Teaching others 'how to heal and transform' their lives. Healing is not about thinking happy thoughts. It is about learning 'how to change' the thoughts, and the dysfunctional childhood programming that is stored in our subconscious minds.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
How To See The Good In Any Bad
If I could bring you back in time, to the point of your physical creation, and I could somehow make you feel what it was your tiny soul felt while wading in the miraculous fluid that filled your mothers womb, what you would remember is an intense bliss. In every cell of your being, you would have known life was good, that you were good, and that nothing else could have mattered.
If I could bring you back in time, to the point of your physical birth, and I could somehow make you remember how your tiny soul felt, while being swaddled in your mothers arms, what you would remember is a feeling of complete wholeness and blissfulness. In every cell of your being you would have known that the only thing that mattered was this good feeling.
If when things went wrong in your life today, I could somehow take you back in time, to the point of your physical creation or the point of your physical birth, and I could somehow get you to see whatever bad you were experiencing now, through the eyes of those blissful moments in time, the bad would disintegrate like a grain of sugar in a hot cup of tea.
If you could learn to see your life today through the non physical eyes of your source, there would be very little you could label as bad, not good, ugly, or frustrating. When you learn to remember the good that created you, and when remember how blissful your beginning was, you allow yourself to be freed of the unnecessary pain that can only be born out of pure physical.
My friend, the only time it is possible to feel pain, to see bad, or to experience negative emotion is when we are disconnected from the non-physical perfect source created being that we are. We are non-physical, vibrational beings first, before we are physical beings. We think before we act, which is to say we are in thought (non-physical) before we are in action (physical).
We too were non-physical beings (source) before we were physical beings (human). Nothing else makes sense.
Before anything can ever be, it first must be a vibration. If it were possible for you to see things through the eyes of creation, it would be impossible to not see the good in all things, including what most unawakened minds would consider bad things. If humans see bad at all, it is because they have forgotten their true nature. Our true nature is bliss.
If I could bring you back in time, to the point of your physical birth, and I could somehow make you remember how your tiny soul felt, while being swaddled in your mothers arms, what you would remember is a feeling of complete wholeness and blissfulness. In every cell of your being you would have known that the only thing that mattered was this good feeling.
If when things went wrong in your life today, I could somehow take you back in time, to the point of your physical creation or the point of your physical birth, and I could somehow get you to see whatever bad you were experiencing now, through the eyes of those blissful moments in time, the bad would disintegrate like a grain of sugar in a hot cup of tea.
If you could learn to see your life today through the non physical eyes of your source, there would be very little you could label as bad, not good, ugly, or frustrating. When you learn to remember the good that created you, and when remember how blissful your beginning was, you allow yourself to be freed of the unnecessary pain that can only be born out of pure physical.
My friend, the only time it is possible to feel pain, to see bad, or to experience negative emotion is when we are disconnected from the non-physical perfect source created being that we are. We are non-physical, vibrational beings first, before we are physical beings. We think before we act, which is to say we are in thought (non-physical) before we are in action (physical).
We too were non-physical beings (source) before we were physical beings (human). Nothing else makes sense.
Before anything can ever be, it first must be a vibration. If it were possible for you to see things through the eyes of creation, it would be impossible to not see the good in all things, including what most unawakened minds would consider bad things. If humans see bad at all, it is because they have forgotten their true nature. Our true nature is bliss.
How To Be Happy Now
In so many ways we tell ourselves we are not enough. We find ourselves wishing for more, and often those feelings leave us feeling helpless, hopeless, or dissatisfied.
My prayer for you is that in those moments when you are feeling down and out, close your eyes, and visualize all the wonderful things that are in your life that are right right now.
You are perfect right where you are. Ten minutes of soothing music, with your mind active with visions of those things and those people you love, will help clear negativity from you.
On this day, I feel like the luckiest woman alive. I have so much to be grateful for, and sometimes I feel like wanting more is wrong. But it is not, as long as I remember to love and show deep appreciation for where it is I am.
My prayer for you is that in those moments when you are feeling down and out, close your eyes, and visualize all the wonderful things that are in your life that are right right now.
You are perfect right where you are. Ten minutes of soothing music, with your mind active with visions of those things and those people you love, will help clear negativity from you.
On this day, I feel like the luckiest woman alive. I have so much to be grateful for, and sometimes I feel like wanting more is wrong. But it is not, as long as I remember to love and show deep appreciation for where it is I am.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
How Can I Make A Man Fall In Love With Me
Yes, believe it or not, I have been asked this question too. "Lisa how can I make any man fall in love with me?"
It seems like a silly question, but in the juice of it is a woman who is still seeking outside of herself the acceptance she should be seeking within.
For any woman, or man for that matter to ask or to contemplate such a question is to imply that the asker of the question is not in love with their own Self.
If the thinker of such a question is under the delusion that there is some hokey pokey mumbo jumbo answer to this idea, then it is safe to presume the asker is one who seeks many answers to many questions outside of him/her Self. Therefore the thinker will, unless a conscious shift is made, perpetually seek outside of their own Self for happiness. This will leave the thinker frustrated, exhausted, and in search of, rather than an owning of ones own Self, love and happiness. And the thinker will ultimately blame those outside of him/her own Self for the lack of love they feel within.
Am I making sense here folks???
But for the hell of it, I am going to answer the question posed.
If you want a man, or a woman to fall in love with you, you first must fall in love with your Self.
Think law of attraction.
Non physical, which is the "feelings and or thoughts" you feel within you, must manifest in the physical, or in your time space reality.
If you find love right where you are within you, and begin by respecting your body through exercise and nutrition, and if you respect your mind through meditation, reading or writing, and if you absorb your Self with things and interests that delight you, love must show up in your physical reality.
But if you disrespect your body by polluting it with excessive amounts of fat and sugar, and if you dishonor your mind by giving thought to ideas of anger, frustration, victim-hood and blame, and if you do not seek to find things in your environment that delight you on the inside,then please do not muddy the waters any further by expecting anything but a partner that also pollutes and disrespects his/her body, plays the victim, and has no outside interests aside from looking to you to make him/her happy.
Whatever amount of love you now hold for your Self, will draw to you a partner that can only love you that much. Your beliefs of your Self, magnetically draw to you the vibrational match of partners.
If you are in a chaotic time in your life right now, you will attract a partner of chaotic energy. If you are wanting a distraction, then your partner will be so confusing to you, you will find yourself distracted by their chaotic beliefs, thinking and behaviors.
If you are unhappy with you, your partner will do things that reinforce that energy you feel within you. If you dishonor your own Self, expect your partner to dishonor you...There are no victims here, only co-creators.
When you want more, your belief in more must increase. And when your wants build enough energy so that they can become unconscious beliefs, you then begin attracting partners that reflect those new beliefs back to you. It can be no other way.
Keep playing the victim, keep blaming others, and expect others to continually victimize you while you stand there pointing your finger at the world, drawing your last breath, "Look what they've done to me"...
Gimmee a break...
So unless you are content with the love that is showing up in your partner, it is time to start loving you...and time to stop seeking love of Self.
Yes, believe it or not, I have been asked this question too. "Lisa how can I make any man fall in love with me?"
It seems like a silly question, but in the juice of it is a woman who is still seeking outside of herself the acceptance she should be seeking within.
For any woman, or man for that matter to ask or to contemplate such a question is to imply that the asker of the question is not in love with their own Self.
If the thinker of such a question is under the delusion that there is some hokey pokey mumbo jumbo answer to this idea, then it is safe to presume the asker is one who seeks many answers to many questions outside of him/her Self. Therefore the thinker will, unless a conscious shift is made, perpetually seek outside of their own Self for happiness. This will leave the thinker frustrated, exhausted, and in search of, rather than an owning of ones own Self, love and happiness. And the thinker will ultimately blame those outside of him/her own Self for the lack of love they feel within.
Am I making sense here folks???
But for the hell of it, I am going to answer the question posed.
If you want a man, or a woman to fall in love with you, you first must fall in love with your Self.
Think law of attraction.
Non physical, which is the "feelings and or thoughts" you feel within you, must manifest in the physical, or in your time space reality.
If you find love right where you are within you, and begin by respecting your body through exercise and nutrition, and if you respect your mind through meditation, reading or writing, and if you absorb your Self with things and interests that delight you, love must show up in your physical reality.
But if you disrespect your body by polluting it with excessive amounts of fat and sugar, and if you dishonor your mind by giving thought to ideas of anger, frustration, victim-hood and blame, and if you do not seek to find things in your environment that delight you on the inside,then please do not muddy the waters any further by expecting anything but a partner that also pollutes and disrespects his/her body, plays the victim, and has no outside interests aside from looking to you to make him/her happy.
Whatever amount of love you now hold for your Self, will draw to you a partner that can only love you that much. Your beliefs of your Self, magnetically draw to you the vibrational match of partners.
If you are in a chaotic time in your life right now, you will attract a partner of chaotic energy. If you are wanting a distraction, then your partner will be so confusing to you, you will find yourself distracted by their chaotic beliefs, thinking and behaviors.
If you are unhappy with you, your partner will do things that reinforce that energy you feel within you. If you dishonor your own Self, expect your partner to dishonor you...There are no victims here, only co-creators.
When you want more, your belief in more must increase. And when your wants build enough energy so that they can become unconscious beliefs, you then begin attracting partners that reflect those new beliefs back to you. It can be no other way.
Keep playing the victim, keep blaming others, and expect others to continually victimize you while you stand there pointing your finger at the world, drawing your last breath, "Look what they've done to me"...
Gimmee a break...
So unless you are content with the love that is showing up in your partner, it is time to start loving you...and time to stop seeking love of Self.
Why Do Men Cheat
I have never been asked one question as often as I have this one.
"Lisa, tell me. In your opinion why do men cheat?"
If you read between the lines, what is being revealed in this question is really nothing more than one woman's, or many women's expectation of men. Sadly we live in a culture that seems to presume it is impossible for men NOT to cheat. It is as if in many ways, society cannot separate man from beast. We can send men to the moon, and transmit words through airwaves, but we can't seem to raise the bar on man's ability to control his primal impulse. It is as if because men secrete testosterone, they are given a pass or an excuse for not being able to keep their penis's in their pants.
The truth is, what a man thinks he is, he is. If a man believes he cannot not cheat, this man will likely cheat. His beliefs will attract thoughts, and situations that will reinforce that belief.
If on the other hand, this man uses his complete conscious mind, and chooses to confront that old societal belief, he can change that belief. Men can shove themselves into one vat, and draw parallels between themselves and silver back gorilla's, or they can expect more from themselves instead. Either way, the law of attraction will be at play.
As a man thinks, so shall he become. And thinking by the way, is a choice.
Females also play a role in why men cheat or why they seem to find themselves in relationships with men that cheat.
Women will tell me they never expected their spouse to cheat. They will claim they were shocked to discover their spouses were being unfaithful. But after sitting and talking to them more openly it is usually revealed that on various levels the women did not trust their spouses.
Perhaps it had to do with money, or where their spouses really were when they said they were working late, or how their mates reacted when an attractive woman entered a room, but in every case the women I spoke to could trace back a moment in time when they found themselves wrestling with feelings of trust when it came to the men in their lives.
This observation in no way is meant to imply that women cause their spouses to cheat. This article is however meant to stir ones thinking about what it is they THINK, about their mate, and more importantly what they think about themselves.
If at anytime a person ignores, denies or suppresses feelings or thoughts that question their trust in another, this disowning will eventually, as it gets played out lead to more destructive circumstances in the relationship, like an affair.
It is difficult for the unconscious and lacking self aware mind to imagine that she may have been part of the co-creating that manifested such circumstances in her marriage. This is not to imply blame on one spouse for the lack of integrity of the other. But the reality is, if there is a lack of integrity in the mind, there will be a lack of integrity in the physical. The non physical, always matches the physical.
Whether it is a lack of personal integrity of the man, or a lack of self respect in the woman, either road can only lead to destruction.
What I would like my readers to contemplate is deeper thinking, and thus embrace a broader view of the situation.
Imagine you are the woman who has been cheated on. Imagine it is your husband who exhibited complete disregard and or integrity for your feelings. Now ask your Self, from an observers vantage point, detached from anger, how many times you disregarded or showed a lack of integrity for your own feelings or worth in relation to your spouse. How often did you disown that gut feeling that made you feel he was lying to you? How often did you deny your right to your own feelings, and instead pretended like what you needed didn't matter? How often did your instincts tell you something was wrong and instead of confronting them, you ignored them?
If you tolerate a disowning of your own Self within the flesh that you are, and if you invite those into your life that show no respect for you, or your feelings, you cannot expect your daily life to reveal or manifest anything less.
Okay, so you wanna know why men cheat. Here it goes.
Some men cheat because they believe it is impossible for a man not to cheat. Some men cheat because they get bored with their wives and the routine of marriage. Some men cheat because they are insecure and need constant ego gratification from outside themselves. Some men cheat because they aren't happy unless they are feeling like they are getting away with something they shouldn't. Some men cheat because they fear aging and think a newer piece of ass means they aren't getting older. Some men cheat because there is a slut in the room. Some men cheat because its a bachelor party and the hookers are already paid for, and hey what guy is going to rat out another guy after he's already been with one of the hookers. Some guys cheat because the distraction of the affair makes their day go by faster. But all men who cheat, don't believe they cannot NOT cheat...what a man thinks he is...he is...
Ladies, you lovely, nurturing, splendid peace seeking creatures that you are, here is my best advice to you...
Love your Self as if you were the only person left on this planet. Listen to music that gives you thrill bumps. Buy your own bouquets of flowers. Pick careers that fulfill you. Choose relationships that lift you rather than drain you. Learn to dance in the rain. Refuse to allow anger, blame, or regret to spend one more second in your body longer than necessary. Release any negative emotion as if they were helium filled balloons being whisked away by the sky. Spend time alone, without the television, radio, cell phone or Ipod, and like it. Meditate on things that make you smile, and wave at every tiny baby you see, because all that baby sees is the perfect smiling creature that you are. Revel in the knowing that you are a woman, a creator, and a maker of life. Know your own mind, and respect the guidance that comes from within. If you feel like enough is enough, then it is. Learn to walk away when necessary, and when its necessary to stay. Turn your eyes inward, and stop seeking validation from others. Know that a partnership is a gift, but if your partner doesn't see the gift that you are, you are better off single giving gifts to your Self.
When you have finally learned to love the magnificent being that you are, you will then attract to you a mate who also loves the magnificent being he is. He will see in you a reflection of his perfect Self. Perfect love of Self casts out all fear. When you learn to love your Self fearlessly, then and only then can you expect for a perfect love to manifest in your reality.
Ladies what you think you are, you are...
Peace,joy and love to you all...
"Lisa, tell me. In your opinion why do men cheat?"
If you read between the lines, what is being revealed in this question is really nothing more than one woman's, or many women's expectation of men. Sadly we live in a culture that seems to presume it is impossible for men NOT to cheat. It is as if in many ways, society cannot separate man from beast. We can send men to the moon, and transmit words through airwaves, but we can't seem to raise the bar on man's ability to control his primal impulse. It is as if because men secrete testosterone, they are given a pass or an excuse for not being able to keep their penis's in their pants.
The truth is, what a man thinks he is, he is. If a man believes he cannot not cheat, this man will likely cheat. His beliefs will attract thoughts, and situations that will reinforce that belief.
If on the other hand, this man uses his complete conscious mind, and chooses to confront that old societal belief, he can change that belief. Men can shove themselves into one vat, and draw parallels between themselves and silver back gorilla's, or they can expect more from themselves instead. Either way, the law of attraction will be at play.
As a man thinks, so shall he become. And thinking by the way, is a choice.
Females also play a role in why men cheat or why they seem to find themselves in relationships with men that cheat.
Women will tell me they never expected their spouse to cheat. They will claim they were shocked to discover their spouses were being unfaithful. But after sitting and talking to them more openly it is usually revealed that on various levels the women did not trust their spouses.
Perhaps it had to do with money, or where their spouses really were when they said they were working late, or how their mates reacted when an attractive woman entered a room, but in every case the women I spoke to could trace back a moment in time when they found themselves wrestling with feelings of trust when it came to the men in their lives.
This observation in no way is meant to imply that women cause their spouses to cheat. This article is however meant to stir ones thinking about what it is they THINK, about their mate, and more importantly what they think about themselves.
If at anytime a person ignores, denies or suppresses feelings or thoughts that question their trust in another, this disowning will eventually, as it gets played out lead to more destructive circumstances in the relationship, like an affair.
It is difficult for the unconscious and lacking self aware mind to imagine that she may have been part of the co-creating that manifested such circumstances in her marriage. This is not to imply blame on one spouse for the lack of integrity of the other. But the reality is, if there is a lack of integrity in the mind, there will be a lack of integrity in the physical. The non physical, always matches the physical.
Whether it is a lack of personal integrity of the man, or a lack of self respect in the woman, either road can only lead to destruction.
What I would like my readers to contemplate is deeper thinking, and thus embrace a broader view of the situation.
Imagine you are the woman who has been cheated on. Imagine it is your husband who exhibited complete disregard and or integrity for your feelings. Now ask your Self, from an observers vantage point, detached from anger, how many times you disregarded or showed a lack of integrity for your own feelings or worth in relation to your spouse. How often did you disown that gut feeling that made you feel he was lying to you? How often did you deny your right to your own feelings, and instead pretended like what you needed didn't matter? How often did your instincts tell you something was wrong and instead of confronting them, you ignored them?
If you tolerate a disowning of your own Self within the flesh that you are, and if you invite those into your life that show no respect for you, or your feelings, you cannot expect your daily life to reveal or manifest anything less.
Okay, so you wanna know why men cheat. Here it goes.
Some men cheat because they believe it is impossible for a man not to cheat. Some men cheat because they get bored with their wives and the routine of marriage. Some men cheat because they are insecure and need constant ego gratification from outside themselves. Some men cheat because they aren't happy unless they are feeling like they are getting away with something they shouldn't. Some men cheat because they fear aging and think a newer piece of ass means they aren't getting older. Some men cheat because there is a slut in the room. Some men cheat because its a bachelor party and the hookers are already paid for, and hey what guy is going to rat out another guy after he's already been with one of the hookers. Some guys cheat because the distraction of the affair makes their day go by faster. But all men who cheat, don't believe they cannot NOT cheat...what a man thinks he is...he is...
Ladies, you lovely, nurturing, splendid peace seeking creatures that you are, here is my best advice to you...
Love your Self as if you were the only person left on this planet. Listen to music that gives you thrill bumps. Buy your own bouquets of flowers. Pick careers that fulfill you. Choose relationships that lift you rather than drain you. Learn to dance in the rain. Refuse to allow anger, blame, or regret to spend one more second in your body longer than necessary. Release any negative emotion as if they were helium filled balloons being whisked away by the sky. Spend time alone, without the television, radio, cell phone or Ipod, and like it. Meditate on things that make you smile, and wave at every tiny baby you see, because all that baby sees is the perfect smiling creature that you are. Revel in the knowing that you are a woman, a creator, and a maker of life. Know your own mind, and respect the guidance that comes from within. If you feel like enough is enough, then it is. Learn to walk away when necessary, and when its necessary to stay. Turn your eyes inward, and stop seeking validation from others. Know that a partnership is a gift, but if your partner doesn't see the gift that you are, you are better off single giving gifts to your Self.
When you have finally learned to love the magnificent being that you are, you will then attract to you a mate who also loves the magnificent being he is. He will see in you a reflection of his perfect Self. Perfect love of Self casts out all fear. When you learn to love your Self fearlessly, then and only then can you expect for a perfect love to manifest in your reality.
Ladies what you think you are, you are...
Peace,joy and love to you all...
Saturday, July 23, 2011
How To Improve Self Esteem/And The Law of Attraction
Often when I mention the term 'the law of attraction', I am met with a confused eye. I get the impression that whom I am speaking to thinks that the law of attraction is some form of a new age religion or something close to it. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Since the "Secret" was released, many have been exposed to expanded ideas they otherwise may never have been exposed to. Our society seems to separate rather than integrate, as evidence in cultures, neighborhoods, government and religion. While culturally birds of a feather seem to flock together, the reality is beneath our skin, programming and conditioning, we are all the same.
Our government is branched and divided, as are our religions, who incredibly have all created gods to coincide with a particular cultures ideas of god. The question that haunts me however is, did god create man, or did man create god? And if we now, as modern, enormously intelligent advanced human beings, we do not question what we have been programmed to believe, and accept the same ideas of the not so modern or enormously intelligent minds of the past, how then will we ever truly discover the truth?
What is needed at this time is courage, open minded non judgements, and a dash of good old common sense.
What we need is a balanced blend of science, spirituality, and a basic understanding of human psychology.
Come on people-if we are all human beings, then we ALL came from the same source. If there is a god, he/she/it is a creator, and created us all. Peel back our skin, break us down to the beginning and our existence can be found within the workings of an atom. Some religions will say we all began with Adam, but in my opinion it is simply two sides of the same coin. One side represents the non physical while the other represents the physical.
In addition, as a man thinks so shall he create. What a man reeps in his non physical mind or thoughts so shall he sow. The non physical is always equal to the physical result. An ill mind will create ill situations and manifestations in his physical life.
Your beginning is proven by science, and cannot be disputed. What is now even being recognized by science is the idea of intelligence or collective consciousness. If you research the quantum field and great minds like Plank and Einstein you will be amazed to discover that atoms are mostly a field of energy. In fact an atom is 99.999999999999 percent field of space energy. You are more field energy than you are a 'physical being made up of matter'. You are more a receiver and transmitter of energy than you are anything else.
Buddhism is founded on the ideas of emptiness, oneness, and the nature of reality.
Buddhism is not founded on the idea of a god. In fact, Buddha is the name given to human beings who have reached enlightenment, and choose to help spread the wisdom of enlightenment. Buddhism holds the ill thinking of man responsible for the chaos of the mans life, and teaches that the only way to heal an ill life is through connecting to ones true Self by way of meditation, pure thought, and discipline.
Science does not point to the idea of a god, yet it does now point to an intelligence or as Max Plank described,"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter". Science has now begun believing in the idea of consciousness, which is very similar to the Buddhist teachings of Nirvana or enlightenment. Nirvana is attained through becoming whole or one with the mind, which brings forth an appreciation for all that is and an understanding that all that is is also us.
It has been proven that just by observing an object you can change the nature of it. During the double slit experiment it was proven that when particles were unobserved they behaved like waves and had indefinite patterns and infinite possibility. But when the particles were observed the particles took on a finite number of patterns.
Stay with me folks!
Pull it all together. Use that magnificent mind of yours and THINK it through. Make the connections.
In the above experiment science has theorized that the observer of the experiment is likened to human consciousness.
Therefore when our minds are unobserved, like in a sleep state, our dream state is limitless. But when we awaken and become the observers of what is happening in our time and space, we then limit our possibilities.
This is because our BRAINS have been programmed to compartmentalize people, places and situations. We limit ourselves through our perceptions, which must pass through the filter of the ego.
The truth is we are limitless human intelligence. Unobserved, free from judgement and the desire to put ourselves and others into boxes, there truly is nothing we cannot achieve. This is a scientific fact proven in the double slit experiment. We, our projections effect our reality. We are the creators of our reality whether we believe we are or not. Your life is the result of the labels you have accepted by others, or given yourself, or by the meanings you have attached to yourself, others and or the things in your life.
There is a lot of information to digest in this article. But it is my belief, that if you pull it apart, ponder it, dissect it, and do your own research, you will come up with the same result that so many have.
Your potential is only limited by the thoughts you think.
Consider what Max Plank had to say about the force that created you; "All matter originates only by nature of a force. This force is created by an intelligence-a life force that requires only that we grow. Death, and disease is the non expansion of that energy gone awry".
You my dear are perfect. You are magnificent and if you believe in anything less it is because you have been programmed by others to believe in limits. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have. Your worth is not something you need to achieve or be good enough for. If you are suffering it is because you are not searching within for truth. Rather you avoid your shadow self, and choose to seek validation from other unenlightened human minds.
You are the observer, and you are being observed and projected upon by others. Just as when the instruments tried to observe the particles in the above mentioned double slit experiment, your conscious mind observes you and others and is projecting continually. What you "think" or what you "believe" alters what happens in your reality, and thus through the nature of the law of attraction, one thought will attract to it another thought of equal negative or positive charges.
If you choose to not search for happiness from within, you will not find enlightenment or peace, or joy, for your happiness will be based on something external.
You cannot seek self esteem or the love of self, from outside the self, also referred to by science as the force or the matrix.
Your only way to improve self esteem is by learning to embrace scientific truth. You are energy, and you are the observer and creator of your reality. You are writing the script that is your life.
Start now being more aware of what role you are playing in your drama. If you see yourself as a victim, expect the role you choose to come with many others who are willing to see you that way as well.
If you see yourself as helpless, expect others to see you and treat you that way as well.
You are not helpless. You have power within you, but unless you believe that you cannot change your life.
What you think you create. Do you know what you think?
Since the "Secret" was released, many have been exposed to expanded ideas they otherwise may never have been exposed to. Our society seems to separate rather than integrate, as evidence in cultures, neighborhoods, government and religion. While culturally birds of a feather seem to flock together, the reality is beneath our skin, programming and conditioning, we are all the same.
Our government is branched and divided, as are our religions, who incredibly have all created gods to coincide with a particular cultures ideas of god. The question that haunts me however is, did god create man, or did man create god? And if we now, as modern, enormously intelligent advanced human beings, we do not question what we have been programmed to believe, and accept the same ideas of the not so modern or enormously intelligent minds of the past, how then will we ever truly discover the truth?
What is needed at this time is courage, open minded non judgements, and a dash of good old common sense.
What we need is a balanced blend of science, spirituality, and a basic understanding of human psychology.
Come on people-if we are all human beings, then we ALL came from the same source. If there is a god, he/she/it is a creator, and created us all. Peel back our skin, break us down to the beginning and our existence can be found within the workings of an atom. Some religions will say we all began with Adam, but in my opinion it is simply two sides of the same coin. One side represents the non physical while the other represents the physical.
In addition, as a man thinks so shall he create. What a man reeps in his non physical mind or thoughts so shall he sow. The non physical is always equal to the physical result. An ill mind will create ill situations and manifestations in his physical life.
Your beginning is proven by science, and cannot be disputed. What is now even being recognized by science is the idea of intelligence or collective consciousness. If you research the quantum field and great minds like Plank and Einstein you will be amazed to discover that atoms are mostly a field of energy. In fact an atom is 99.999999999999 percent field of space energy. You are more field energy than you are a 'physical being made up of matter'. You are more a receiver and transmitter of energy than you are anything else.
Buddhism is founded on the ideas of emptiness, oneness, and the nature of reality.
Buddhism is not founded on the idea of a god. In fact, Buddha is the name given to human beings who have reached enlightenment, and choose to help spread the wisdom of enlightenment. Buddhism holds the ill thinking of man responsible for the chaos of the mans life, and teaches that the only way to heal an ill life is through connecting to ones true Self by way of meditation, pure thought, and discipline.
Science does not point to the idea of a god, yet it does now point to an intelligence or as Max Plank described,"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter". Science has now begun believing in the idea of consciousness, which is very similar to the Buddhist teachings of Nirvana or enlightenment. Nirvana is attained through becoming whole or one with the mind, which brings forth an appreciation for all that is and an understanding that all that is is also us.
It has been proven that just by observing an object you can change the nature of it. During the double slit experiment it was proven that when particles were unobserved they behaved like waves and had indefinite patterns and infinite possibility. But when the particles were observed the particles took on a finite number of patterns.
Stay with me folks!
Pull it all together. Use that magnificent mind of yours and THINK it through. Make the connections.
In the above experiment science has theorized that the observer of the experiment is likened to human consciousness.
Therefore when our minds are unobserved, like in a sleep state, our dream state is limitless. But when we awaken and become the observers of what is happening in our time and space, we then limit our possibilities.
This is because our BRAINS have been programmed to compartmentalize people, places and situations. We limit ourselves through our perceptions, which must pass through the filter of the ego.
The truth is we are limitless human intelligence. Unobserved, free from judgement and the desire to put ourselves and others into boxes, there truly is nothing we cannot achieve. This is a scientific fact proven in the double slit experiment. We, our projections effect our reality. We are the creators of our reality whether we believe we are or not. Your life is the result of the labels you have accepted by others, or given yourself, or by the meanings you have attached to yourself, others and or the things in your life.
There is a lot of information to digest in this article. But it is my belief, that if you pull it apart, ponder it, dissect it, and do your own research, you will come up with the same result that so many have.
Your potential is only limited by the thoughts you think.
Consider what Max Plank had to say about the force that created you; "All matter originates only by nature of a force. This force is created by an intelligence-a life force that requires only that we grow. Death, and disease is the non expansion of that energy gone awry".
You my dear are perfect. You are magnificent and if you believe in anything less it is because you have been programmed by others to believe in limits. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have. Your worth is not something you need to achieve or be good enough for. If you are suffering it is because you are not searching within for truth. Rather you avoid your shadow self, and choose to seek validation from other unenlightened human minds.
You are the observer, and you are being observed and projected upon by others. Just as when the instruments tried to observe the particles in the above mentioned double slit experiment, your conscious mind observes you and others and is projecting continually. What you "think" or what you "believe" alters what happens in your reality, and thus through the nature of the law of attraction, one thought will attract to it another thought of equal negative or positive charges.
If you choose to not search for happiness from within, you will not find enlightenment or peace, or joy, for your happiness will be based on something external.
You cannot seek self esteem or the love of self, from outside the self, also referred to by science as the force or the matrix.
Your only way to improve self esteem is by learning to embrace scientific truth. You are energy, and you are the observer and creator of your reality. You are writing the script that is your life.
Start now being more aware of what role you are playing in your drama. If you see yourself as a victim, expect the role you choose to come with many others who are willing to see you that way as well.
If you see yourself as helpless, expect others to see you and treat you that way as well.
You are not helpless. You have power within you, but unless you believe that you cannot change your life.
What you think you create. Do you know what you think?
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Law of Attraction and Science Fact
Back when I was in school, I was taught that an electron was the part of an atom that made its way around the atom in an orbital fashion. I can remember being told that the negative charge of the electron, and the positive charge of the protons within the nucleus of the atom, were in relation to one another, and that interaction between the positive and the negative is what was holding the atom together.
And I believed what I was told.
It turns out they were wrong.
Atoms are the fundamental thing that makes us what we are. If we were to dissect all that we are physically, at our basic, atomic level, we would be one singular atom.
An atom is 99.999999999999% empty space, therefore we are 99.999999999999% empty free space.
But how can that be?
In the center of an atom is a nucleus that holds protons, which are positively charged, and neutrons which have no charge. Outside the nucleus, are the atoms electrons which are negatively charged.
What scientist now know is that there is no orbit. You cannot plot the path of an electron. If you were to look at an atom on a screen, you would see that outside the nucleus of an atom is a circular, wide varied wave of a charge, rather than one particle (electron) orbiting the nucleus of the atom.
What the outside of the nucleus of the atom is, is empty charged space.
The range of the space cannot be measured. We do not and cannot predict the range of the atoms space in space or time space reality....
You are 99.999999999999% space...that is electrically charged...
If know anything about The Law of Attraction, and you know that like attracts like, you must learn to understand that this is science. It is not new age thinking. It is a universal and scientifically proven law.
Like charged particles attract like charged particles.
Elements in nature with the same number of protons are liken unto themselves.
If science is now correct, then you and I are 99.9999999999% electrically charged beings, and only a fraction of material matter.
If this is true, then our society is far far far away from valuing what it should be considering valuable.
If we are so little physical matter, then why do we fret so much about matter at all, for we are more electrically charged space, with the divine, supreme ability to summon our consciousness to an awakening that allows us the ability to imagine, and to dream the reality of our desires, and to attach positively charged emotions to those dreams, and thus, by the very nature of the law of attraction, draw into our physical experience the compliment of our dreams.
If all that is, at a fundamental atomic level is electrically charged 99.999999999999% space, then it can be no other way...We by absolute design create in our reality of time and space, by drawing to us what we believe with our conscious mind.
The question then becomes, What do you choose to believe?
And I believed what I was told.
It turns out they were wrong.
Atoms are the fundamental thing that makes us what we are. If we were to dissect all that we are physically, at our basic, atomic level, we would be one singular atom.
An atom is 99.999999999999% empty space, therefore we are 99.999999999999% empty free space.
But how can that be?
In the center of an atom is a nucleus that holds protons, which are positively charged, and neutrons which have no charge. Outside the nucleus, are the atoms electrons which are negatively charged.
What scientist now know is that there is no orbit. You cannot plot the path of an electron. If you were to look at an atom on a screen, you would see that outside the nucleus of an atom is a circular, wide varied wave of a charge, rather than one particle (electron) orbiting the nucleus of the atom.
What the outside of the nucleus of the atom is, is empty charged space.
The range of the space cannot be measured. We do not and cannot predict the range of the atoms space in space or time space reality....
You are 99.999999999999% space...that is electrically charged...
If know anything about The Law of Attraction, and you know that like attracts like, you must learn to understand that this is science. It is not new age thinking. It is a universal and scientifically proven law.
Like charged particles attract like charged particles.
Elements in nature with the same number of protons are liken unto themselves.
If science is now correct, then you and I are 99.9999999999% electrically charged beings, and only a fraction of material matter.
If this is true, then our society is far far far away from valuing what it should be considering valuable.
If we are so little physical matter, then why do we fret so much about matter at all, for we are more electrically charged space, with the divine, supreme ability to summon our consciousness to an awakening that allows us the ability to imagine, and to dream the reality of our desires, and to attach positively charged emotions to those dreams, and thus, by the very nature of the law of attraction, draw into our physical experience the compliment of our dreams.
If all that is, at a fundamental atomic level is electrically charged 99.999999999999% space, then it can be no other way...We by absolute design create in our reality of time and space, by drawing to us what we believe with our conscious mind.
The question then becomes, What do you choose to believe?
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Law Of Attraction And Its Link To Your Beliefs
You are a creator. You create in your thoughts first, and then it appears in your reality.
You do not recognize it as the law of attraction, because it seems too simple, these things you do so ordinarily on a daily basis, but it is the LOA whether you acknowledge that it is or not.
Have you ever wanted a specific type of sneaker? Have you ever found the exact pair of sneakers, bought them and then worn them? If you have, that is the Law of Attraction.
What first happened in your thoughts, you then created in your physical.
First what you were wanting was part of the non-physical; a thought, and then it was experienced in your reality as a physicality; a material thing.
If you did not BELIEVE it were possible for you to acquire those sneakers, then you would never have found them.
Your non belief would have cancelled your wanting of them, and thus would have killed the birthing of your desire.
If you are in an unhappy, violent relationship and do NOT believe you can leave it, then you will not.
Instead you will remain stuck and overwhelmed by all the negative energy that is being stagnated by your inability to pull your thinking forward towards more positive non physical thoughts. Without a belief for that which you are wanting, you cannot use the LOA effectively.
If you want something you do not believe you can do, or acquire, it can never be drawn to you...
What you create in your non physical (thoughts) will produce in the physical (reality in time space).
Science has proven that thoughts are magnetically charged, and that like attracts like.
Your time space reality is merely a mirror into your subconscious BELIEF system. If you live in a beautiful home, enjoy your job, have health, prosperity, and a fulfilling relationship, know this is a reflection of the relationship you have with your Self, or your inner being. It reflects a Self that has found love in its own beingness.
If your life is chaotic, unsettling, and if you are unhealthy, and in an dysfunctional relationship, it is because your relationship with your Self is chaotic, unsettled, unhealthy, and dysfunctional. Your lack of love for your Self, is being mirrored in your time space reality.
You do not recognize it as the law of attraction, because it seems too simple, these things you do so ordinarily on a daily basis, but it is the LOA whether you acknowledge that it is or not.
Have you ever wanted a specific type of sneaker? Have you ever found the exact pair of sneakers, bought them and then worn them? If you have, that is the Law of Attraction.
What first happened in your thoughts, you then created in your physical.
First what you were wanting was part of the non-physical; a thought, and then it was experienced in your reality as a physicality; a material thing.
If you did not BELIEVE it were possible for you to acquire those sneakers, then you would never have found them.
Your non belief would have cancelled your wanting of them, and thus would have killed the birthing of your desire.
If you are in an unhappy, violent relationship and do NOT believe you can leave it, then you will not.
Instead you will remain stuck and overwhelmed by all the negative energy that is being stagnated by your inability to pull your thinking forward towards more positive non physical thoughts. Without a belief for that which you are wanting, you cannot use the LOA effectively.
If you want something you do not believe you can do, or acquire, it can never be drawn to you...
What you create in your non physical (thoughts) will produce in the physical (reality in time space).
Science has proven that thoughts are magnetically charged, and that like attracts like.
Your time space reality is merely a mirror into your subconscious BELIEF system. If you live in a beautiful home, enjoy your job, have health, prosperity, and a fulfilling relationship, know this is a reflection of the relationship you have with your Self, or your inner being. It reflects a Self that has found love in its own beingness.
If your life is chaotic, unsettling, and if you are unhealthy, and in an dysfunctional relationship, it is because your relationship with your Self is chaotic, unsettled, unhealthy, and dysfunctional. Your lack of love for your Self, is being mirrored in your time space reality.
Pain And How To Transcend It
Speaking from a metaphysical point of view, if you can change your perception of pain, you can transcend it.
If you can change the meaning you have attached to pain and DETACH from the fear the human mind has learned to attach to pain, you can move beyond it.
If you were to thank pain for pointing out to you what area of your life you are needing to pay attention to, you would associate a good feeling to pain rather than a negative one like fear.
Pain is often not what holds people back from healing. Instead it is the fear and the whirlwind of attracting negative emotion through like thoughts that is ultimately what destroys the being and renders it assuming it is helpless.
If you can change the meaning you have attached to pain and DETACH from the fear the human mind has learned to attach to pain, you can move beyond it.
If you were to thank pain for pointing out to you what area of your life you are needing to pay attention to, you would associate a good feeling to pain rather than a negative one like fear.
Pain is often not what holds people back from healing. Instead it is the fear and the whirlwind of attracting negative emotion through like thoughts that is ultimately what destroys the being and renders it assuming it is helpless.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Enablers and How To Leave An Addict
If you are an enabler, then you are enabling whomever it is you are in a relationship with. If you are involved with an addict, you, as defined by your own definition are enabling that addiction.
If you truly believe this is so, you must fully and consciously become aware,(completely, drop the B/S of denial you may have been living in) that you are only helping the addict stay sick.
You have only one choice. Stop...stop doing whatever it is you are doing to help them stay sick. Stop lying, stop covering up, stop turning your head, stop rushing them to the ER, stop making excuses for why you are so overwhelmed, and most of all stop acting like how YOU feel doesn't matter.
Think about this...
You came into this world alone, and you will die alone...In your last moments on this physical earth, and as your physical being begins to shut down, your energy will be summoned out of your body. What should have been a life long journey that was full of joy, excitement, and new Self discoveries, will have been lost...because rather than seeking to find things that make you happy, you will have instead given all your attention to a sick brain...On top of that, in all the caring for that you thought you were doing, you did nothing more but help keep that brain sick...
Enablers, release your desire to control the actions of one who is sick...
Enablers, DETACH from the negative emotion of guilt, and wanting to control the other who is choosing his own destiny, and attracting to him only more negativity. By the power of the Law of Attraction, you are both, you and the addict attracting only more of what you are already experiencing. And until one of you shifts his/her point of focus, you can only attract more of what you are already getting.
Change your mind, and change the course of your life. It is law...
If you truly believe this is so, you must fully and consciously become aware,(completely, drop the B/S of denial you may have been living in) that you are only helping the addict stay sick.
You have only one choice. Stop...stop doing whatever it is you are doing to help them stay sick. Stop lying, stop covering up, stop turning your head, stop rushing them to the ER, stop making excuses for why you are so overwhelmed, and most of all stop acting like how YOU feel doesn't matter.
Think about this...
You came into this world alone, and you will die alone...In your last moments on this physical earth, and as your physical being begins to shut down, your energy will be summoned out of your body. What should have been a life long journey that was full of joy, excitement, and new Self discoveries, will have been lost...because rather than seeking to find things that make you happy, you will have instead given all your attention to a sick brain...On top of that, in all the caring for that you thought you were doing, you did nothing more but help keep that brain sick...
Enablers, release your desire to control the actions of one who is sick...
Enablers, DETACH from the negative emotion of guilt, and wanting to control the other who is choosing his own destiny, and attracting to him only more negativity. By the power of the Law of Attraction, you are both, you and the addict attracting only more of what you are already experiencing. And until one of you shifts his/her point of focus, you can only attract more of what you are already getting.
Change your mind, and change the course of your life. It is law...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Married Too Quickly
I was recently contacted by a reader who told me he thought he got married too quickly. He said that although he knew his bride for many years prior to their marriage, he was feeling that they married too quickly once they began planning a life together for the future.
He was concerned with the idea that he didn't feel like he and his bride had a real connection. He felt distant from her. He felt as if they were just coexisting. He felt as if there were no sparks between them.
What my reader was describing was the lack of "attracting" power between he and his wife. What this man is looking for is something "metaphysical". He is looking for a thing which cannot be seen, nor touched, but can only be felt in the emotional realm. Where is this emotional realm within us then? Where is this feeling place? Where is the piece of us that is looking to "feel" within us, that draws us to and repels us against others and things in our environment?
I am going to attempt to explain a very complex subject area in a very simple way...and believe you will have a greater understanding as well as an appreciation for that which you and I truly are.
At your core you are an atom.
At the core of all that you see, and don't see, like oxygen, is an atom.
An atom contains within it pure light or energy. That's all. It is a molecular balloon if you will that holds energy, opposed to water like a balloon. This space is within every cell of your body...every cell.
Within each molecular balloon is energy. That is your "feeling" place. Ever hear the phrase, "you lit up when you saw him"? Or what about, "you're glowing"? Ever feel sick to your stomach while watching something violent on television? Where was this place, or this thing within you that made you feel such repulsion? And notice I said "feel"...
We humans speak of emotions but rarely consider where they take place within us, or even what emotions are...
Your belief system, which is primarily your childhood programming and conditioning, plays a significant role in how you process the world around you...If you believe eating caterpillars is the way to get to heaven, then you will light up around caterpillars because that is your conditioning, while someone else would "feel" sick to their stomach watching you delight in the ingestion of such fuzzy yellow creatures.
Back to my reader.
Without him being able to objectively and without judgement uncover the beliefs that govern his thinking, he will never be able to know why it is he feels what he does.
If in his mind he hears the phrase, "I got married too quickly", then throughout the day he will attract ideas from his environment that support that uncovered belief. If he is hanging out with guys who are single, or if he is attracting other attractive women into his life, or if he is simply unable to make himself happy within the confines of a marital union, and on some unconscious level presumes it is his wife's duty to "make" him happy, he will continually find things to support those uncovered beliefs.
The first thing he must do is, know what he is thinking.
Then he must try to figure out why he thinks as he does. Have his friends been influencing him? Does he need to find a passion for a hobby of his own? Are his expectations of marriage unrealistic, or is his bride a truly draining, uninteresting person?
Until he comes to know what it is he is thinking, and until his core beliefs are unearthed, his life will continue to draw to him information that supports his thinking, through the law of attraction.
What ever you spend most of the time thinking about always shows up. It can be no other way. It is the law.
Know what you are thinking, and you can begin to draw to you that which you do want instead of that which you do not want.
He was concerned with the idea that he didn't feel like he and his bride had a real connection. He felt distant from her. He felt as if they were just coexisting. He felt as if there were no sparks between them.
What my reader was describing was the lack of "attracting" power between he and his wife. What this man is looking for is something "metaphysical". He is looking for a thing which cannot be seen, nor touched, but can only be felt in the emotional realm. Where is this emotional realm within us then? Where is this feeling place? Where is the piece of us that is looking to "feel" within us, that draws us to and repels us against others and things in our environment?
I am going to attempt to explain a very complex subject area in a very simple way...and believe you will have a greater understanding as well as an appreciation for that which you and I truly are.
At your core you are an atom.
At the core of all that you see, and don't see, like oxygen, is an atom.
An atom contains within it pure light or energy. That's all. It is a molecular balloon if you will that holds energy, opposed to water like a balloon. This space is within every cell of your body...every cell.
Within each molecular balloon is energy. That is your "feeling" place. Ever hear the phrase, "you lit up when you saw him"? Or what about, "you're glowing"? Ever feel sick to your stomach while watching something violent on television? Where was this place, or this thing within you that made you feel such repulsion? And notice I said "feel"...
We humans speak of emotions but rarely consider where they take place within us, or even what emotions are...
Your belief system, which is primarily your childhood programming and conditioning, plays a significant role in how you process the world around you...If you believe eating caterpillars is the way to get to heaven, then you will light up around caterpillars because that is your conditioning, while someone else would "feel" sick to their stomach watching you delight in the ingestion of such fuzzy yellow creatures.
Back to my reader.
Without him being able to objectively and without judgement uncover the beliefs that govern his thinking, he will never be able to know why it is he feels what he does.
If in his mind he hears the phrase, "I got married too quickly", then throughout the day he will attract ideas from his environment that support that uncovered belief. If he is hanging out with guys who are single, or if he is attracting other attractive women into his life, or if he is simply unable to make himself happy within the confines of a marital union, and on some unconscious level presumes it is his wife's duty to "make" him happy, he will continually find things to support those uncovered beliefs.
The first thing he must do is, know what he is thinking.
Then he must try to figure out why he thinks as he does. Have his friends been influencing him? Does he need to find a passion for a hobby of his own? Are his expectations of marriage unrealistic, or is his bride a truly draining, uninteresting person?
Until he comes to know what it is he is thinking, and until his core beliefs are unearthed, his life will continue to draw to him information that supports his thinking, through the law of attraction.
What ever you spend most of the time thinking about always shows up. It can be no other way. It is the law.
Know what you are thinking, and you can begin to draw to you that which you do want instead of that which you do not want.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Enablers-Those Who Care Too Much
We all know one. We all know someone who for whatever reason seems to feel like the weight of the world is on his/her shoulders. They are those amongst us who are forever scouring around town, running everyone else's errands and usually doing those things for others, that those others could certainly do for themselves.
Most often enabling is a term reserved for those who are involved with another who is chemically addicted. The term 'codependent' was coined a few decades ago to describe the 'emotional disease' that occurs between one who is addicted, and another who is not addicted. The emotional disease is one that requires two participants. One person pursues the other while the other partner tends to withdraw.
In the case of an alcoholic fueled codependent relationship, the pursuer is the one trying to control the alcoholic. The goal is to get the alcoholic to stop drinking. The pursuer is so aware that the alcoholic is ruining his/her life, that they become obsessed with taking care of the alcoholic to the extreme. The pursuer spends more time thinking about how to take care of the alcoholic than they do worrying about what it is they need themselves. The problem is, the more the enabler pursues the alcoholic, the more the alcoholic withdraws and begins to shut down.
On the surface enablers look like they are only doing what is right for the person they care about. But that would only be a smidgeon of the real story.
When we pay more attention to what others think than to what we think, the mirror reality of that, which is our inner truth is, we simply do not know what we think. In fact, we are so foreign to our own Selves, that we would prefer to busy ourselves taking care of someone else than to take care of our own needs.
Enablers have been programmed to believe that their worth is found in doing for others. Enablers were raised to worry more about what others think, want or need, than what they think, want or need. Enablers are those who live in fear of disappointing others, and who can easily anticipate the needs of others, all while having no real clue as to what it might be that may make them happy.
On a psychological level, enablers are looking for a reflection of Self in the validation of others. Their personal belief system is one that has been twisted through the generations. Never having been taught that they are enough, enablers chase that fleeting sense of Self in the reflections of validations drenched in the bitterness of martyrdom. Enablers do and do and do, until their hearts bleed, all in the name of love. But this is not authentic love. This is codependency. A game of cat and mouse.
Although enablers are very kind, empathetic and compassionate human beings, the truth is they are just as manipulating as the addict. Holding true to the Laws of Attraction which states; That which is liken to itself is drawn', enablers and addicts fit like a tailor made glove on a delicate hand.
Whenever we are trying to manipulate someone into doing for us what we believe they should do under the false premise, that others are responsible for our happiness, we cheapen our existence, and fail to rise to the level of Self Actualization that serves us as glorious human beings.
Addicts need help, but not from those who enable their dependency on others as well as chemicals. Addicts need to fall when they trip, and learn to get back up again of their own accord. Enablers need not hide their alcohol, follow them home from work, pay their credit card or cell phone bills, go through their emails, or stalk them on facebook. Instead, enablers need to stop seeking a pseudo sense of Self in the doing for others or in the excessive worrying for others.
The key to any successful and healthy relationship is to first master ones relationship with ones Self.
Most often enabling is a term reserved for those who are involved with another who is chemically addicted. The term 'codependent' was coined a few decades ago to describe the 'emotional disease' that occurs between one who is addicted, and another who is not addicted. The emotional disease is one that requires two participants. One person pursues the other while the other partner tends to withdraw.
In the case of an alcoholic fueled codependent relationship, the pursuer is the one trying to control the alcoholic. The goal is to get the alcoholic to stop drinking. The pursuer is so aware that the alcoholic is ruining his/her life, that they become obsessed with taking care of the alcoholic to the extreme. The pursuer spends more time thinking about how to take care of the alcoholic than they do worrying about what it is they need themselves. The problem is, the more the enabler pursues the alcoholic, the more the alcoholic withdraws and begins to shut down.
On the surface enablers look like they are only doing what is right for the person they care about. But that would only be a smidgeon of the real story.
When we pay more attention to what others think than to what we think, the mirror reality of that, which is our inner truth is, we simply do not know what we think. In fact, we are so foreign to our own Selves, that we would prefer to busy ourselves taking care of someone else than to take care of our own needs.
Enablers have been programmed to believe that their worth is found in doing for others. Enablers were raised to worry more about what others think, want or need, than what they think, want or need. Enablers are those who live in fear of disappointing others, and who can easily anticipate the needs of others, all while having no real clue as to what it might be that may make them happy.
On a psychological level, enablers are looking for a reflection of Self in the validation of others. Their personal belief system is one that has been twisted through the generations. Never having been taught that they are enough, enablers chase that fleeting sense of Self in the reflections of validations drenched in the bitterness of martyrdom. Enablers do and do and do, until their hearts bleed, all in the name of love. But this is not authentic love. This is codependency. A game of cat and mouse.
Although enablers are very kind, empathetic and compassionate human beings, the truth is they are just as manipulating as the addict. Holding true to the Laws of Attraction which states; That which is liken to itself is drawn', enablers and addicts fit like a tailor made glove on a delicate hand.
Whenever we are trying to manipulate someone into doing for us what we believe they should do under the false premise, that others are responsible for our happiness, we cheapen our existence, and fail to rise to the level of Self Actualization that serves us as glorious human beings.
Addicts need help, but not from those who enable their dependency on others as well as chemicals. Addicts need to fall when they trip, and learn to get back up again of their own accord. Enablers need not hide their alcohol, follow them home from work, pay their credit card or cell phone bills, go through their emails, or stalk them on facebook. Instead, enablers need to stop seeking a pseudo sense of Self in the doing for others or in the excessive worrying for others.
The key to any successful and healthy relationship is to first master ones relationship with ones Self.
No Longer Happily Married, But Still Married
If you are no longer finding yourself happily married, but still married you will be finding it difficult not to continually find fault in your mate.
Our intimate relationship is the one relationship that mirrors to us our subconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world.
How we view our mate, very much reflects how we see ourselves.
If we no longer desire our mate, then you have lost interest in your own desires.
If you wish to ignore your mate, there is something inside of you you are neglecting.
If you are angry at your mate, there is something within you you are angry about.
If you no longer enjoy sex, you have stopped enjoying your own company.
If you are angry at your partner because he/she won't do act like you want them to act, then you are feeling controlled by your circumstances, and rather than start with changing yourself, you would rather have others change so that your existence is more tolerable...but it doesn't work that well...not well anyway...
If you have lost passion for your mate, you have lost passion for YOU...
If you are in an abusive relationship, then you abuse yourself, and for whatever reason see yourself as a victim.
If you are generally unhappy, irritable, and negative, chances are your self talk is unhappy, irritating and negative.
Uncover the subconscious beliefs that generate the thoughts you think, and detangle your minds self.
Our intimate relationship is the one relationship that mirrors to us our subconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world.
How we view our mate, very much reflects how we see ourselves.
If we no longer desire our mate, then you have lost interest in your own desires.
If you wish to ignore your mate, there is something inside of you you are neglecting.
If you are angry at your mate, there is something within you you are angry about.
If you no longer enjoy sex, you have stopped enjoying your own company.
If you are angry at your partner because he/she won't do act like you want them to act, then you are feeling controlled by your circumstances, and rather than start with changing yourself, you would rather have others change so that your existence is more tolerable...but it doesn't work that well...not well anyway...
If you have lost passion for your mate, you have lost passion for YOU...
If you are in an abusive relationship, then you abuse yourself, and for whatever reason see yourself as a victim.
If you are generally unhappy, irritable, and negative, chances are your self talk is unhappy, irritating and negative.
Uncover the subconscious beliefs that generate the thoughts you think, and detangle your minds self.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
You Are Not, Nor Ever Were A Victim
Dear Friend,
If you are reading my writing, and have been for quite some time, what you have read is actually a coming of my mind, or my reality.
Once I believed in the illusion of separateness. Once I believed that my parents, peers, and eventually husband, were those who were doing something "to me". Now I know better. Now I realize at a conscious level, that what I believe I expected, and thus projected onto those around me. Believing I was no good, or not enough, caused me to "expect" to have others treat me as if I was not enough, so therefore even if that was not a reality for others in my life, because it is what I believed, projected, and expected, it is what I experienced and ultimately created in my life.
There is no separateness. On a quantum level, we are all one. The idea of separateness is a complete illusion. Our experiences are based on what we believe on an unconscious level. These beliefs have been programmed since childhood and along the way we have picked up beliefs, notions and ideas from those who have come in and out of our lives.
In order for you to be happy, you must uncover your deep belief systems, pick them apart and dispose of those who lead you onto any path that is rooted in the idea of separateness or hate.
At your core, you are perfect. Happiness is found when you return to that. There is no other in this world that can satisfy you the way in which you truly need to be satisfied. There is no man, no woman, no child, no car, no home, no trip that can give you what you are truly in need of...The healing you must seek must be one of de-programming your unconscious.
If you believe you need a mans attention to feel good, that is a lie.
If you believe you need to be a certain weight to be good enough, that is a lie.
If you believe you need to have a certain amount of money in the bank to be happy, that is a lie.
If you believe you must die of sickness in order to die, that is a lie.
If you believe someone is doing something to you to make you uncomfortable, even that is a lie.
If you are in an uncomfortable relationship with someone, that is because you do not believe you are worthy of a loving one, which means you do not believe you are love. Or it may be that you do not believe the other is capable of loving you, or being kind...either way you will experience in the other what you believe of the other from within.
If you do not believe you are worthy or are love, then whenever you look out into your environment you will project what you feel onto others, so even if they are trying to love you, you will not be able to accept it. Instead you will expect not to see love through your projection of it from within your own self. Eventually you will be disappointed by those in your life and believe on a conscious level that the others failed you. But the truth will be that you created what you experienced in real time, and thus will complete your internal cycle 360 degrees...Your inner speaks to you, "I am not worthy" and then your outer proves it...as you experience others as treating you as you are not worthy.
If we were all to return to our truth, which is that we are enough, that we are love, that we are all connected to one life source, then the need to feel unworthiness, or old, or used up, or not enough, would fade.
But the collective mind of government, who strongly believes in money and power, prefer to have you be the distracted, self loathing, obese, reality tv obsessed, terrorist fearing, diseased beings that so many of us are.
Freedom comes when one begins to understand that what they believe they create.
Turn off your televisions, for they serve only to confuse you and keep you in a state of chaotic unconscious programming. Turn off your radio's, for they too serve only to depress you, and fill you with more fear. Stop reading your newspapers. But if you do decide to watch the television, or listen to the radio, or read the newspaper, do it with a discerning ear. Absorb only those things that serve to uplift you, and refuse to allow the fear that is being projected globally through the various forms of vibrational energies out there, root within you. Fear is a very dense vibrational space. Do not put your eyes upon statistics, ideas of terrorism, cancer, or disease, for all of these things cannot be experienced within your reality unless invited by thought and held in place by fear of it, and a belief that it is or one day may be a part of your experience here.
Instead begin loving. Begin loving you, your children, your spouse, your apartment, your bed, your bathroom, your toenails, your lips, and your soul. Allow that love vibration to grow so that when you look outside you train your brains eye to see only things that uplift you like the beauty in cloud formation, or the vibrant colors in flowers. Train your mind to look away from news and information that takes you out of harmonious alignment. When in conversation with others, do not participate when the conversation turns in a negative direction. Keep still to what vibration you are trying to maintain.
Decide right now to begin creating your own reality by choosing to believe your own thoughts. But know that no matter what beliefs you hold true, at your core, you are perfect, complete and a loving being.
If you are reading my writing, and have been for quite some time, what you have read is actually a coming of my mind, or my reality.
Once I believed in the illusion of separateness. Once I believed that my parents, peers, and eventually husband, were those who were doing something "to me". Now I know better. Now I realize at a conscious level, that what I believe I expected, and thus projected onto those around me. Believing I was no good, or not enough, caused me to "expect" to have others treat me as if I was not enough, so therefore even if that was not a reality for others in my life, because it is what I believed, projected, and expected, it is what I experienced and ultimately created in my life.
There is no separateness. On a quantum level, we are all one. The idea of separateness is a complete illusion. Our experiences are based on what we believe on an unconscious level. These beliefs have been programmed since childhood and along the way we have picked up beliefs, notions and ideas from those who have come in and out of our lives.
In order for you to be happy, you must uncover your deep belief systems, pick them apart and dispose of those who lead you onto any path that is rooted in the idea of separateness or hate.
At your core, you are perfect. Happiness is found when you return to that. There is no other in this world that can satisfy you the way in which you truly need to be satisfied. There is no man, no woman, no child, no car, no home, no trip that can give you what you are truly in need of...The healing you must seek must be one of de-programming your unconscious.
If you believe you need a mans attention to feel good, that is a lie.
If you believe you need to be a certain weight to be good enough, that is a lie.
If you believe you need to have a certain amount of money in the bank to be happy, that is a lie.
If you believe you must die of sickness in order to die, that is a lie.
If you believe someone is doing something to you to make you uncomfortable, even that is a lie.
If you are in an uncomfortable relationship with someone, that is because you do not believe you are worthy of a loving one, which means you do not believe you are love. Or it may be that you do not believe the other is capable of loving you, or being kind...either way you will experience in the other what you believe of the other from within.
If you do not believe you are worthy or are love, then whenever you look out into your environment you will project what you feel onto others, so even if they are trying to love you, you will not be able to accept it. Instead you will expect not to see love through your projection of it from within your own self. Eventually you will be disappointed by those in your life and believe on a conscious level that the others failed you. But the truth will be that you created what you experienced in real time, and thus will complete your internal cycle 360 degrees...Your inner speaks to you, "I am not worthy" and then your outer proves it...as you experience others as treating you as you are not worthy.
If we were all to return to our truth, which is that we are enough, that we are love, that we are all connected to one life source, then the need to feel unworthiness, or old, or used up, or not enough, would fade.
But the collective mind of government, who strongly believes in money and power, prefer to have you be the distracted, self loathing, obese, reality tv obsessed, terrorist fearing, diseased beings that so many of us are.
Freedom comes when one begins to understand that what they believe they create.
Turn off your televisions, for they serve only to confuse you and keep you in a state of chaotic unconscious programming. Turn off your radio's, for they too serve only to depress you, and fill you with more fear. Stop reading your newspapers. But if you do decide to watch the television, or listen to the radio, or read the newspaper, do it with a discerning ear. Absorb only those things that serve to uplift you, and refuse to allow the fear that is being projected globally through the various forms of vibrational energies out there, root within you. Fear is a very dense vibrational space. Do not put your eyes upon statistics, ideas of terrorism, cancer, or disease, for all of these things cannot be experienced within your reality unless invited by thought and held in place by fear of it, and a belief that it is or one day may be a part of your experience here.
Instead begin loving. Begin loving you, your children, your spouse, your apartment, your bed, your bathroom, your toenails, your lips, and your soul. Allow that love vibration to grow so that when you look outside you train your brains eye to see only things that uplift you like the beauty in cloud formation, or the vibrant colors in flowers. Train your mind to look away from news and information that takes you out of harmonious alignment. When in conversation with others, do not participate when the conversation turns in a negative direction. Keep still to what vibration you are trying to maintain.
Decide right now to begin creating your own reality by choosing to believe your own thoughts. But know that no matter what beliefs you hold true, at your core, you are perfect, complete and a loving being.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Yes! Ignore Reality
If it is so that the brain cannot tell the difference between what is a fantasy, and what is true in time space reality, and if it is so that the brain can do a thing in time space reality, while being lost within ones thoughts, like when one arrives home at the end of the day, has sat in much traffic, and once inside his/her home, wonders, "How the hell did I get home? I can't even remember what route I took to get here."
If this is all true, then it is not necessary to 'react or give in' to any chaos that is happening in time and space. If this is so, then it is possible to instead make the conscious choice to create ones own reality within the rails of ones own mind, while still doing what needs to be done in time space reality.
It is possible then to have a boss who is wishing to pressure you to work more effectively, and for you to although acknowledge the bosses wishes, to not take on the bosses anxiety and instead visualize yourself laying on a beach in the Caribbean somewhere while you are doing the work it is you normally do.
It is possible to instead of reacting to a disagreement you may have had with your spouse, by pondering and attracting into your mind through your unguarded thoughts and through the power of the law of attraction more thoughts that get you angry, which by the way is what you DON'T want, to stay in your mind and create the feeling you DO want.
If your primary intent is harmony, then it is necessary for you to ignore what is happening in time space reality, and to instead stay FOCUSED on what you DO want.
Most people spend more time focusing on what they DO NOT want instead of what they DO want.
What is happening in time space reality is a by product of all the pre paving of thought and or fear or hopefully of joy, that you have done before this time. The key to manifesting the life you want is to choose to begin focusing more NOW, so you can begin to pre pave the reality and the feelings you want to show up in the future.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if today you are considering an affair.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if you today you ignore your children.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if today you choose to get drunk-again.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if today you are irresponsible in your finances.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if all you can think about is how to get through today.
If you want peace tomorrow, you have to begin finding here and now, so to help you attract more of it in your future. We always get what we think of most. What are you thinking my friend?
If this is all true, then it is not necessary to 'react or give in' to any chaos that is happening in time and space. If this is so, then it is possible to instead make the conscious choice to create ones own reality within the rails of ones own mind, while still doing what needs to be done in time space reality.
It is possible then to have a boss who is wishing to pressure you to work more effectively, and for you to although acknowledge the bosses wishes, to not take on the bosses anxiety and instead visualize yourself laying on a beach in the Caribbean somewhere while you are doing the work it is you normally do.
It is possible to instead of reacting to a disagreement you may have had with your spouse, by pondering and attracting into your mind through your unguarded thoughts and through the power of the law of attraction more thoughts that get you angry, which by the way is what you DON'T want, to stay in your mind and create the feeling you DO want.
If your primary intent is harmony, then it is necessary for you to ignore what is happening in time space reality, and to instead stay FOCUSED on what you DO want.
Most people spend more time focusing on what they DO NOT want instead of what they DO want.
What is happening in time space reality is a by product of all the pre paving of thought and or fear or hopefully of joy, that you have done before this time. The key to manifesting the life you want is to choose to begin focusing more NOW, so you can begin to pre pave the reality and the feelings you want to show up in the future.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if today you are considering an affair.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if you today you ignore your children.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if today you choose to get drunk-again.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if today you are irresponsible in your finances.
Do not claim to want peace tomorrow if all you can think about is how to get through today.
If you want peace tomorrow, you have to begin finding here and now, so to help you attract more of it in your future. We always get what we think of most. What are you thinking my friend?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What To Do When Things Go Wrong
In life, when things seem to go wrong, sometimes what is truly happening is you are being pulled away and or off of those things in which you are truly not wanting.
One early morning, as I was writing at my computer I heard a tremendous 'whoosh' outside my home. A few moments later my neighbor knocked at my front door. The giant half rotten tree that was standing directly in front of my home had been uprooted and was now laying spread across the front of my home. When it landed it totaled my grey, beat up minivan, and also took out an old white fence that lined my front yard.
To my neighbors and even to my children the site was one of devastation. But in my heart I could feel this little happy dance going on.
The truth is, I hated the site of that big, old rotten tree, I had grown tired of that beat up old minivan, and the white rickety fence did not match the rest of the fence that surrounded my home. Inside of me, as the firemen arrived to survey the damages, I was so happy that the three things I wished to change in my life at the time, all got taken care of in one shot.
The interesting thing was, at the time, I was not as aware as I am now about the law of attraction. I spoke of it like I would about my breakfast choice of the day. Now I know better.
I remember the negative feelings I had about that tree, my minivan and my fence. But I also remember the positive feelings I had when I dreamed about what my house might look like without that rotten tree spoiling the way it looked, and about getting a new white Equinox. I remember going to Home Depot and checking out what types of fences I would prefer to line my home, and I remember how happy that made me feel inside.
Just a few short days later, I had enough insurance money to help me buy the exact white Equinox I wanted. In fact I drove it off the showroom floor. I also purchased the exact cute little white picket fence I wanted to line my yard. The city has yet to replace the tree.
When things go wrong externally, sometimes its just the energy around you kicking up speed. As you become more and more in alignment with what you are truly wanting, energy speeds up.
When things go wrong, it is important to learn how to step out of your reality of time and space and take a broader perspective on your situation. Most often what manifests as something wrong, is the path the universe has chosen to get you to where you are truly wanting to go. If you are able to mind your emotions along the way, you will have an effortless transition from here to there.
When frightening thoughts enter your mind, feel the negative emotion of it, and then quickly force your focus onto something, or someone that you love. Today while writing this piece, fear began to fill me as I had intended to write about the Holocaust. As I began to write, I felt a strong negative emotion come into me, and so I deleted the piece. Then I quickly changed my point of attraction and deliberately focused on a beautiful picture of my daughter Lee Lee when she was about 4 at the beach. Her smile is wide, her hair is flowing in the breeze and the ocean is rolling towards her in the background. I immediately felt my energy shift from negative to positive. And then and only then I started to write again. This piece is what was born.
I hope it has enlightened you.
One early morning, as I was writing at my computer I heard a tremendous 'whoosh' outside my home. A few moments later my neighbor knocked at my front door. The giant half rotten tree that was standing directly in front of my home had been uprooted and was now laying spread across the front of my home. When it landed it totaled my grey, beat up minivan, and also took out an old white fence that lined my front yard.
To my neighbors and even to my children the site was one of devastation. But in my heart I could feel this little happy dance going on.
The truth is, I hated the site of that big, old rotten tree, I had grown tired of that beat up old minivan, and the white rickety fence did not match the rest of the fence that surrounded my home. Inside of me, as the firemen arrived to survey the damages, I was so happy that the three things I wished to change in my life at the time, all got taken care of in one shot.
The interesting thing was, at the time, I was not as aware as I am now about the law of attraction. I spoke of it like I would about my breakfast choice of the day. Now I know better.
I remember the negative feelings I had about that tree, my minivan and my fence. But I also remember the positive feelings I had when I dreamed about what my house might look like without that rotten tree spoiling the way it looked, and about getting a new white Equinox. I remember going to Home Depot and checking out what types of fences I would prefer to line my home, and I remember how happy that made me feel inside.
Just a few short days later, I had enough insurance money to help me buy the exact white Equinox I wanted. In fact I drove it off the showroom floor. I also purchased the exact cute little white picket fence I wanted to line my yard. The city has yet to replace the tree.
When things go wrong externally, sometimes its just the energy around you kicking up speed. As you become more and more in alignment with what you are truly wanting, energy speeds up.
When things go wrong, it is important to learn how to step out of your reality of time and space and take a broader perspective on your situation. Most often what manifests as something wrong, is the path the universe has chosen to get you to where you are truly wanting to go. If you are able to mind your emotions along the way, you will have an effortless transition from here to there.
When frightening thoughts enter your mind, feel the negative emotion of it, and then quickly force your focus onto something, or someone that you love. Today while writing this piece, fear began to fill me as I had intended to write about the Holocaust. As I began to write, I felt a strong negative emotion come into me, and so I deleted the piece. Then I quickly changed my point of attraction and deliberately focused on a beautiful picture of my daughter Lee Lee when she was about 4 at the beach. Her smile is wide, her hair is flowing in the breeze and the ocean is rolling towards her in the background. I immediately felt my energy shift from negative to positive. And then and only then I started to write again. This piece is what was born.
I hope it has enlightened you.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Key to Manifestations
Your brain is a magnet. Your brain is a transmitter as well as a receiver. All day long, whether you acknowledge it consciously or not, you are emitting and receiving information, (vibrations). When you are driving and you notice an angry irate driver beside you, what you are noticing are his/her vibrations. You receive these messages vibrationally and then interpret them through your brain. Whatever you are in tune with internally or shall I say vibrationally, you will be drawn into your environment.
This is such great news...because if you want really wonderful things to show up in your time space reality, then all you have to do is spend more time in your mind vibrationally, thinking and pondering about things you believe are wonderful. When you allow your mind to consider only what things you know will bring you joy, and when you allow the thinking of those joyful things to grow in you like a wildfire you increase the intensity of the frequency you are emitting with your brain...You increase tremendously your brains attracting power through the intensity of your thoughts.
Doubt me?
Okay...try this...Today I want you to think about a white Mercedes Benz...All day long I want you to think about a white Mercedes Benz. Put a picture of a white Mercedes Benz in your mind, and consider it as often as you remember to do so today...And watch how often you notice one in your environment today...
You will notice a white Mercedes Benz today because you have keyed up your vibration for it, and in doing so you likened your vibration with it, so will draw it into your experience.
Learning to focus on what you do want instead of what you don't want so to deliberately create the manifestation you desire is the key to absolute joy.
There are no victims here. Just beings who have not yet learned to, or are aware that they are the creator of whatever reality they are living.
This is such great news...because if you want really wonderful things to show up in your time space reality, then all you have to do is spend more time in your mind vibrationally, thinking and pondering about things you believe are wonderful. When you allow your mind to consider only what things you know will bring you joy, and when you allow the thinking of those joyful things to grow in you like a wildfire you increase the intensity of the frequency you are emitting with your brain...You increase tremendously your brains attracting power through the intensity of your thoughts.
Doubt me?
Okay...try this...Today I want you to think about a white Mercedes Benz...All day long I want you to think about a white Mercedes Benz. Put a picture of a white Mercedes Benz in your mind, and consider it as often as you remember to do so today...And watch how often you notice one in your environment today...
You will notice a white Mercedes Benz today because you have keyed up your vibration for it, and in doing so you likened your vibration with it, so will draw it into your experience.
Learning to focus on what you do want instead of what you don't want so to deliberately create the manifestation you desire is the key to absolute joy.
There are no victims here. Just beings who have not yet learned to, or are aware that they are the creator of whatever reality they are living.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
How To Lead A Happy Life
If your life is full of worry, know you are going in the wrong direction. If your life is full of anxiety, know your mind is simply swimming upstream instead of downstream.
Your mind, when uncontrolled by your consciousness is like a speed boat without a driver. Every mind needs someone behind the wheel, otherwise it will simply do what it was intended to do physically, and hold thought. The mind connects one thought to a similar thought. So if your thoughts are uncontrolled, or un-policed, or you are unaware that you can even tell your mind what thoughts you want to think, your negative thoughts will create another similar thought, and so on and so on.
Please consider that which I have just written.
Much of what we worry about, need not be. It is the law of attraction working in a negative direction rather than a positive direction.
Your feelings are your internal guidance system. Your feelings will tell you if your thoughts are not being controlled by your conscious thinking aware self.
When you begin to feel doubt, or shame, or anger, or frustration, use those feelings as a tool to help you think more in alignment with how you truly want to feel.
The goal isn't to jump from rage to joy in seconds...The goal is to feel a little better from moment to moment. If you are feeling rage, then the feeling you should reach for might be one of frustration rather than the rage. Then as you ALLOW yourself the freedom to feel a little better in frustration, the next feeling you can reach for is acceptance. As you ALLOW your body to feel the ease of acceptance, you then shift your mind to create a thought that ALLOWS you to feel a little better than acceptance, like perhaps understanding...and so it is as you try to reach up the emotional ladder.
This process is within your control at all times. It is a process we should be teaching our children from birth.
But far too often people find themselves wanting to stay in the negative because it fuels their silly ego...
The ego is worldly based....
The enlightened mind understands it is an energy being first, and that joy is its only reason for existence...
Ego's are incapable of joy....
Your mind, when uncontrolled by your consciousness is like a speed boat without a driver. Every mind needs someone behind the wheel, otherwise it will simply do what it was intended to do physically, and hold thought. The mind connects one thought to a similar thought. So if your thoughts are uncontrolled, or un-policed, or you are unaware that you can even tell your mind what thoughts you want to think, your negative thoughts will create another similar thought, and so on and so on.
Please consider that which I have just written.
Much of what we worry about, need not be. It is the law of attraction working in a negative direction rather than a positive direction.
Your feelings are your internal guidance system. Your feelings will tell you if your thoughts are not being controlled by your conscious thinking aware self.
When you begin to feel doubt, or shame, or anger, or frustration, use those feelings as a tool to help you think more in alignment with how you truly want to feel.
The goal isn't to jump from rage to joy in seconds...The goal is to feel a little better from moment to moment. If you are feeling rage, then the feeling you should reach for might be one of frustration rather than the rage. Then as you ALLOW yourself the freedom to feel a little better in frustration, the next feeling you can reach for is acceptance. As you ALLOW your body to feel the ease of acceptance, you then shift your mind to create a thought that ALLOWS you to feel a little better than acceptance, like perhaps understanding...and so it is as you try to reach up the emotional ladder.
This process is within your control at all times. It is a process we should be teaching our children from birth.
But far too often people find themselves wanting to stay in the negative because it fuels their silly ego...
The ego is worldly based....
The enlightened mind understands it is an energy being first, and that joy is its only reason for existence...
Ego's are incapable of joy....
Monday, July 11, 2011
Why Do I Keep Getting What I Don't Want
Whatever you focus most upon will manifest in your time and space reality, because you are sending out a vibration that insists that is what you are looking for.
We all must become more deliberate in our thoughts...waking each morning...training our minds to intend how the day is going to be.
Waking up with the words, "I hate getting up", just might set out the vibration that you don't want to get up tomorrow...And so you might not wake up at all...
Focus upon that which you are wanting to see...Intend to have peaceful days with your spouse...Intend for harmony with others to be your greatest desire for the day, and watch how your day unfolds...
We all must become more deliberate in our thoughts...waking each morning...training our minds to intend how the day is going to be.
Waking up with the words, "I hate getting up", just might set out the vibration that you don't want to get up tomorrow...And so you might not wake up at all...
Focus upon that which you are wanting to see...Intend to have peaceful days with your spouse...Intend for harmony with others to be your greatest desire for the day, and watch how your day unfolds...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
How Can I Attract the Things That I Want Using The Law of Attraction
If you are wanting to attract the things that your heart desires into your experience, there are things you first must know.
Just as you must be made aware of the laws of society so that you may stay within their guidelines, so to avoid trouble, or lead a peaceful life because you have chosen to obey these manmade laws, it is with laws that govern this universe.
Likes attract likes through their magnetic pulling power as which is evident in every physical thing of the universe.
If you are truly wanting physical things to appear in your time space reality, and you want to use the law of attraction more effectively to ensure you get what you want, then it will be necessary for you to become a student of the law of attraction, for there is much to know.
What you think of most, you attract. If you are worried about a cheating spouse, you will fill your marriage with so much doubt, you will undermine it and eventually find a cheating spouse. If you are afraid your child will not do well in school, your anxiety will cause your child not to do well. If you fill your life with panic and anxiety, you will undoubtedly be experiencing circumstances that fill your realty with panic and anxiety, like cheating spouses and struggling children.
You first must spend time learning to still your mind so that you can hear what it is you are wanting...When you have finally fallen upon that thought, then you will need to ask yourself why it is you want what you want...
The reason for this is so to help you illicit positive emotional responses within you vibrationally, so that your mind can attract more strongly that which you want.
The more you think about what you want, and the more positively you feel about that which you want the faster what you want appears.
A quick tip; You must learn NOT to give your focus to silly things...like what someone else is wearing, or how they are behaving, what color their hair is, or whether or not they have breast implants...You must not invite into your mind, the worry about what others think about you, feel about you or what they are doing on Friday night.
What you do need to do is invite into your mind an allowing...You must learn to stay focused in your mind on the thing you are wanting. And when your mind wanders off to something silly that society has tried to program you to deem worthy of thought, turn from that silly thought and find your point of focus again.
Another tip; You cannot attract love when all you focus upon is how lonely you feel. You must focus upon how it would feel for you to attract the love you want. You must write about it, imagine it, buy the perfume you would buy to wear around the love of your life, go to the places you would like to go when you find your love, and buy clothes you would wear if you were in love.
In doing so you will create strong positive emotions within, which will help your vibrations fall into alignment with what you are asking...And as you come more into alignment with what you desire, the universe can then work its magic...
If you begin focusing on what you do want, and how you will feel when you get what you want, the law of attraction will deliver to you that which you are wanting...It has to..Its the Law.
If you are wanting peace, but all you do is focus on the fear you are feeling, perhaps in a bad relationship, only more fear can show up. Whatever you think of most will keep reappearing. If you are in a bad relationship, you must find something in your mind to focus upon and love, so that that feeling of love and peace can grow. It isn't easy...but the only way out of whatever hell you are in, is through your mind...
If you are overweight, and all you focus upon is how heavy you are...you will stay heavy...What you must learn to do is find that feeling place within you that forces you to feel as if you are already thin. Look at the clothes you would buy if you were thin, shop in places you would if you were thin, and ease into feeling as if you truly were thin...
Remember, your predominant emotional thoughts are why you are wherever you are in your life...
You can choose however, deliberate creation of your physical reality.
Just as you must be made aware of the laws of society so that you may stay within their guidelines, so to avoid trouble, or lead a peaceful life because you have chosen to obey these manmade laws, it is with laws that govern this universe.
Likes attract likes through their magnetic pulling power as which is evident in every physical thing of the universe.
If you are truly wanting physical things to appear in your time space reality, and you want to use the law of attraction more effectively to ensure you get what you want, then it will be necessary for you to become a student of the law of attraction, for there is much to know.
What you think of most, you attract. If you are worried about a cheating spouse, you will fill your marriage with so much doubt, you will undermine it and eventually find a cheating spouse. If you are afraid your child will not do well in school, your anxiety will cause your child not to do well. If you fill your life with panic and anxiety, you will undoubtedly be experiencing circumstances that fill your realty with panic and anxiety, like cheating spouses and struggling children.
You first must spend time learning to still your mind so that you can hear what it is you are wanting...When you have finally fallen upon that thought, then you will need to ask yourself why it is you want what you want...
The reason for this is so to help you illicit positive emotional responses within you vibrationally, so that your mind can attract more strongly that which you want.
The more you think about what you want, and the more positively you feel about that which you want the faster what you want appears.
A quick tip; You must learn NOT to give your focus to silly things...like what someone else is wearing, or how they are behaving, what color their hair is, or whether or not they have breast implants...You must not invite into your mind, the worry about what others think about you, feel about you or what they are doing on Friday night.
What you do need to do is invite into your mind an allowing...You must learn to stay focused in your mind on the thing you are wanting. And when your mind wanders off to something silly that society has tried to program you to deem worthy of thought, turn from that silly thought and find your point of focus again.
Another tip; You cannot attract love when all you focus upon is how lonely you feel. You must focus upon how it would feel for you to attract the love you want. You must write about it, imagine it, buy the perfume you would buy to wear around the love of your life, go to the places you would like to go when you find your love, and buy clothes you would wear if you were in love.
In doing so you will create strong positive emotions within, which will help your vibrations fall into alignment with what you are asking...And as you come more into alignment with what you desire, the universe can then work its magic...
If you begin focusing on what you do want, and how you will feel when you get what you want, the law of attraction will deliver to you that which you are wanting...It has to..Its the Law.
If you are wanting peace, but all you do is focus on the fear you are feeling, perhaps in a bad relationship, only more fear can show up. Whatever you think of most will keep reappearing. If you are in a bad relationship, you must find something in your mind to focus upon and love, so that that feeling of love and peace can grow. It isn't easy...but the only way out of whatever hell you are in, is through your mind...
If you are overweight, and all you focus upon is how heavy you are...you will stay heavy...What you must learn to do is find that feeling place within you that forces you to feel as if you are already thin. Look at the clothes you would buy if you were thin, shop in places you would if you were thin, and ease into feeling as if you truly were thin...
Remember, your predominant emotional thoughts are why you are wherever you are in your life...
You can choose however, deliberate creation of your physical reality.
How Can I Attract the Things That I Want Using The Law of Attraction
If you are wanting to attract the things that your heart desires into your experience, there are things you first must know.
Just as you must be made aware of the laws of society so that you may stay within their guidelines, so to avoid trouble, or lead a peaceful life because you have chosen to obey these manmade laws, it is with laws that govern this universe.
Likes attract likes through their magnetic pulling power as which is evident in every physical thing of the universe.
If you are truly wanting physical things to appear in your time space reality, and you want to use the law of attraction more effectively to ensure you get what you want, then it will be necessary for you to become a student of the law of attraction, for there is much to know.
What you think of most, you attract. If you are worried about a cheating spouse, you will fill your marriage with so much doubt, you will undermine it and eventually find a cheating spouse. If you are afraid your child will not do well in school, your anxiety will cause your child not to do well. If you fill your life with panic and anxiety, you will undoubtedly be experiencing circumstances that fill your realty with panic and anxiety, like cheating spouses and struggling children.
You first must spend time learning to still your mind so that you can hear what it is you are wanting...When you have finally fallen upon that thought, then you will need to ask yourself why it is you want what you want...
The reason for this is so to help you illicit positive emotional responses within you vibrationally, so that your mind can attract more strongly that which you want.
The more you think about what you want, and the more positively you feel about that which you want the faster what you want appears.
A quick tip; You must learn NOT to give your focus to silly things...like what someone else is wearing, or how they are behaving, what color their hair is, or whether or not they have breast implants...You must not invite into your mind, the worry about what others think about you, feel about you or what they are doing on Friday night.
What you do need to do is invite into your mind an allowing...You must learn to stay focused in your mind on the thing you are wanting. And when your mind wanders off to something silly that society has tried to program you to deem worthy of thought, turn from that silly thought and find your point of focus again.
Another tip; You cannot attract love when all you focus upon is how lonely you feel. You must focus upon how it would feel for you to attract the love you want. You must write about it, imagine it, buy the perfume you would buy to wear around the love of your life, go to the places you would like to go when you find your love, and buy clothes you would wear if you were in love.
In doing so you will create strong positive emotions within, which will help your vibrations fall into alignment with what you are asking...And as you come more into alignment with what you desire, the universe can then work its magic...
If you begin focusing on what you do want, and how you will feel when you get what you want, the law of attraction will deliver to you that which you are wanting...It has to..Its the Law.
If you are wanting peace, but all you do is focus on the fear you are feeling, perhaps in a bad relationship, only more fear can show up. Whatever you think of most will keep reappearing. If you are in a bad relationship, you must find something in your mind to focus upon and love, so that that feeling of love and peace can grow. It isn't easy...but the only way out of whatever hell you are in, is through your mind...
If you are overweight, and all you focus upon is how heavy you are...you will stay heavy...What you must learn to do is find that feeling place within you that forces you to feel as if you are already thin. Look at the clothes you would buy if you were thin, shop in places you would if you were thin, and ease into feeling as if you truly were thin...
Remember, your predominant emotional thoughts are why you are wherever you are in your life...
You can choose however, deliberate creation of your physical reality.
Just as you must be made aware of the laws of society so that you may stay within their guidelines, so to avoid trouble, or lead a peaceful life because you have chosen to obey these manmade laws, it is with laws that govern this universe.
Likes attract likes through their magnetic pulling power as which is evident in every physical thing of the universe.
If you are truly wanting physical things to appear in your time space reality, and you want to use the law of attraction more effectively to ensure you get what you want, then it will be necessary for you to become a student of the law of attraction, for there is much to know.
What you think of most, you attract. If you are worried about a cheating spouse, you will fill your marriage with so much doubt, you will undermine it and eventually find a cheating spouse. If you are afraid your child will not do well in school, your anxiety will cause your child not to do well. If you fill your life with panic and anxiety, you will undoubtedly be experiencing circumstances that fill your realty with panic and anxiety, like cheating spouses and struggling children.
You first must spend time learning to still your mind so that you can hear what it is you are wanting...When you have finally fallen upon that thought, then you will need to ask yourself why it is you want what you want...
The reason for this is so to help you illicit positive emotional responses within you vibrationally, so that your mind can attract more strongly that which you want.
The more you think about what you want, and the more positively you feel about that which you want the faster what you want appears.
A quick tip; You must learn NOT to give your focus to silly things...like what someone else is wearing, or how they are behaving, what color their hair is, or whether or not they have breast implants...You must not invite into your mind, the worry about what others think about you, feel about you or what they are doing on Friday night.
What you do need to do is invite into your mind an allowing...You must learn to stay focused in your mind on the thing you are wanting. And when your mind wanders off to something silly that society has tried to program you to deem worthy of thought, turn from that silly thought and find your point of focus again.
Another tip; You cannot attract love when all you focus upon is how lonely you feel. You must focus upon how it would feel for you to attract the love you want. You must write about it, imagine it, buy the perfume you would buy to wear around the love of your life, go to the places you would like to go when you find your love, and buy clothes you would wear if you were in love.
In doing so you will create strong positive emotions within, which will help your vibrations fall into alignment with what you are asking...And as you come more into alignment with what you desire, the universe can then work its magic...
If you begin focusing on what you do want, and how you will feel when you get what you want, the law of attraction will deliver to you that which you are wanting...It has to..Its the Law.
If you are wanting peace, but all you do is focus on the fear you are feeling, perhaps in a bad relationship, only more fear can show up. Whatever you think of most will keep reappearing. If you are in a bad relationship, you must find something in your mind to focus upon and love, so that that feeling of love and peace can grow. It isn't easy...but the only way out of whatever hell you are in, is through your mind...
If you are overweight, and all you focus upon is how heavy you are...you will stay heavy...What you must learn to do is find that feeling place within you that forces you to feel as if you are already thin. Look at the clothes you would buy if you were thin, shop in places you would if you were thin, and ease into feeling as if you truly were thin...
Remember, your predominant emotional thoughts are why you are wherever you are in your life...
You can choose however, deliberate creation of your physical reality.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
What Is My Purpose?
If you are pondering the question, "What is my purpose?", know that you are amongst rare human beings who have had the insight to contemplate such an enormous thought.
You are rare because somewhere inside of you you have connected to the idea that your life is supposed to have meaning. You do not want to leave this earth, as if you had never existed at all. Within you is a desire to know more, to understand more, and to find a way to figure it all out.
Which is what lead you to this blog.
You are of the same life force or source, that has given birth to the moons, the oceans, the stars and the flowers that blanket this land we inhabit. That same life source, that causes the beating of a cellular heart, beats within you. You are magnificent.
Your work here, is to figure out through trial as well as errors, what feels right for you. As you collect information about the experiences you have attracted into your life, it is your purpose to begin sifting through that information for what makes your spirit soar. And as you begin discovering more of the thoughts that make you feel joy, you begin to lean more towards it. You learn, as so many humans do not, to lean towards what feels right instead of what feels negative or bad.
That means if you are in a marriage that is draining you, and your partner refuses to grow and move in a more harmonious direction, you must leave it. First mentally, then emotionally and then finally physically. If you dislike your job, and you can feel yourself doing something else that you love, then you must begin moving in another direction that pleases you.
This all means, you begin taking emotionally inventory, and stop blaming others for why you are where you are...
You created it all...even the parts you don't like very much.
But in a heartbeat, and with many future heartbeats, you can begin designing your life deliberately, reaching for joy as the proof that you are moving in the right direction.
You came here to figure that out, so that life source can live through you and use reality as its "thought canvas"...
You are rare because somewhere inside of you you have connected to the idea that your life is supposed to have meaning. You do not want to leave this earth, as if you had never existed at all. Within you is a desire to know more, to understand more, and to find a way to figure it all out.
Which is what lead you to this blog.
You are of the same life force or source, that has given birth to the moons, the oceans, the stars and the flowers that blanket this land we inhabit. That same life source, that causes the beating of a cellular heart, beats within you. You are magnificent.
Your work here, is to figure out through trial as well as errors, what feels right for you. As you collect information about the experiences you have attracted into your life, it is your purpose to begin sifting through that information for what makes your spirit soar. And as you begin discovering more of the thoughts that make you feel joy, you begin to lean more towards it. You learn, as so many humans do not, to lean towards what feels right instead of what feels negative or bad.
That means if you are in a marriage that is draining you, and your partner refuses to grow and move in a more harmonious direction, you must leave it. First mentally, then emotionally and then finally physically. If you dislike your job, and you can feel yourself doing something else that you love, then you must begin moving in another direction that pleases you.
This all means, you begin taking emotionally inventory, and stop blaming others for why you are where you are...
You created it all...even the parts you don't like very much.
But in a heartbeat, and with many future heartbeats, you can begin designing your life deliberately, reaching for joy as the proof that you are moving in the right direction.
You came here to figure that out, so that life source can live through you and use reality as its "thought canvas"...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Why Does My Life Suck?
Whatever you are feeling, whatever you are thinking will manifest in your reality, over and over and over, until YOU decide to start swimming mentally and emotionally in a different direction.
No one can do that but you.
Unlike flowers, we humans do not always strive for the light-very often we keep our minds toiled in darkness.
We think negative things. We see and pay attention to suffering, hardship and take on other people's karma as if we were born to do this-and yet it is in exact opposition of the true calling of your spirit.
We all begin in darkness...even the seeds of the most magnificent trees and the most glorious flowers begin as tiny, nothingness of seeds...and yet...they...without a human brain know to reach towards what feels good, a little every moment, so unalike so many of us.
If your life sucks, it is because of the way you think.
If your life sucks, it is because of the way YOU choose to see your life.
If you can read, even you my friend have something to be grateful for...
If you can bend your elbows and feed yourself, you have something to be grateful for.
If you have eyes that can see, even you, in the depths of the hell you tell yourself you are in, have something to be grateful for.
Your life sucks, because you choose darkness over the light...
If you choose to train your brain to seek things in its environment that make you feel just a little more happy, or a little more relief everyday, in as many moments as possible, and if you dedicate your days to seeing things that make you feel less poorly, in time, your life will transform...
It may take awhile to get used to stop playing the victim.
It may take you awhile to stop expecting others to do what you want them to do so your life can feel more comfortable.
It may take you awhile to stop blaming the world for why you see only negative in the world, when the truth is, it is a glorious place to be...
But eventually, by holding on and reaching for positive things in the world, like this blog, or others like it, you will see, your life won't suck for long...
No one can do that but you.
Unlike flowers, we humans do not always strive for the light-very often we keep our minds toiled in darkness.
We think negative things. We see and pay attention to suffering, hardship and take on other people's karma as if we were born to do this-and yet it is in exact opposition of the true calling of your spirit.
We all begin in darkness...even the seeds of the most magnificent trees and the most glorious flowers begin as tiny, nothingness of seeds...and yet...they...without a human brain know to reach towards what feels good, a little every moment, so unalike so many of us.
If your life sucks, it is because of the way you think.
If your life sucks, it is because of the way YOU choose to see your life.
If you can read, even you my friend have something to be grateful for...
If you can bend your elbows and feed yourself, you have something to be grateful for.
If you have eyes that can see, even you, in the depths of the hell you tell yourself you are in, have something to be grateful for.
Your life sucks, because you choose darkness over the light...
If you choose to train your brain to seek things in its environment that make you feel just a little more happy, or a little more relief everyday, in as many moments as possible, and if you dedicate your days to seeing things that make you feel less poorly, in time, your life will transform...
It may take awhile to get used to stop playing the victim.
It may take you awhile to stop expecting others to do what you want them to do so your life can feel more comfortable.
It may take you awhile to stop blaming the world for why you see only negative in the world, when the truth is, it is a glorious place to be...
But eventually, by holding on and reaching for positive things in the world, like this blog, or others like it, you will see, your life won't suck for long...
Saturday, July 2, 2011
What Is Anxiety
Many will have you believe that anxiety is a condition. It is something you must learn to deal with through medication. If you have anxiety, you are looked upon as ill. Perhaps even you believe you, whatever the you, you think you are is...is ill...And here in lies the problem.
Anxiety is your bodies way of signaling to you that you are out of alignment. Your actions or thoughts are not in sync with the you that you truly are.
You came forth to be joyful, to play and to go easy upon yourself. If you are anxious, you are not living the life you know you should be living. You worry, you obsess, you fill with fearful thoughts, and then your poor body suffers horribly in response to the thoughts you are having it believe are true...when they are not...
You feel stuck...but you are not...
You feel like you cannot make a choice...but you can...
You feel like the world is staring at you...but you're not that significant to others...if you were to die...others would learn to get along without you...
You feel like you must live for others...but you do not...that is a lie you tell your own self...
You feel like you cannot have the relationship you want...but that is a lie...
You feel like you cannot stop taking drugs...but that is a lie...
You feel like your life is over...but that is a lie...because if you trust the words on this very heartfelt blog, you will learn to understand that your life, your destined life has not yet begun...
Friend, anxiety is your friend...Anxiety is the way your body signals to you that you are not following your heart...You may be living for others...You may be in a job you hate...you may be in a relationship that is draining you...Whatever the negative is...it is being internalized and expressed by your very magnificent being...
Perhaps you are in a happy relationship...perhaps you love your job...and your anxiety seems unfounded...Then it is your thought process that must learn to relax through consistent catching of ones own negative thought patterns...
What you say to you matters...
It is the basis of your well being,or your not so well being...
Joy, is found in those who understand their true purpose in life is to love themselves so much that what others think is unimportant to their level of self esteem.
When you finally realize that your job-your purpose as is mine, and all others here is to not criticize one another, or ourselves, but it is to hold ourselves up and others as well in the truth that at our core we are all one...and that core is simply Love...
Anxiety is your bodies way of signaling to you that you are out of alignment. Your actions or thoughts are not in sync with the you that you truly are.
You came forth to be joyful, to play and to go easy upon yourself. If you are anxious, you are not living the life you know you should be living. You worry, you obsess, you fill with fearful thoughts, and then your poor body suffers horribly in response to the thoughts you are having it believe are true...when they are not...
You feel stuck...but you are not...
You feel like you cannot make a choice...but you can...
You feel like the world is staring at you...but you're not that significant to others...if you were to die...others would learn to get along without you...
You feel like you must live for others...but you do not...that is a lie you tell your own self...
You feel like you cannot have the relationship you want...but that is a lie...
You feel like you cannot stop taking drugs...but that is a lie...
You feel like your life is over...but that is a lie...because if you trust the words on this very heartfelt blog, you will learn to understand that your life, your destined life has not yet begun...
Friend, anxiety is your friend...Anxiety is the way your body signals to you that you are not following your heart...You may be living for others...You may be in a job you hate...you may be in a relationship that is draining you...Whatever the negative is...it is being internalized and expressed by your very magnificent being...
Perhaps you are in a happy relationship...perhaps you love your job...and your anxiety seems unfounded...Then it is your thought process that must learn to relax through consistent catching of ones own negative thought patterns...
What you say to you matters...
It is the basis of your well being,or your not so well being...
Joy, is found in those who understand their true purpose in life is to love themselves so much that what others think is unimportant to their level of self esteem.
When you finally realize that your job-your purpose as is mine, and all others here is to not criticize one another, or ourselves, but it is to hold ourselves up and others as well in the truth that at our core we are all one...and that core is simply Love...
Friday, July 1, 2011
Why Am I So Depressed
If you are depressed, it is because you are not in alignment with your higher self.
You came here to grow.
If you are not growing, then your higher self feels as if it is in chains and shackles.
This is why marriages fail. This is why people commit suicide. The feeling of death within a walking body is like rotting from the inside out.
You must turn your mind away from others, society, and the conditioning of old.
You must turn your self towards your own self...and to begin treating your self well, even if that upsets others.
You did not come here to make others happy...You came here to expand consciously and to learn how to, in this life time, to love your self...
Begin small...ease into more pleasant thoughts in your own mind...and slowly begin taking smaller, better steps towards loving you...
A bubble bath perhaps...or a kind word when you look at yourself in the mirror, or a really healthy meal, or a walk around the block...it all begins with a conscious decision to be better, in some way, moment into moment..
You are loved...You are here...You are part of all that shares this planet with you...And if you let go of the old, you will find more and more like minded people...just like you...
You found this blog didn't you??????
You came here to grow.
If you are not growing, then your higher self feels as if it is in chains and shackles.
This is why marriages fail. This is why people commit suicide. The feeling of death within a walking body is like rotting from the inside out.
You must turn your mind away from others, society, and the conditioning of old.
You must turn your self towards your own self...and to begin treating your self well, even if that upsets others.
You did not come here to make others happy...You came here to expand consciously and to learn how to, in this life time, to love your self...
Begin small...ease into more pleasant thoughts in your own mind...and slowly begin taking smaller, better steps towards loving you...
A bubble bath perhaps...or a kind word when you look at yourself in the mirror, or a really healthy meal, or a walk around the block...it all begins with a conscious decision to be better, in some way, moment into moment..
You are loved...You are here...You are part of all that shares this planet with you...And if you let go of the old, you will find more and more like minded people...just like you...
You found this blog didn't you??????
If You Believe You Are More Than Physical
If you believe you are more than physical, learn to take that thought further. If you are more than physical, then what are you really?
You at your core are a vibrational being, as are flowers, trees, and the oceans.
When you see a flower grow to its fullest bloom, ask yourself how is it that this flower seems to know what direction it is meant to go.
The flower has its own guidance system...a life force.
That same life force is in you...
Get alone, get quiet, remove yourself from those who pick out your flaws, and learn to be comfortable with your aloneness, so you can start hearing your internal guidance....
You are free...you have the ability to be guided by something more...
But first you must get quiet and comfortable with being with your own self.
You at your core are a vibrational being, as are flowers, trees, and the oceans.
When you see a flower grow to its fullest bloom, ask yourself how is it that this flower seems to know what direction it is meant to go.
The flower has its own guidance system...a life force.
That same life force is in you...
Get alone, get quiet, remove yourself from those who pick out your flaws, and learn to be comfortable with your aloneness, so you can start hearing your internal guidance....
You are free...you have the ability to be guided by something more...
But first you must get quiet and comfortable with being with your own self.
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