Monday, February 27, 2012

The Law of Attraction/It's Not What You Say-It's What You Mean

Many people who do not understand the true principles of the law of attraction, and it's omnipotence, tend to think of the LOA as some made up story by some money hungry opportunistic author slash business person. Unfortunately there has been somewhat of a backlash regarding all the media attention around books like "The Secret" and "The Power." This is unfortunate, because the very people who poo poo the principles of the LOA are the very ones who could benefit the most by opening themselves up to learning more about it.

The LOA is at play whether a mind consciously accepts it is or not. Angry people tend to get sicker more often than those who tend to be more peaceful. Angry emotions trigger the secretions of chemicals within the body that cause elevations in blood pressure, as well as insulin and cortisol. Anger is an emotion that constricts blood flow and cuts oneself off from feelings of happiness. If a person chooses to entertain thoughts of anger, his thoughts will bring about an equal chemical reaction in his body. What happens in the mind, also happens in the body.

The body, like the universe is not concerned with what "words" are coming out of someone's mouth. If my neighbor despises me, and yet each day says "Good morning, how are you?", his words are empty while his vibration is full of negativity.

If you say you are not nervous, and yet inside your mind you panic consistently over things you cannot control, the universe will only feel your panic. The universe is not a speaking plane. It is a feeling plane.

The universe isn't listening to you, it's feeling you.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Before You Start Using The Law of Attraction, Know This

With all the hoopla circulating around the law of attraction, and being one who is a diligent student of the laws of the universe, I wonder just how deeply these laws are understood by others.

In my earlier days of learning about the law of attraction, I was often confused. It seemed so simple. I attract what I think about. But the more time I spent studying the laws the more I began to understand that manifesting desires isn't such a simple process after all.

So much of what we think is not conscious. So much of what we do is based on our subconscious belief systems. Therefore unless we first uncover what our subconscious beliefs are about ourselves, our worthiness, and so on, nothing we "think we think" is going to be able to bring about "what we think" we desire.

If you desire a loving partner who is going to respect you for who you are, validate you as a person, and honor your feelings, yet on a subconscious level you do not love your self, respect your self, or honor your own feelings, no matter what hogwash you consciously think about you will never be able to manifest a truly loving partner.

If you subconsciously resent rich people, yet consciously ask the universe for more money, you will not be efficient at manifesting riches, because your true vibrational offering is negative towards people with money.

If you want your children to love themselves, yet subconsciously you have yet to come into harmony with your own soul, your vibrational offering is not a match to what is going on inside of your mind consciously.

If you want a new car, and yet are angry because it has not yet arrived in your reality, your subconscious attitude of "not having" will override any empty words you speak inside your head, journal about or meditate upon.

Before you go and start frustrating yourself thinking you are using the law of attraction to your advantage, know that the universe isn't listening to your words. Instead it's feeling the words you cannot hear.

In order to truly master your time space reality, you must first know your subconscious mind, spend time analyzing it, deprogram it, and then reprogram it. It is not possible to manifest without knowing what is first going on inside of you on a subconscious level. The vibrational offering of your subconscious is what the universe is responding to.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Missing Key to Manifesting Desires

In the past few years I have been getting really good at manifesting desires into my life. From love to work, to the book I have recently published.

In reflection, I have wondered about my unique turning point. Why is it that for most of my life I never allowed myself to dream? Why is it that for all the years up until recently, did I live with such a short list of wants?

My fiancee has taught me much. One of the greatest things I love about him, is his ability to dream and dream big. A masterful visualizer, he is a man who consistently draws into his experiences those things he dreams of. Unaware at how good he is at using the law of attraction to his advantage, he is a joy to observe.

Through the experience of loving him, I discovered a key difference between the both of us.

My darling believes he deserves wonderful things in his life.


I on the other hand, was a child who was programmed to believe I did not deserve wonderful things.

Instead, I was taught that wanting was selfish, and was labeled as such whenever I expressed a want, a need or a desire.

For me the missing key was found in my unconscious childhood programming. Taught that life was supposed to be hard, money didn't grow on trees, and that money was the root to all evil, I was unaware of the message I was offering the universe. Like my parents, while I always had what I needed to feel "safe", the money was never really there for all the extra goodies that made life joyous, like vacation or luxurious cars.

I have spent the past few years debunking my subconscious mind. Through more conscious journaling, brainwave technology, and through the studying of youtube videos like, "Think and Grow Rich", I have made steady progress in the changing about of my subconscious programming.

For anyone who may be stumbling with manifesting their desires, do a self awareness check and see if perhaps you are blocking your manifestations because of your subconscious belief that you may not be deserving of great things.

What are you subconscious beliefs about money, about rich people, or about people who drive really expensive cars?

If you feel any negativity towards people who have money, or if you are envious of those who drive expensive cars, or who take long vacations, then you are sending negative information out into the universe. Your vibrational offering is muddled, confused, and certainly not clear.

Allowing abundance to flow to you will first require you to believe on an unconscious as well as conscious level that you deserve to have great things come to you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Please Pray For The Heroine Addict I Love

Just about two years ago I met a very young man named Taylor. He is 19 now, and addicted to heroine. He has been since I met him, and even before that.

My heart felt a tremendous tug when my fiancee's daughter told me about her childhood friend. If my heart had eyes, they'd still be weeping for the child who is lost within the frenzy that has become his mind.

To all of my wonderful readers, and friends on Twitter who believe in their hearts that LOVE can make a difference, I ask you this day to remember my friend Taylor. In your hearts space please place thoughts of my young friend, and see him in your hearts mind as healed. See him smiling, fulfilled, and in love with himself. See him experiencing the truth about life-see him enlightened, grateful and open to positive things.

Most of us here on this blog, and on Twitter believe that each being is a manifestation of source energy in physical form. Enlightened beings understand that as physical manifestations of pure source energy, we cannot separate the physical experience from the spiritual or intellectual sides of what it is to be a human. Therefore our physical bodies are prone to physical limitations. Unfortunately addiction is one of those physical limitations.

Taylor is a good soul. I dare say he entered into this world hoping to change it some way. Knowing him has in fact changed me. I am softer, more empathetic, and more open because of him.

I believe with all of me that the energy of LOVE can transform anything, even addiction.

I believe that with enough LOVE, Taylor can be healed.

I believe in the power of prayer, if that prayer is offered in the form of faith.

I do not see Taylor as he is in my prayers. I see him as I wish him to be.

Friends, today, in your heart space, as you go about your routines, see Taylor as you would wish to see any happy, fulfilled 19 year old young man.

I will keep you posted.

Thank you all...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Your Outer World Is A Mirror Of Your Inner World

It is a sad shame that so much of the bible has been distorted and warped to fit the agenda's of specific groups. While I refuse to point the finger at any one organization, I feel fairly confident that many people understand this opinion.

If it is above us as it is below us, then it just makes sense that what is outside of us, must be inside of of us.

If I love my self, then I must be experiencing love in my environment as well.

If I forgive my self, then I must be able to forgive others.

If I respect my self and exercise my body, nurture my spirit, and expand my mind, then I must also have respect for my fellow man.

If on the other hand, I do not love my self, surely I will attract those who are unable to love me.

If I cannot forgive my self, then I will attract others who judge me.

If I do not respect my self, and fail to exercise my body, mind, and soul, then I will attract friends and lovers who do not respect themselves as completely as they could either.

If I do not give my all in love, love will not give its all in return.

All love starts with self love.

Love all of you, completely mind, body and soul.

Love your soul as if it were your lover.

Love your self, so completely so that the next love that shows up, loves you completely.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Electromagnetic Field Of The Heart

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Living In The Heart Field Rather Than The Brain Field

Here is some information for you to consider when thinking about your emotions.

The brain is less electrically charged than the heart.

The heart is 40-50 times electrically stronger than the brain.

The heart sends information to the brain...and in turn the brain sends information to the heart...not the other way around.

The pulse in your wrist is the result of a wave of energy. It is called the Blood Pressure Wave. The blood pressure wave modulates the brain. The brain does not modulate the blood pressure. What you feel, by way of emotional waves in the heart, effects the rhythm of your blood wave, which sends negative or positive information to the brain.

In 1983 the heart was reclassified as a part of our hormonal system. It secretes atrial peptide which is responsible for reducing cortisol, the stress hormone in the body. It also secretes oxytocin which is called the love hormone.

The heart is an electrical organ which emits an electrical field which can be measured. The field not only encompasses every cell of our body, out through our skin, but it also emits out into space.

Researches using magnetometers can definitively measure this field. This field is not controlled by the brain. It is controlled by the heart.

GET THIS!! Our field changes determining what we are 'feeling'. Magnetic fields are determined by what we 'feel'. The electromagnetic field of a being is effected by the heart.

Collectively, how do others heart fields effect OUR heart fields???

Follow your heart, follow your love, follow your truth...and be free to heal humanity...

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Imagine a world with no heaven, no religion too...


Thank you to
Howard Martin v. p. at the Heart Math Institute in N. Ca for his research on The Intelligence of The Heart.

You can watch a video on The Intelligence of the heart here:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Positive Thoughts Create Mental Health

Thoughts become things. What we think about, we bring about. Where
our attention goes, energy flows.

If you felt like having pizza for dinner, your attention to pizza would
bring about the chain of events necessary to ensure your desire for
pizza was met.

And so it is with all thoughts we think.

If your thoughts are negative, and you do nothing to shift your focus,
then soon you will experience things that reinforce the negativity you
were feeling within. If instead you chose to use your power of focus
to draw your attention to things that made you feel more positive, you
would experience circumstances, people and events that reinforced your
more positive internal vibration.

People who are considered to be mentally fit, are those who are
efficient at coping with life. It is necessary to note however, that
those who possess more positive personalities, undoubtedly experience
less unwanted stress. This is no mistake.

Are the more positive beings amongst us, more pleasant because they
have less unwanted stress, and are the mentally unhealthy more negative
because their lives are so uncomfortably stressed?

In this Life Coaches humble opinion, I believe the answers to these
complex questions are curiously simple.

The way someone thinks creates the experience they live. The more
positive a mind, the less unwanted people, circumstances and
experiences that person attracts. The more negative a mind, the more
unwanted people, circumstances and experiences that person attracts.

Want to feel more mentally fit right now? If so, workout that grin a
little more often. Start lifting your own spirit. Exercise the happy
rhythm of your heart, and every once in awhile do a silly jig. Now
that's a workout!

A Love Letter To My Daughter

Heaven crafted an angel, and sent her to me,
To care for, to watch over and to one day set free.

The angel you are, lives simultaneously in my soul,
And when you are not happy, in me-I feel not whole.

You my sweet angel have no need for tears,
Nor do you have need for unnecessary fears.

You are perfect my angel, and this is no mommy's fairy tale,
My eyes see only beauty; At life you shall not fail.

Never doubt the place in my heart for you,
Remember these rhymes in case you ever do.

A prouder mother there could never be,
Your infectious spirit is as deep as the seas.

Fret not my angel, its normal for winged creatures to want to fly,
Time is marching on, and you're giving flight a try.

In life you'll need to discover your own sets of rules,
You'll fall on one occasion or maybe two.

Every angel stumbles along her way,
Its how we angels learn, and eventually find brighter days.

Never doubt the love that brought you from heaven to me,
I love you Michelle, Love, Mommy

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How The Law of Attraction Really Works

You at your very core are a vortex of spinning energy. Your being is vibrational in nature. This is not sorcery, a fantasy or some made up plot in a fiction novel. This is science folks.

Your heart beats due to an electric current that is supplied by the chemicals in your body.

You are a vibrational creation.

The very universe you exist in, exists because of like matter being drawn to like matter in the form of energy flow.

Although most people never question how it is the moon or the sun sit in the sky without strings or scaffolding holding them up in outer space, the very foundation of our universe is the law of attraction.

Although books like the Secret and The Power were instrumental in raising awareness about this universal law, unfortunately less curious minds have poo pooed the premise as hollywood fluff. These minds are missing out on a whole lot of fun. So sad...Oh well...let's move on.

The universe can only exist if the law of attraction continues to operate. Because this is simply scientific fact, it only makes sense that it is true for all forms of life within it.

Humans have an ability no other life forms have. We have the ability to consciously alter our realities through focus and deliberate intent. Our ability to visualize and feel on an emotional level is the equivalent to sending out a radio signal. Because the universe is vibrational in nature, it is constantly, in every moment receiving information and drawing like energies to match our vibrations, whether they be positive or negative.

If you are feeling angry, your vibrations are negative. In every moment you sit in your anger, you are sending that frequency into the universe, which will respond immediately with equal negative energy. Whether you spill your coffee, lose your car keys, get a flat, or have an argument with a stranger in the street, whatever shows up next will be equal to your vibrational offering.

The key to happiness is self awareness. Learning to still the mind so you are able to observe what you are thinking and feeling is one of the first steps to using this law to your advantage.

Knowing what you are thinking and especially feeling moment to moment, allows you to then decide what you want to think and feel to effectively create your reality to match your innermost desires.

Pay attention, because your universe is...


Monday, February 6, 2012

Parenting Tip Using The Law of Attraction

All beings come into this physical time space reality seeking the pleasurable experience of expansion through the joy of freedom.

Beings were intended to come into this physical realm with the freedom to choose their own thoughts, wants and ultimately to manifest their truest desires.

But sadly, more often than not, beings are born into situations that are less than ideal. When beings are born to dysfunctional parents, and are programmed to worry more about what others think about them, then what they think about themselves, beings are pulled out of alignment with their true purpose.

Freedom is the fundamental requirement for happiness. If a being does not feel free, he/she will be unable to reveal to themselves the content of their truest desires. The being who feels oppressed in some way, will instead need to push against those he/she perceives as his/her oppressor.

If we as parents truly want our children to be happy, we must understand that at our children's very core is the need to feel free.

All beings ultimately come to this time and space to experience joy. Beings who feel free to truly be who they are, avoid painful experiences. If parents used these concepts consciously while rearing their children they could avoid future problematic issues.

Children who rebel, rebel because they sense their freedom is being threatened. Because the need to feel free is so innate, children sometimes involve themselves with risk taking behavior simply as a means to prove to their oppressors that they are ultimately in charge of their own lives.

It is wiser for us as parents to use language that invokes the idea of collectiveness. Asking a child when he/she is going to take the garbage out, rather than telling the child to take the garbage out, suggests that the child is involved with the decision making of the chore, rather than be ordered to do the chore.

As a much older observer of my own less than perfect parenting styles of way back when, I clearly see how my once well intended authoritative stance with my first child gave him plenty of reasons to feel as if his fundamental right to feel free was being threatened. If I could go back in time, I would care less about what the neighbors thought about my little boys mismatched outfits, and long hair. I would have asked for his cooperation, rather than forced him to do things he didn't want to do.

Looking back, I see now that at my sons core was always a desire to make his mama happy. Had I learned not to care myself so much about what others thought, I would have felt more free as well. At my core, as at my sons core, was and always will be a need to feel free. And the more I learn to accept myself for who I am, as well as to accept my son for the miraculous being he is, the happy we both become.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Self Esteem For Children and The Law of Attraction

Sadly there has been a backlash as a result of all the hoopla created over the amazing book "The Secret". In conversations I have had with people who have not taken the time to study this universal law, I have unfortunately noticed that there is an overwhelming tendency for these people to discount the true meaning of the law of attraction. As if the law of attraction is some silly made up delusional mental creation related to sorcery, rather than the scientific fact it is, many people dismiss the enlightening knowledge it possesses, and fail to use the law to enhance their lives.

The very basis of our galaxy is the result of like matter being attracted to like matter. Our planets, once nothing more than swirling dust; the result of being sucked into a black hole, swirled and swirled into a vortex, until matter that was liken to itself was forced to magnetically bind. Vortexes are the result of magnetism. The very basic unit of what a being is, is in fact a vortex. An atom is a swirling vortex of energy.

Why then is there so much hesitancy in beings towards grasping the true meaning of 'the law of attraction'? Why then do people turn their unlearned noses up at the very mention of the most powerful law on earth?

The answer is simple. If people cannot see it, they have a hard time believing in it, yet no one doubts the sun exists long after it has set and the moon sits in the sky. And how simple is it for parents to doubt the pain their child may be in, because his/her wounds are on the inside, opposed to on the outside, in the form of a bruise or a laceration.

Self esteem is defined as regard for ones self. If the adults in children's lives do not know who they are, and do not come to understand how magnificent and perfect the soul is, no matter who the soul is, based purely on the concept of the miracle of the law of attraction, how then can a parent ever truly be equipped emotionally to be able to convey to a confused child the absolute knowing that their child is perfect?

At a very deep level beings have been ingrained to believe their worth is found through something outside of themselves. Religion separates man from god. Religion teaches us that we are born with original sin. This of course is a lie. Every life form is miraculous. But unless parents learn to love themselves, they cannot efficiently pass that knowing, that emotion, that vibration onto their children.

Mothers who complain about their weight, their age, their skin, or the unfortunate circumstances in their lives, emit negative emotions in the form of vibrations. These vibration will be absorbed by their children and draw into the lives of their children like negative energies in one form or the other.

Fathers who call their children names, are over controlling, or who never show up for their children, send negative emotional energy in the form of vibrations to their children. This lack of feeling worthy in the eyes of a child as the result of his/her fathers ridicule, criticism, or absence, infuses the child with a sense of low self worth. This negative emotion is emitted on a vibrational level from the child, and as a result this child will draw into his/her experience the exact equivalent vibration into his/her life experience. Whether it is bullying at school, or being the bully, or getting hurt, or poor grades, or getting into trouble, it is simply like energy being drawn to like energy.

Self esteem is a vortex of either positive or negative energy. The more a parent understands his/her self and fully grasps the magnitude of the gift life is, the greater their child's vortex of positive self esteem.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Is Your Vibrational Offering

Because anyone with half an ounce of intelligence whom has ever taken the time to ponder the fact that our very planet, its sun, and orbiting planetary siblings, is a physical representation of the law of attraction at work, it is fair to assume that like in fact attracts like.

If this is true for the planet we walk on in relation to the sun we derive life from, then it must also be true for we physical beings and our human brothers and sisters.

Building upon this premise, it would be safe to assume then that all creatures attract their own sets of circumstances.

But how?

We beings are vibrational creatures first. We are physical manifestations of our vibrational states of being. Our emotions, rule our behavior. Therefore, who and what we are on a vibrational level attract to ourselves its equal.

If I hate my self, I will attract people, circumstances and situations that validate that fact for me.

If I feel lonely, and seek out into my environment for love, I will not find it. My vibrational point of attraction will not allow it.

If more beings took the time to go within, and appreciated their vibrational points of attraction in the now, then beings could master their destinies deliberately drawing into the experiences the things they desire.