Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Books To Read To Help Improve Self Confidence

We all need a little help along the way to well being.

When I began understanding it was "me" who had to change if I wanted to ever be happy, I knew I was going to need to turn to those who had had the courage to venture out towards their own journey of self discovery for some guidance. You see, I cannot really say anyone in my family was authentically happy. So I was going to have to turn towards those other than family members for help.

I have read close to 200 books on self help. What I needed to know was "why" my mind worked the way it did.

What I discovered thrilled me to the bones. Thinking was primarily the result of childhood programming and conditioning. I reacted and thought and behaved the way I did simply because as I was growing and forming ideas about the world, I was being "taught" to react as well as think by those around me.

My mother was an enabler so she taught me to enable and to think as an enabler. It was that simple.

My father was a man who liked things his way, and who got angry easily when my mother did not jump to his needs. Watching them, I became conditioned to respond to others the same way my mother did and attracted people into my life who angered easily, because these were the types of personalities I was accustomed to.

The really good news for me was, that if my thinking was the result of programming, then that meant that all I had to do was re-program my own mind with information I wanted it to retain.

Books helped me get there. Some of my favorites are; The Art of Living Consciously, The Six Pillars of Self Esteem, Honor Thy Self, Co-dependent No More, The Art of Letting Go, Never Be Lied to Again, The Manipulative Man, Healing The Shame That Binds You, Perfect Daughters, Addicted To Love, and an array of others.

Reading and learning about how the mind worked allowed me to understand that me, my consciousness could run the show. I didn't have to be a conditioned robot and react to circumstances the way I had been taught to. I really could decide how I wanted to see the world, but I could not do that until I first began to unravel why my mind worked in such a dysfunctional way in the first place.

I have learned tremendously by the wide array of authors who so bravely wrote with their hearts as well as their minds to help people like me finally figure it all out...

How To Boost Self Confidence

What is confidence? It is described in dictionaries as "state of believing in truth".

What is your truth?

When you look at a mountain, or stand at the mouth of an ocean, or feel wind race past you, what do you believe?

Who, or what source created such magnificence?

When you see the tall trees and then see tiny ones growing beside it, who or what do you believe created it?

When you see a child born; hear its first cry, or watch it latch onto its mothers breast, do you ever wonder how this could be so, or why?

How is it, that this abundant earth, and every species that occupies it can live so magnificently in such order, without interference?

If man were not here, this planet would still thrive. Its trees would grow. Its oceans would still churn. 

The same source that created the stars, the moon, and all the tiny and humungous creatures of the sea, created you, and created me.

Read that again, but this time don't just read it with your mind. Feel it with your soul. Allow it to infuse your being...because you my dear friend are a magnificent design.

Something created what is...

Something; a knowing; an energy; a source is responsible for this spectacular thing so many of us take for granted; earth.

The same energy that created you, is the same energy that created the heavens, the earth and Lady Gaga, Buddha, Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson, Rosa Parks, Lincoln, Joan of Arc and Teddy Roosevelt.

Doubt that? Any non believer would have to admit that whatever created one human being, had to be responsible for creating us all...

Your truth? Confidence?

You can be confident that who you are...is enough...

You can be confident that no matter what "society" says or anyone else says, the true deep truth about you and about me, and about all...is that we are divine...and part of an energy source that wants nothing more but to grow, expand, envelope and inspire...

People who seems more confident than you, are simply tapping into their truth (their energy) more than someone who is not.

Confident people spend more time on their insides than they do worrying about what a bunch of programmed and conditioned robots think, on the outside.

Most of us are little more than the programming we have been getting fed since infancy...

You are not garbage...You are not stupid...You are not ugly...You are not worthless...



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Complainers and Difficult People/How To Not Let Their Negativity Effect You

We all know one; a Debbie Downer or an Angry Artie.

They find fault in everyone and everything. Their energy is like static electricity. You can feel it. Nothing about them is genuine, peaceful or accepting. They complain about the weather, the traffic, the work that's on their desk. They complain about the old ladies trying fearfully to cross the street. They complain about fat people, skinny people, people with disabilities, and consistently spew their self hatred out onto the rest of us. Some of us just really want to help improve the world and make this world a more calming place to exist, while others find little time for anything else but finding fault.

I get it.

People can only give you what they feel about themselves inside. But if you are not consciously aware of this fact, when others start spewing their negativity in your direction, it can sometimes be difficult not to get caught up in the river of diarrhea.

Complainers are terribly immature, and lack the ability to see within, or simply choose not to because what they see is too painful. When others complain, it is because they lack self discipline and refute the reasoning to accept things as they are rather than to complain about them.

Complainers complain to keep the focus off of them, but also to boost their ego. A poor man may dislike a wealthy man because the wealthy man has the self discipline to save and to work. Things flow easily to the wealthy man not because he is lucky, but because he chooses to do his work rather than avoid or complain about having work to do. He is happy he is busy, and is thriving. The poor man rather, complains that he has work to do and would rather gamble his money away or spend it on fast food and beer. The poor guy just can't get ahead, and rather look within, and learn from a man like his wealthy friend, he will find fault in him to separate himself from the idea that change is possible. But the poor guy is lacking character and would rather complain than to change...tsk tsk...poor Angry Artie.

When dealing with complainers, rather than give merit to what their immature little ego would have you believe, pay attention to the emotions that happen in you instead. Detach from trying to make sense from what the complainer is trying to convince you is real. Feel your energy shift from peaceful to irritation.

When you have mastered the ability to sense what happens to you when you are stuck in a room or you are within the proximity of a complainer, either leave her/his area, so that their negative energy cannot touch you, or mentally and emotionally detach from what is being said. Do not give attention to the whining giant child. Instead hold onto yourself and try to keep love, and peace flowing within you.

Allow the good you are trying to feel in you to grow. Keep thinking about good things and don't get pulled off track by manipulators who want you to buy into their self pity. Keep expanding the good you feel within you and hopefully one day the complainer will begin to see that the only person who didn't like them, was them.

Often complainers complain about the people they most wish they were like. Secretly they wish they had the courage, fortitude, discipline, motivation and character to fall in love with themselves. And they do, they just refuse to claim the right to feel good, and find complaining attention out of people more ego gratifying than looking within.

Truly, the law of attraction is always at work. If you are in a relationship with a complainer, you don't have to be. Complainers complain because there is usually someone there willing to listen to the selfish, self serving rants....You don't have to be that person anymore...detach, leave, but never leave angry. Just leave that negative energy right where you found it and smile and turn away.

{and btw...for anyone who would complain about my literal comparison from rich to poor, I did not intend to imply all poor people dislike wealthy people. It is meant to simply give a literal reference to my idea. My opinion can be referenced to any duality...such as heavy people who dislike thin people...or blondes who dislike brunettes...hope this clears things up for any reader who might want to find fault in the message I only shared to help improve the world in my own way. I prefer to be part of the solution and not the problem ;) Lisa

Friday, May 20, 2011

How To Deal With Family Conflict

Dear Lisa,

I am a middle aged woman. Recently I had an argument with my brother. Things have not been the same since. He upset me over something he said to me, and when I confronted him about it, he became angry. He never acknowledged hurting my feelings. I am feeling at a loss now, because we no longer speak. How can what you teach help me here?

Dear At A Loss,

Life is like the water cycle. Life is always changing form. We just don't always know when we are clouds, rain, vapor or the ocean. We tend to be creatures whom resist change, although the truth is, we are constantly in flux.

You are changing as you are reading this. Your thoughts are changing. You are digesting foods you ate. Cells in your body are dying and being reborn. Your ideas about people and even your self are also in a state of change. Relax...this is just your meantime.

The meantime is the time between points when your realities about someone or something consciously shift.

If you are aware and enlightened you will see this distance between you and your brother as a good and necessary thing.

Your brother needs to, for whatever reason distance himself from you emotionally. Although you sound like you are one who would prefer "feeling" closer to him.

This is neither a good or a bad situation. In this case, embrace truth without judging it, or wishing to control or change it. Your brother has the right to "not" see what you see. You feel hurt by him, and that is valid I am sure. But on the other hand, he has the right not to see what you see, especially if what he needs is to create some space between you and he.

Love; authentic love is about pure acceptance, surrender and allowing.

Love your self enough to see what you feel, and to surrender and embrace it.

Pull it in; the separateness and make peace with it.

Just let it be. It is a manifestation of the energy that is for whatever reason in your brother.

Do not allow your mind to judge him or the situation for it. Just breath and pull it in.

All is well.

Ask yourself what it is you truly want. If what you truly want is to feel "close" to your brother, you can do that even if he were 1,000 miles away. We do not need to be physically close to someone in order to feel love for them.

Nothing has changed really. You still love your brother. What has changed is your perception of what your brother needs and wants.

And that is not such a big deal, is it?

My suggestion is to love your brother in your mind. Feel love for him and what you have shared, and then love him enough to accept his need for space.

When you do see him, envelope him with a big warm hug, and simply say, "I love you. How have you been?". Put real emotion behind your hug and your "I love you", even if it doesn't come back to you in the way your "ego" would like it to.

Let your brother be who he needs to be right now, even if that means he needs to be pig headed.

The more authentic love you send him, the more valuable the lesson in true authentic love you have the pleasure of teaching him.

Love your self enough to know his reaction to your needs has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the lesson he needs to learn about authentic love.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Creating Your Own Reality

It is not enough to say "I want this or I want that".

In order to create the life in which we deserve, we must first become that which we seek.

If I want to be understood, I first must understand.

If I want to be heard, I first must learn to listen.

If I want the universe to match me up with riches, I first must release my ideas of "not having enough".

If I want love in my life, I first must learn to love my self.

They say "water always seeks its own level". Others say, "you reap what you sow". And I have heard many say, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you".

To hold these ideas in your mind is to further understand that what energy {vibration} lives in us, is what energy we will find showing up in our environment.

If I am worried about being controlled, I will ultimately seek to control others, and wind up being controlled by my fear of being controlled.

If I feel unworthy, my mind has no other choice but to help validate that feeling by helping me get into alignment with those who will reinforce my own feelings of unworthiness.

If I tell my mind, " I am unworthy", my mind simply believes this to be true.

Your brain is not your consciousness, and until you have that moment of enlightenment, or awakening, in which you begin to comprehend where you truly came from, you are little more than an unconscious, unrealized creature sleepwalking through your physical experience.

You have a choice.

You can wake up and realize you are an extension of all that is. And all that is was created by the same energy. The same energy that created the galaxies created you.

You are divine. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. You are not a physical creature trying to have a spiritual experience.

Embrace the truth...and feel your energy change from within, and then watch as what you begin to feel begins to actualize in your environment.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dear Lisa,

Dear Lisa,

I feel like my boyfriend deliberately does things to get me mad? What can I do to make him understand he is hurting me and our relationship?

Dear Misunderstanding Your Law of Attraction,

Obviously something inside you is stirring. I can feel your painful feelings through your email. Pain is negative. But its purpose is to get your attention. Are you listening my dear?

My question is this: "Why is it that you continue to walk towards and or hold onto a person and or a situation that is bringing you pain? Do you not believe you deserve to feel joy?"

Often people feel unappreciated in relationships. And when this happens more often than not, the person who is hurting expects the other person to stop hurting them.

Dissect that thought.

If every time someone outside of you pisses you off, and every time this happens you place the responsibility on that person outside of you, essentially you are trying to control that person in order so that what they do and how they think, makes your existence that much more easier to tolerate.

And that's wrong.

If you learn anything from this blog learn this: if you are unhappy, and you are blaming others for your unhappiness, you are simply drawing to you more unhappiness.

When you finally wake up and realize that no one has to change for you, you will feel lighter and more positive because you will finally be taking responsibility for your own vibrations. Blaming others for the negative energy {vibrations} you feel within you, is like blaming the heavens for rain??? Like rain is a bad thing....??? I like the rain. I see its purpose.

Nothing is good or bad. Minds tend to want to place values on people and circumstances. But the truth is things either effect us positively or negatively. What may be a positive thing for one may not be a positive thing for another.

If you are continually frustrated by your boyfriend, then you are the one with the issue. He doesn't have to change for you and you have no right to expect him to.

What right you do have is to take ownership for how you feel, and how you want to feel.

If how you feel is unhappy, and that is because of his lack of consideration for your feelings, then it is up to you to simply acknowledge that thought and move on.

When you finally own the idea that you create the life you want by taking responsibility for walking towards what "feels" positive rather than wading in what feels negative, your inner vibrations will change, and the universe can finally bring to you more positive relationships; what you are offering from the inside out will always match what you manifest in the physical.
The choice is yours.

If your focus is always outside of you, you are not "tuning" into your own channel long enough to recognize your own vibration.

Spend quiet time alone with your thoughts and start changing you, rather than trying to control everyone else.

It works...I swear...and I love you...

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Am Addicted to Feeling Needed

Dear "I am addicted to feeling needed",

I hear you...In you there is this urge to seek those who are wounded. We want to rush in, wrap our hearts around others and make them feel better. Superficially we tell ourselves its all about them-the person we are intending to help. But the truth is-that's a lie.

When we find ourselves continually attracting the broken hearted, or the drug addicts, or the financially burdened-when we continually attract those who just cannot seem to get their lives together, there needs to be a moment of clarity in which we are able to step out of ourselves and see the big picture. It is necessary and quite possible that we embrace the gift of allowing, and "allow" our minds to see our lives as if we were watching it on the big screen, detached from the emotional strings of the circumstance.

Often the "addicted to feeling needed", complain about how hard they try to get others to change. They know in their hearts they are right and if so and so just did what they told them to do, so and so's life would change, and get better. The "addicted to feeling needed", tell themselves how good they are for sticking around. They find a sense of self worth by throwing themselves onto the hot coals of someone else's garbage. They believe they are martyrs for how hard they try to get others to get their lives on track. But, again, its all a lie.

When we have crossed that line, and have begun caring more about what others need and think, than what we need and think, we have gone too far. Never is it okay to care more about others needs than our own, to the point where we feel used, depressed, violated, unappreciated, guilty, or angry. If you are helping someone to the point where you have begun experiencing negative, toxic emotions by aiding someone, you are surely simply attracting more of those negative feelings into your life {vibrational energy}.

Okay...really hear through my words what I am trying to teach you. The best teachers are those who have experienced what it is they are trying to teach. I have been there. I have been addicted to feeling needed and to people pleasing. It sucks...let me help...

The only reason you were created was to feel joy. Joy, happiness, and peace are your birthright. But can you experience joy, and know that happiness is yours if you do not first love, and respect your own unique self?

Is it possible to attract positivity, if ones own self image is negative? It is not...

In order to be happy in this life, it is essential to become selfish...but not in a "Now I don't care about anyone else but me" spirit. Instead, when I say selfish I mean, learning to get quiet enough so that you can begin hearing your own voice-your own inner guide-your own spirit-your own vibrational energy.

If you are addicted to feeling needed, you are out of step with your creator-what made you you. You are out of vibrational frequency with positive energy. In you is a knowing...in you are the answers...in you is your truth, but you have been taught to "de-value" your self, and so you can no longer hear your own voice.

When you were little, perhaps you were ignored psychologically. Perhaps your caretakers put you down, or simply never showed up the way your soul needed it to. When we are taught that what we need is unimportant, we are taught that what others need and think is far more valuable than what we feel about ourselves. It then becomes nearly impossible to tune ourselves into our own inner positive vibration, because we were never taught to listen to our own self.

Out of step parents unaware to their own needs, create disharmony within children. Negativity is then transferred from parent to child, and unfairly children are programmed to be out of sync with who they truly are. Rather than be nurtured positively, and taught to stay in tune with who they are, children are abused, ignored, abandoned and thus grow under clouds of depression, anger, sadness, loneliness, despair, confusion, and self doubt. All these negative emotions create negative energy within the child, and so "love of self" is a foreign concept.

It was your parents job to help you honor "you". But if they didn't, chances are that is because they do not honor their true spirits. They may honor money, prestige, power, control, drugs, or manipulating others into doing what they want them to do...but that is not of "spirit". That is of the physical which is purely ego.

When I was addicted to feeling needed, I was looking to be validated for my good works. I did not know how to satisfy my own spirit by my own self praise. I did not know how to look within, and to connect with the fact that I, me-Lisa Champion {my birth name} was created by the same energy that created the heavens, and the oceans. I did not know that I was as important as every creature and any creature that walked the earth. I did not realize that keeping myself small, I did nothing to improve the world in which I live. I did not appreciate that my voice mattered, and that I could change the world, even the world of one person, for the better. I did not know then, that loving myself first was not selfish, in a bad way. I did not know that in order to truly love others, I first had to learn to honor and love my "self".

Being addicted to being needed means you are looking for worth in the sacrifices you make for others. It means you attract needy people for your own ego based needs.

The ego will lie to you and tell you you need to be better than everyone else. It will do all it can to keep you from truth. The truth is you are no more important nor are you any less important than anyone else. We are all equal.

The ego doesn't want you to embrace that knowledge because when you do, it dies.

The ego does not want to die. It wants to inflate itself, and will manipulate circumstances in which opportunities are created in where the ego gets to feel big. If you continually seek others who need you, your ego gets to complain, whine, yell, and pout over the sacrifices you have made for the sake of others.

What would happen if you let that all go? What would happen if you let someone fall instead of running to protect or save them? What would happen to your ego if it had no pity party to reign at? What would happen in your mind if you no longer had phone calls to make that consisted of you crying over how hard you try to be good and to help others?

If the rescuing stopped, where would the ego go?

If you are strong enough to see the truth in what I have written, you may be strong enough to handle letting go of rescuing others completely. You are the one with the problem. Your energy is attracting its vibrational match. Unless you change the energy within you, expect more of what you have been attracting thus far.

When you learn to see how manipulating your need to be needed is, you will understand that that is why you keep getting manipulated. Your rescuing is manipulating ego praise and faulty self worth from others. And your manipulating will attract manipulators. Its that simple. And it is the law of attraction. What you give out you always get back.

If you want love, first be love.

If you want peace, first be peace.

If you want generosity, be generous.

If you want to be praised, praise.

If you want to be loved for who you are, then love who you are.

If you want to be accepted, first accept who you are.

If you want positivity, be positive.

If you do not want to be needed, stop needing.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to Make The Law of Attraction Work For You

In order to have the Law of Attraction work for you, you must first design your desires.

The Law of Attraction will never fail. If you are insecure, expect situations to show up that will reinforce that which you focus upon. If you focus on having a big belly, expect to see beautiful tiny waists about you throughout your days to help remind you of how large your waist is. You will attract this form of "reminding" simply by staying tuned into what you do not have.

If you want a smaller waist line, then you first must see yourself in a smaller waist size. You must desire having a smaller waist to the point where you can feel what it feels like to be slimmer and more tone. When you do this, the law of attraction will then attract to you situations, people and even foods into your consciousness that will help you get what you desire. But if instead you focus on what you don't want, you get more of what you don't want. The trick is to focus upon what you do want....and to create enough energy about feeling good about what you do want, that the law of attraction has an easier time matching you up with your desires.

The energy you exude is the only energy that can come back to you. Much like a bank account in which you can only expect to receive what you have deposited, so to is it with energy.

If you are a complainer, expect to find things to complain about. People will disappoint you. You will hit every red traffic light. Your boss will pass you over when it is time to promote employees, and yes....maybe your spouse may even cheat on you.

If you are a manipulator, expect to feel manipulated, and expect to be manipulated.

If you are greedy, expect to find reasons not to be giving, and for others to not give to you.

If you expect to be given to, then you must understand it is you who must find the energy within you to be giving.

If you want to be understood, first seek to understand.

When your energy is one that is giving and is generous, then the vibrations of energy you put out into the world will need to find vibrational matches for that giving. In your physical place, you can then rest in knowing that your prosperity is coming. The laws that govern the universe cannot work any other way. We all match whatever vibration we are sending out.

My life has been dedicated to helping others find ways to "know their own minds". My website, http://www.healingtheselfwell.com is my story.

My life has been about an unfolding. My life and all its troubles is a factual representation of the law of attraction. What was put into me through childhood programming is what was coming out of me. When my thoughts about the world were forming did I know it was faulty programming? No of course not. I was a child, and I was innocent.

The negative energy that lived in my parents, they unknowingly breathed into me. And as i ventured out into life, I breathed out only what was deposited into me. I however was unaware consciously that this was happening.

On my journey, and through the book I wrote, "The Road Back To Me", I have discovered that for me, I had to go back and unravel what had been done to me as a child. I had to understand completely and fully where my thoughts originated and why they were there. I could not just close my eyes and want things to be better. I needed to know why I was where I was. For me I needed to completely wipe the slate clean and start over.

It is eleven years since the first time my ex husband left. While I thought I was smart just two months ago, I am thrilled in knowing I was wrong. Okay, maybe I was pretty smart a few months ago, and for sure I am smarter and wiser than I was eleven years ago, but today I know I am certainly even smarter than I was 8 weeks ago.

You see, I am still growing. I am still learning. And I feel in my spirit the knowing that the best is yet to come. I get it. It was necessary for me to learn how to detangle all my heart, so that I could be effective in helping others detangle their sorrows. In my heart it was my greatest desire to help others, and true to the law of attraction, in my work this is precisely what I have been doing. I simply help others detangle the woes that are swirling in their heads in the earnest hope of helping them find clarity so that they can begin choosing wiser thoughts and thus begin creating more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

But folks, my desires are changing. True it will always be my hearts desire to help souls wherever I go, but I cannot help but feel it is time to up the anty.

I have been wanting to help others for so long. But now I want more...I desire to travel. I desire to speak to large crowds of people who need to be shown a way out of their confusion. I desire to have more money in order to be able to see and appreciate this planets beauty. I desire to take my children on my trips and to infuse them with the same love I have for nature and the awesomeness of its authenticity. I desire to have so much money that I can drive the car of my dreams, live in the homes I see myself in, and to have money enough to secure my children's financial future as well as mine. I desire money because I know that this physical place our physical bodies exist in requires this paper in order to acquire the things I desire of the physical.

Its coming...I can feel it...but I also know that my attitude towards money must be in alignment with what I desire.

For me to desire lots of money so that I can travel, I must align myself with what it feels like to have so much money that it feels as if the money has already shown up. That means being more giving. That means seeking ways in which to release money so that I can experience what it feels like to have so much money that there is nothing to worry about. That means I must release all my worries about money and act and feel as if what I want I already have.

I have already begun.

When I am asked to donate to a cause, I give freely. When the veteran that stands outside of Waldbaums is handing out his poppies looking for a donation, I always stop my car and stick some rolled up cash into his can. When it comes time to pay my bills, I do so with a grateful heart. I am happy I have the money to keep that company in business. When my daughter asks for a new pair of shoes, and I feel she is deserving of them, I do so happily. When I see a person in need, I stop and give them cash releasing my need to feel like I can't afford to be giving. Because the law of attraction is working I now know that in order to have my physical life be a manifestation of what I truly want, I first must conceive it, focus up on it, and feel as if what I want, is...already....

Life is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Osama Bin Laden and The Law of Attraction

What we think we create. If I want a slice of pizza, I first must feel a sense for that slice of pizza. Then thoughts are born to help me get the slice of pizza I am feeling I want to eat. The vibrations within me set off a series of events that help me get from what I am feeling and thinking, into actions and physical behaviors that help me satisfy that thing I was thinking about. In this case it is a slice of pizza.

The Law of Attraction never fails. What I want and focus on I always get. If I want a slice of pizza and focus my thoughts and energy upon that want, I will find myself performing actions that will bring me into alignment with what needs to take place to get me to that slice of pizza.

Taking this concept into account, I would like you to think about how the Law of Attraction can be used in a negative way.

Osama Bin Laden was a man whose mind was consumed by the need to harm others. In his minds eye lived desires to destroy anyone who opposed his ideals. In him was energy of destruction. His thoughts focused upon death, and while his physical body walked this planet, destructive energy flowed through him. His distorted perception of his purpose infused him so, he was able to convince others to walk with him in his malicious energy, to continue to carry out terror on our planet. As his thoughts of hate grew, so did his hateful energy. As his energy of hate grew, it infected those around him. The Law of Attraction is as true for malicious intent as it is for holy intent. It is in the eye of the beholder that determines distinction. In Osama Bin Laden's mind, his purpose was holy.

What we think we create. If he believed in what he was thinking, then it was his destiny to create the terror he inflicted.

His death he attracted unto himself.

The fear he found himself shroud in by needing to stay hidden in Pakistan, he brought to himself.

The terror that lived in his heart, because there was a bounty on his head, he brought to himself.

What Osama Bin Laden thought about he created in his lifetime, as well as in his death.

The good news is that because of Osama Bin Laden's, and because of the terror they create through the Law of Attraction, those of us whose intent is to spread love in the peaceful sense, have opportunities to show empathy, support, kindness and compassion to others and in return stir the pot of The Law of Attraction knowing we are sewing seeds of goodness in our own spiritual gardens.

Lady Gaga And The Law of Attraction

I just finished watching Lady Gaga on a quick video clip. In it she was giving the American Idol contestants pointers. While watching Lady Gaga I was struck by the intensity of her focus. Watching Lady Gaga was like witnessing a laser hone in on its subject.

In her eyes, in her voice and in the way she moved her body, I could tell Lady Gaga was "tuned" into not only her own vibrational enormity, but to the contestants she was trying to coach as well.

She urged them to "feel" the words and to perform the story behind the words. In essence, what she was asking them to do was to come into "alignment" with the energy of the song, in hopes that that energy would transform their talents from good, to extraordinary.

My mind could not help but be impressed with Lady Gaga's innate ability to be true to herself and to the energy that flows through her. She is unabashed by the opinions of others and devours her instincts. She is open to what is and is blessed in her allowing of energy transference; meaning that Lady Gaga knows who she is, and rather than minimize or tone that which she is, she is a wide open faucet that is accepting of the energy that she is; source energy; divinity.

For some people the Law of Attraction is just a simple phrase. It is likened to Karma; do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Often I have heard less than aware minds use the phrase as freely as one would say "How are you?", never earnestly concerned about how the person they asked the question truly was.

But the Law of Attraction is far more powerful and real and intense than most realize. If you look at the most public of figures today; the ones that make the headlines, and if you follow their history what you will see is the unfolding of the power of The Law of Attraction.

Lady Gaga is now known all over the world. In a few short years she has raced to the top of the music industry in record speed. How can this be? How can someone so young be so successful in such a short amount of time?

Lady Gaga is not from another planet. She does not have famous influential parents. So what is it that Lady Gaga possesses that most of us do not.

Lady Gaga is in touch with what makes her who she is. Who she is is a visual performer. Who she is is a creative soul. Who she is is an individualist. Who she is is a soul in love with her own talents. Who she is is a woman who is in flow with the energy that has created her. Who she is is someone who is allowing that energy to flow through every cell and every thought and every action in her body. She is a manifestation of source energy, or as some others would choose to call divinity.

Her passion is not selfish or self serving. She is a performer who wishes us all to be who we are, and to embrace who we were born to be.

This conservative yet open minded single mother of three, has nothing but admiration and appreciation for the embodiment that Lady Gaga is. For those brave enough to open their minds and to see past the wigs and thick feline stenciled eyeliner, you will be enlightened by her authentic representation of source energy, divinity, awareness, and energy alignment.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It is said that each of us has a certain vibration. When we say that we do or do not like the "vibe"of someone we know, we are referring to the energy that person is giving off. We know that energy can be either positive or negative. If we believe this to be true, then it is fair to say that energy, which can be determined through vibrations can be either positive or negative. We know that we are energy beings, whose musculoskeletal systems and cardiac rhythms are powered by electrically charged minerals in our bodies. And so we can safely assume that we are in fact "energy beings" who carry with us a certain vibrational field.

What is within us will dictate what is outside of us. If our thoughts are negative, then it is correct to assume that what is happening in our "real time" is going to be negative. If the eyes through which I view my world are tainted by anger, resentment, self pity, worry, obsession, guilt or addiction, then I will only be able to "see" those things in my environment which support what I am feeling inside.

If a man is angry at his wife, his eyes will not see the time she put into making him a meal. His internal dialogue will effect how he perceives his reality and he will only see that she did not remember to put his favorite fork beside his full dinner plate.

If a woman is resenting her husband, she will not see that his working overtime is for the vacation he has planned for her at the end of the month. Her "feelings" will taint her perception and she will only feel slighted when he finally walks through the front door after a long tedious day of work.

Feelings can be controlled. But far too often we do not use the ability we humans have to force our "feelings" to work for us.

Being happy, grateful, peaceful, and content are not emotions that just show up.

In order to be happy, grateful and content, we must decide to be so and change our vibrations from within.

It is possible to cause our vibrational energy to be positive and to override any impulse to be negative. All we have to do is choose what thoughts our minds want to hold, and then fixate on feeling good.

Daydreaming about feeling good causes the vibrational energies inside of us to shift. And whenever we shift our vibrational energy from one of sadness to joy, we then effect the world at large by adding to its positive energy field.

At our core is a perfect positive energy source. At any time we can tap into that source and connect with all that is good in this world. But we cannot unless we choose to do so...

If you close your eyes and imagine everything you ever wanted, your energy will become more positive and when it does, you force the universe to align with your desires.

The opposite is also true. If you are hopeless, you will draw from the universe all that is hopeless and what you think about and what you feel will in fact show up.

The key to happiness is to be happiness...right here and right now...