is as much a gift to someone else as it is to you.  When you decide to let go of anger, the soul heals.  It is unnatural for the spirit to hate, which is why rage makes people feel so heavy, and love makes us feel so light.  Forgiving someone for something terrible they might have done to us, does not mean we forget, nor does it mean we accept what has been done.  Forgiving others means choosing not to carry hate in our bodies against anyone any longer, for any reason.  

I have been wronged many times throughout my life.  While I do not accept nor condone some of the terrible things that have been done to me by others, I do accept that whatever was done to me was done by someone who was not as evolved as he/she should have been.  Only someone who is lacking spiritual enlightenment can seek to intentionally harm another human being.  Because this is so, instead, I tend to feel empathy for anyone who does not know that when they seek to intentionally inflict harm on another, they show the world how unenlightened they truly are.

I can forgive, because I know only a mind that is lacking, can need to harm another.  

Jesus said, "Forgive them father, for they not know what they do."  Jesus died full of forgiveness, as well as peace, because he understood how unenlightened the average mind of man was.

By allowing forgiveness to overcome our ego based rage, we help elevate ourselves to a place of higher spiritual enlightenment.  When we spread forgiveness, we enhance the peace that is on our planet, and in doing so, we help make the world we live in a better place for us all.