If you are an enabler, then you are enabling whomever it is you are in a relationship with. If you are involved with an addict, you, as defined by your own definition are enabling that addiction.
If you truly believe this is so, you must fully and consciously become aware,(completely, drop the B/S of denial you may have been living in) that you are only helping the addict stay sick.
You have only one choice. Stop...stop doing whatever it is you are doing to help them stay sick. Stop lying, stop covering up, stop turning your head, stop rushing them to the ER, stop making excuses for why you are so overwhelmed, and most of all stop acting like how YOU feel doesn't matter.
Think about this...
You came into this world alone, and you will die alone...In your last moments on this physical earth, and as your physical being begins to shut down, your energy will be summoned out of your body. What should have been a life long journey that was full of joy, excitement, and new Self discoveries, will have been lost...because rather than seeking to find things that make you happy, you will have instead given all your attention to a sick brain...On top of that, in all the caring for that you thought you were doing, you did nothing more but help keep that brain sick...
Enablers, release your desire to control the actions of one who is sick...
Enablers, DETACH from the negative emotion of guilt, and wanting to control the other who is choosing his own destiny, and attracting to him only more negativity. By the power of the Law of Attraction, you are both, you and the addict attracting only more of what you are already experiencing. And until one of you shifts his/her point of focus, you can only attract more of what you are already getting.
Change your mind, and change the course of your life. It is law...