Monday, April 11, 2011

Thank You For Your Posts

I am writing this entry to say "thank you". Many of you have been commenting to my blog, and for some odd reason, I have not been getting notified when you have. So from my heart, I am sorry.

I started writing with one intent; to help, to inspire, and to give hope to those struggling with emotional binds that tie them.

Emotional ties, are like nooses around the necks of our own spirits. They are ties no one else can see, yet we are strangling from. It is a lonely, frustrating existence, to be emotionally wounded, and to have no where to turn. I know, because for decades that wounded soul was I.

In response to the most prevalent sentiments shared in your comments, I offer you these words of advice. To my friend "anonymous" who is compelled to help her friend who is a complete enabler and who is destroying the rest of her family with her inability to take responsibility for her role as "parent", and thus is reinforcing her own children's inability to be self responsible, I commend you on your intuition as well as clarity. You are right. Your friend is causing deep wounds, as well as crippling her children. It is unfortunate. It is unacceptable, but it is nonetheless reality.

Our places in this world, in my opinion is rooted in learning. In learning, we grow. And this gained knowledge is not a gift we are too keep all to ourselves. Wisdom is meant to be shared.

I believe you are far wiser than your friend. And I believe your friend knows this to be true. You my darling still have work to do.

Caring, praying, inspiring, and pulling for others is not the same as enabling them. When we feel so intensely about helping others, to the point where our focus shifts, and we no longer worry more about our happiness...we have crossed the line.

You my dear are meant to be happy...that is your birthright...and if you are losing your ability to enjoy life because of your worry for others, you are diminishing your capacity to truly help...

Make the best of yourself. Take all the energy you have been directing towards helping others who are not interested in helping themselves, and pour it into you...Become magnificent....Own your happiness...Own your beauty...Own your compassion and take your lessons out into the world with the knowing that you can only inspire the truly hungry...

You will find your way...and others who might benefit from your intuition and gift of discernment will naturally find you...

Attract the hungry, rather than trying to feed the overfed...

And when you do, you join me on my vision...You help change the world one mind at a time...

Thanks for writing...


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Thank you for visiting my site which was created to help heal adult children of alcoholics, codependents, those suffering from codependency issues, as well as all beings suffering from low self esteem, and who seek validation from outside rather from within.

Know--you are enough!

Lisa A. Romano