Yesterday, while sitting in a doctor's waiting area, I picked up what was intended to be a child's book on dinosaurs. While sifting through it, I came across simple explanations as well as complimentary illustrations that highlighted the beginnings of planet earth.
As I thumbed through each page of this child's book, I could not help but feel in awe of what I was--for the first time beginning to deeply comprehend.
My life--your life--life--is but a flickering of a flame, that will one day gently fade.
Almost incomprehensible is the idea that our earth's surface was once one mass of land. Through the churning of the earth, has come these separations of land that we now call the continents.
And so it is I wonder, what will planet earth become in another one billion years?
On a more personal home front I wonder, have I done all that was possible for one human being to do while a physical being on this still somewhat dry physical earth?
Do I truly appreciate the life I have been given?
Do I truly appreciate the very real fact that one day my life will be done?
Do I truly appreciate that how I treat others, is how I will be treated by others?
Do I truly appreciate how good it feels to laugh, to play, to respect others, and to let go?
Do I truly appreciate how unnecessary it is to worry about what others think about me, my decisions, my looks, or my life?
Do I truly appreciate how--no matter how deeply I dig in my heels and cause a silly fuss--that the world keeps on spinning--and thus continues to it has done since the beginning of time?
You can laugh or you can cry...You can live by default, or you can create the life you desire...You can blame or you can claim...You can be fair minded, or selfishly irrational...What you are--you attract...
The universe does not judge your emotional offering. It is an attraction based physical world, simply drawing like matter to like matter. If you have anger in your heart, expect experiences to show up in your life to reinforce that anger.
If you have love in your heart, expect experiences to show up that help you to love more deeply.
If you have fear and hopelessness in your heart, expect situations to manifest that will reinforce those fears of hopelessness...
If you keep your heart and your mind set on the pure desires of your soul, and if you can learn to ignore reality, especially when things don't look so peachy--and if you can thus learn to continue offering an emotional vibration that matches the desires of your heart, you can deliberately manifest the life you desire...and eventually learn to comprehend the incomprehensible...
You--me--we are but specks of dust that have been given the miraculous opportunity to manifest as physical human beings with the stupendous ability to create our own realities...
So while most humans worry, obsess, fear, and complain, I prefer to continue learning how to master my own destiny--because I know one day my chance at having fun on this physical planet called earth will be done...
And although there are times when heavy negative human emotions start to drag me down, I continue to strive to accept that what I offer emotionally I also attract...and so it is up to me to stay ever mindful of what my emotional offering is...
These days my work is to laugh more and to work appreciate more and to complain understand more and to judge hope more and to worry less...
One day--my chance at love, peace, happiness and fun will be done...and so will yours my friend...
Peace, joy and love to you...
As I thumbed through each page of this child's book, I could not help but feel in awe of what I was--for the first time beginning to deeply comprehend.
My life--your life--life--is but a flickering of a flame, that will one day gently fade.
Almost incomprehensible is the idea that our earth's surface was once one mass of land. Through the churning of the earth, has come these separations of land that we now call the continents.
And so it is I wonder, what will planet earth become in another one billion years?
On a more personal home front I wonder, have I done all that was possible for one human being to do while a physical being on this still somewhat dry physical earth?
Do I truly appreciate the life I have been given?
Do I truly appreciate the very real fact that one day my life will be done?
Do I truly appreciate that how I treat others, is how I will be treated by others?
Do I truly appreciate how good it feels to laugh, to play, to respect others, and to let go?
Do I truly appreciate how unnecessary it is to worry about what others think about me, my decisions, my looks, or my life?
Do I truly appreciate how--no matter how deeply I dig in my heels and cause a silly fuss--that the world keeps on spinning--and thus continues to it has done since the beginning of time?
You can laugh or you can cry...You can live by default, or you can create the life you desire...You can blame or you can claim...You can be fair minded, or selfishly irrational...What you are--you attract...
The universe does not judge your emotional offering. It is an attraction based physical world, simply drawing like matter to like matter. If you have anger in your heart, expect experiences to show up in your life to reinforce that anger.
If you have love in your heart, expect experiences to show up that help you to love more deeply.
If you have fear and hopelessness in your heart, expect situations to manifest that will reinforce those fears of hopelessness...
If you keep your heart and your mind set on the pure desires of your soul, and if you can learn to ignore reality, especially when things don't look so peachy--and if you can thus learn to continue offering an emotional vibration that matches the desires of your heart, you can deliberately manifest the life you desire...and eventually learn to comprehend the incomprehensible...
You--me--we are but specks of dust that have been given the miraculous opportunity to manifest as physical human beings with the stupendous ability to create our own realities...
So while most humans worry, obsess, fear, and complain, I prefer to continue learning how to master my own destiny--because I know one day my chance at having fun on this physical planet called earth will be done...
And although there are times when heavy negative human emotions start to drag me down, I continue to strive to accept that what I offer emotionally I also attract...and so it is up to me to stay ever mindful of what my emotional offering is...
These days my work is to laugh more and to work appreciate more and to complain understand more and to judge hope more and to worry less...
One day--my chance at love, peace, happiness and fun will be done...and so will yours my friend...
Peace, joy and love to you...