Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Who You Really Are

In this physical place, you have been conditioned to believe in many untruths.

Fortunately truth exists all around you. You are as a flower is, as the moon is, and as air is. You are essential to the well being of this planet, to society, and to those with whom you share interactions.

Your thinking, hoping and loving of others helps to expand, and evolve those who occupy this time and place along with you; and it also helps expand future generations.

The world is a better place, and will continue to be a better place because you are in it.

If you are reading this entry, it is because you have magnetically, through the power of your thoughts drawn it to you.

The message contained within it is simple.

Be who you are...Be different...Do not fear standing alone...Learn who you are...and allow yourself to be all that you have learned you are...

And once you are certain you know who you are, bring your uniqueness to others...Be joyful, be silly, be compassionate...and most importantly be gentle with who you are...

Others will see in you something they wished they possessed...They will notice...and as they notice, their thinking expands-shifts-and consciousness begins to awaken.

The masses are not thinking beings...Those who have come to this blog know something most do not, and together it is our purpose to be who we are, and to help others learn to allow themselves to be who they are, so that ever expanding consciousness can continue, and peace can finally flow freely on our planet...Until peace is planetary, we must be tiny islands of peace ourselves...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Real Secret

When we are laughing or appreciating, we are in harmony with who we truly are.

The Law of Attraction is forever responding to our current point of attraction.

In the moments we are laughing or appreciating; in these moments we are most in alignment with our creative powers because these feelings are pure; just as the pulse or the source of our universe is and all its creative power is.

In your moments of bliss, this is when you should give birth to your desires...When you feel most content, dream...because when you are free of anger or resentment, you are free of resistance...which then connects you magnetically to the attracting powers of the universe...

Don't believe in the Law of Attraction? It doesn't really matter...You are where you are because The Law of Attraction always yields to you what you think of most of the time...

Whether you use The Law of Attraction to your advantage to deliberately create the life you want or not, its at work..........

I choose to be a student of The Law of Attraction knowing that in time, the more attention I spend getting into joy which is in alignment with who and what I truly am, the quicker the things of this universe of which I am wanting will manifest.

To this day, I have received everything I have ever wanted...And in my heart I know more of what I am wanting is on its way...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who Am I and Why Am I Here

If what or who created you, also created the oceans, the stars, the moon, and flowers, then who you are is an expression of that which created you.

If what created you, created a rose, then you are as a rose.

A rose is simply a rose. It's beauty is found in its owning its full expression of that which is rose.

It is delightful, and colorful, and brings joy when we look at them, because they are connected to their truth.

A rose isn't stressing because it wants to be a tulip, or a cat. From the seed of the rose before it, a rose grows and pushes out of the darkness of soil and reaches everyday for a little more sunlight, and a little more nourishment, so that it can finally reach its full expansion.

And so it is with you.

From the seed of those before you, and out of the womb of darkness, you have come forth to reach towards what feels good and what nurtures you.

Unfortunately, many of us have lost our connection to our source, and we move in directions that do not nurture us and instead of moving towards fulfillment of our purpose on earth, which is to grow, expand and be joyful, we choose to stay in the dark.

You are here to blossom as every flower does that you see.

You are here to expand and to absorb the enormous good that is around you, so that you can experience spiritually, through your physical body-joy..........its that simple...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Is Anxiety, and How to Heal It

Anxiety is the bodies reaction to inappropriate thinking, which in effect is an appropriate response to fearful thoughts.

Your body is not crazy for feeling anxiety. It is not doing anything wrong. In fact, your anxiety is perfectly normal considering the thoughts you are producing in your mind.

If you feel impending doom, it is good for your body to feel anxious. If you felt nothing, that would be far worse.

Thank goodness your body can react appropriately to negative stimuli.

The answer is not to depress your anxiety symptoms. This does nothing but mask the problem, and if anything, confuses the body even more.

The goal is to fix your thoughts.

When you make peace with anxiety symptoms and begin to understand anxiety symptoms are nothing more than a reflection of the way your mind is thinking, you can then embrace your symptoms rather than fight them. When you embrace your symptoms, and no longer fear them, and instead see they are nothing more than a mirror into your mind, then with your consciousness, through deliberate creation of more positive thinking, you can slowly ease out of feeling anxious into a more peaceful one, even if it is just one small step better than the more frightening one before it.

Slowly you can teach your brain to see things in your environment that make you happy.

Practicing how to think well is an art...but it can be done...

Be easy on yourself, and take it slow...practice, practice, practice...thinking well happy thoughts...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Think You're Way Out of Your Negative Circumstances

IF you are in a negative place, know that each negative thought attracts another negative thought.

When you are depressed, angry or whining, it is difficult sometimes to accept that WE are drawing to us vibrationally the equivalent to whatever thoughts we hold to be true in our heads.

If we "feel" and say over and over in our minds, "I can't do that. I have no money. I have no money. I have no money. There is never enough money", then you will never go on vacation, have nice clothes, have a massage or get a facial. You won't ever drive a luxury car, or buy a big home. Because your belief is, "I have no money."

If your belief is, "I can't lose weight. I can't lose weight. I love Doritios. I am addicted to chocolate", then don't be mad at your body when you look at it in the mirror. Your brain is simply believing what you are conditioning it over and over to believe.

I want a new car. Unless I believe I can have that new car, I will never have it. I am putting this out there in writing, believing that eventually my white CL550 white, (hopefully it can come as a convertible) Mercedes Benz is going to be mine. I do not worry about how or when, because this creates negativity and anxiety in my body. I am keeping my mind conscious about thinking only in the affirmative.

I must now become an emotional or vibrational match for that which I desire. In the past few months I have been noticing more and more CL550's. I have inquired on line about the car, write about the car in my journal, and today will go take the car for a test drive.

The goal is to "become equal emotionally" with the desire of the car. The greater I feel about the car, the more positive energy I will summon within me about the car and the greater my chance is of attracting it into my life.

Again, I don't know how, or when that car will be the one I am driving every day...but until then I can do all I can to "feel" the car into my reality.

I do this because like always attracts likes.

If you are in a negative circumstance, think your way out of it.

Imagine how it would "feel" to be lucky enough to get out of where you are..but don't entertain thoughts in the negative like, "Well I know she is lucky, but I am not", because your brain will believe.

Your brain is not as smart as you think it is. It cannot tell the difference between physical reality, and non physical reality...which is why anxiety is felt in the body...Anxiety is negative thinking that cues the body up for doom. The body is reacting to what your brain is telling it is going to happen.













Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why Am I Still Stuck

If you are feeling stuck, there are certain things you need to know.

If I were speaking through the eyes of spirit, or your source; your creator, I would tell you to relax into feeling just a little bit better right now. Knowing you're stuck is better than not knowing you are stuck. So you're already on the right path.

You are an energy, or spiritual being first. But you have been summoned to this planet, which is a physical place. Therefore you must get a handle on the fact that what you see, what you feel, and what you think is being filtered through the physical.

Your brain is physical.

Your psychology is physical.

Thoughts, without awareness are absent of the truer you that you are. Without enlightenment, or awareness of how perfect you are right now; the non-physical part of you, then the thoughts you have, and the feelings you express will be short sided, frustrating, confusing, and very often not even a true expression of who you are. Without awareness, very much who you are and think you are is the result of what others have programmed or conditioned you to feel about you and the world you live in.

If you were not validated, nurtured or if the idea that you are perfect as you are was not reinforced into your brain as you grew, then seeing the world and yourself through the eyes of your own soul, may be impossible for you right now.

Young growing brains need to have their "self"; their perfect self reinforced. We are not good because we get good grades, dance well, are pretty or make others happy. We are good, simply because we are, and we are all part of the same creator who requires nothing of us to be good enough. The only requirement for us at all is to expand and grow in peace and joy.

If you are not happy where you are, then move. If you cannot move physically, imagine you have.

If you are not in a feel good place, then create thoughts that make you move your energy from negative to positive right now.

Imagine being where you desire to be.

Imagine more how you would like to feel when you get to where you want to be.

Your old thoughts are just the products of your physical brain. Your old thoughts have been programmed into you through neuro pathways. You repeat these thoughts in your mind and over and over, and as you do they get dug deeper into your psychology. And then you wonder why you cannot stop thinking what you don't want to think.


Because when you obsess about what you don't want to think you are still giving energy and focus to that which is negative which will only attract more negativity...which will only create more doubt, more confusion, and more anxiety...

Don't want to be stuck anymore? Then use your brain to work for you....

Use your physical brain to connect you to the non physical part of you.

Allow your brain to create ideas, dreams and visions of the very things you want...

Connect from within you to the way you want to feel each day when you wake up, and watch miracles be drawn to you...

Practice feeling good everyday until your brain's ideas have tipped more towards thoughts of the positive than the negative...

It is my belief that all those reading this post will have attracted this article to themselves.

And it is my belief, that if you practice just feeling good, eventually in time what you dream of will manifest in your physical world.

It must...because it is law.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Truth They Don't Want You To Know

If man can keep you fearful, man can keep you down.

If man can keep you wanting, man can control your wants.

If man has no control over what you want, then you are free to love yourself where you are.

If you love yourself where you are, your need to join the collective masses ceases.

If your thoughts turn towards the non-physical reality of who you are, then your desires for the physical will diminish.

When you know you are a perfect being as you are, then you no longer need others to help you manifest your desires.

When you connect, and integrate truth; you are a non-physical entity that can live from a place from within, free of the opinions and manipulation of others, you are free to create, consciously the desires of your heart and to sit back and relish in the amazement of their physical manifestations in your life...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Self Esteem and The Law of Attraction

Unfortunately many of us as children we were not taught to value our own thoughts. Instead we were treated as if what we thought, needed, or wanted was unimportant. In large ways and in small, it was impressed upon us to concern ourselves more with what others thought about us, than what we thought about us.

The good little children amongst us smiled when we felt like crying, and shut our mouths when we felt like screaming. We were too young at the time to understand that what we were being conditioned to do was to deny our selves for the sake of other peoples comfort. What we never could have ever understood was we were being programmed to cut ourselves off from the very essence of who we were.

For anyone lucky enough to have been encouraged to follow their dreams, it is my hope that gratitude is your constant companion. For all the rest of us, who were instead told that our dreams were frivolous; or worse, were never asked about our dreams at all...hold on...your best is yet to come.

I have just completed Kevin Trudeau's 14 CD program on the law of attraction. And daily I listen to youtube video's of Esther Hicks.

I am in complete agreement with both teachings on the law of attraction, but feel that some basic "self help" jargon might be beneficial for anyone truly interested in becoming a student of the law of attraction.


Before you can manifest your desires in the physical, you must learn to "hear and value" your own mind.

If you are in a dysfunctional relationship of any kind, or if you are addicted to alcohol, drugs, food, sex, attention, will have a difficult time using the law of attraction to bring to you those things that will ultimately bring you joy. This is because addictions and dysfunctional relationships can never bring us joy, and unless we free ourselves from them, our thinking will not be free or strong enough to attract to us the positive. Instead we will simply draw to us more of the negative.

The law of attraction is always at work.

But if you want to use it to your advantage, you must gain clarity.

You must know who you are.

You must learn to trust your gut and to cut others out of your life that drain you.

You must actively seek to make peace with right where you are, no matter where you are...

If your life sucks right now, find something to praise, to adore, and to shower with love anyway, even if all you can love right now is a goldfish. Just love that goldfish as much as you can, until that feeling of love fills you up.

If your life sucks right now, put your hands under running water and be thankful for running water. Be thankful for the water, for the pipes that carry the water and for the ability to taste and feel water. Love the water that is flowing through your fingertips until that feeling of love swallows up whatever negative has been going on in your life.


If you have been told in large ways or small, that what others think of you is more important than what you think of you, know that you have been lied to. Truer, this type of programming also builds neuro pathways in the brain which cause your brain to "think" out of habit. Worrying about what others think of you is actually just a habit of thought which, with enough practice can be changed.

Teaching yourself to feel "grateful" helps build new neuro pathways in your brain, which will help you think healthier more positive thoughts.

When you worry what others think, you attract people who judge you. You then find yourself in situations that have you worrying about what other people are saying or thinking about you.

When instead your daily focus becomes about loving a goldfish, or the beauty of a sunrise, or simply learning to be grateful for running water, you are teaching your brain to think differently.

You then begin attracting healthier more positive thoughts.

To be able to use the law of attraction to your advantage, you first must tune into YOU.

But before you can tune into you, YOU must learn to love YOU first, and that takes practice.


Your feelings must guide you. If where you are feels negative, then leave where you are, and trust that your inner guide will lead you to a more positive place.

If you are unhappy in your relationship and no change is in sight, make peace with the idea that this relationship does not serve you, and leave it.

If you are unhealthy, overweight, overeat, or binge drink, you know on some level this is negatively effecting you. If you can accept this reality, make peace with this reality, and then change it. Start doing things that make you feel happy inside.

You must keep reaching for better, healthier, and more joyful feelings.

No matter where you are...there is something you can love.

Stop complaining...stop blaming...stop judging others...stop whining...and start making yourself happy...and watch the universe respond to your new way of thinking.

When your thoughts change, so does your life...

The Secret to The Law of Attraction

The secret to the law of attraction is simpler than one might think.

While most people who follow the law of attraction will tell you you must "feel" as if you have already received what it is you most desire...believing that the "feeling" is emotionally charged and will therefore summon the universe to draw to you the equal of that vibration.

On the surface this sounds simple to do...but it can be tricky.

To force mountains to move, you must have faith in not what you see, but in what you want to see.

Regardless of circumstance, you must, must believe in every moment, that what you want, and what you see, and what you feel will show up.

Just as you believe that the sun will rise today, so must you believe in what you see for your future reality...

The one thing I am grasping however, from all the studying I have been doing on the law of attraction, is that it is not about the "stuff" we desire at all...Instead it is strictly about "feeling" as if what you want, you already have...and connecting to that sense of peace, or power, or contentment, or freedom you believe "having" what you desire will bring....

Please read that again, and again and again...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Do You Know What You Think?

Thoughts are habits.

Are your thoughts more positive or negative?

Do you wallow in hate or anger? Or do you see good in every moment regardless of the now?

Do you give off negative vibrations, or do you beam anticipation and joy?

Do you know what you think?

If you do not know what you think, then you are not aware of the "vibrations" you are giving off, and emitting into the universe.

Your emotions are charged...

If your emotions are negative, then the energy you are emitting is negative.

If your attention is causing you to emit negativity, then you must change your thoughts....because you will only draw to you more negativity...

Want your life to change? Then change your thoughts until your new thought patterns are positive...

First; hear your thoughts...

Second; feel the emotion attached to your thoughts...

Third; decide whether you are carrying thoughts that are positive or negative...

Fourth; move your thoughts to a place that force you to reach for a more positive thought..

Fifth; change the way you feel by walking, singing, listening to great music, by dancing, reading, writing or dreaming...

Goal; your negative thoughts are simply patterns of thoughts that have created neuro pathways in your brain. Your negative thoughts, are simply patterns...which are the result of conditioning...

Aim: change your knowing what you think...And learning to create new neuro get new habits of thought...

Do it over and this blog daily, and become obsessed with healing your own mind...

Healing your mind, will lead you to your desires...

Monday, June 13, 2011

God and the Law of Attraction

When I was a little girl my mother used to say, "Lisa be good, otherwise God will punish you."

I feared this god, of which she spoke, as if he were a boogie man hiding behind bushes, following my every step.

I am older now, and still I hear people say things like, "God would never give me more than I can handle, so I guess I can handle cancer", or "Why did god take that child from her mother?" or "If there were a god, how can he let such horrible things happen in the world?"

God created man, but man has also created god, or at the least his own perception of god.

Throughout centuries ideas of god have changed and adjusted according to the "knowledge" man had at that point in time. Once there were god's of fire and rain. Man's ideas of god were wide, open and not held tightly perhaps because denominations had not yet taken the world by storm.

It seems that as the world has progressed, the images of god over time have gotten more precise.


In my opinion, it is because along the way, man began to figure out that if he could put fear in another man's heart, he could control him. Further, if he could control the fear, he could go as far as to manipulate the man's thoughts, behaviors, and wallet. Deeper still, if one elite man (power) could control a man's thoughts; if he could convince other men to breed and to force his offsprings into alignment with what the controller believed, it would be possible to manipulate masses of others for a specific gain.

Why can't we all see it?

Why can't the middle east, see it? Why can't minds free themselves enough to allow themselves the chance to first see they are being manipulated into believing someone else's thoughts, and that any type of harming of another being goes against life...and life-form regardless of what type, is still life...and that life that is in one, is in us all and to destroy it, is to destroy ourselves?

And yet I, or you, ask such things of terrorist organizations, while many of us follow just as blindly denominations that preach domination just as arrogantly as any other.

I have been told if I did not believe in Jesus, I would be denied entry into heaven....


I do believe there is a god, but I do not believe in the god that was so forcefully driven into every cell of my body, that was used against me to assure conditioning...

I believe in god so strongly that I see god in every thing I see. I see god in the skies, the grass, the horizons and the sunsets...I see god in the smiles of children and in the wise eyes of the old...I see god in the oceans, as well as in my fish and dog...

And I can feel god too.

I feel god when I allow myself to connect with the stream of joy loving my children creates.

I feel god in a kiss...

I feel god when wind blows through me, around me, and tosses my hair back and forth.

I feel god when I remind myself I am perfect where I am...

I feel god in me because I know god is me.

The bible says, "Do unto others as you would have do unto you." It says, "Fear nothing and that worry never adds a day to your life."

In the chapter of Matthew it is written, 17:20 "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

2 Corinthians 5:7 We live by faith, not by sight.

"For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you,
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,
believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
Mark 11:23-24 (KJV)

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8

Throughout the bible, there are truths that have been used sadly against us, when in fact the only messages that should have been actively sought, were those meant to inspire us, and to grow as free minded people, who knew that their true strength was within them, and all we ever had to do to deserve it, was be ourselves.

Yes, I know, Jesus lives in us...but unfortunately the messages I received as a child about Christ were drenched in guilt and fear.

I get it now.

God does live in me, because I am an extension of all that is...I need not ask for permission to be good enough, because I am good enough...we all are...

So mom was right after all. "Lisa, be good or else, that bad you put out there, will be attracted right back to you"...But it is also true..."Lisa do good, be good and attract whatever your heart desires now and forever"...

The bible is full of teachings on the Law of Attraction...we just have to open our minds to see them...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Self Esteem/Law of Attraction/Media/Government

Think The Powerful Elite/Government Want You To Have Self Esteem?
Think Again.....

What is self esteem? Self esteem is the belief in ones own value and worth. When one has high self esteem, he/she is considered to be one who is able to think their own thoughts, make decisions based on ones own thoughts, and believes in the value of ones own thoughts.

If I were an alien and I were peering down on this society, what I think would sound something like this; “ Here these humans are, glorious physical manifestations of source energy, with every means possible to be healthy, wealthy, happy and wise. There are parks for them to jog through, sunsets for them to delight in, soil for them to eat from, others to love and care for, as well as countless ways for them to learn about laws like the law of attraction. And yet the overwhelming majority of these physical manifestations of energy are obese, lazy complainers, who prefer to sleepwalk through their physical life, while more conscious “elite” beings amongst them control the masses through various forms of technology, media as well as governmental and local man made laws. These sleepwalkers are mindless puppets, being fed subliminal messages through their televisions, music, political leaders, and news headlines. These physical manifestations of energy, have simply given up. They refuse to own their right to know their own minds, and instead choose to sit back, absorb images and information that is nonsensical, degrading, minimizing and fear producing. These very capable energy beings are disconnected from their source, and do not even know their laziness, fear, and submission to mediocrity, is simply attracting more of the same into their lives in perfect alignment with The Law of Attraction.”

If I were an alien, I would think this planet was inhabited by some retarded, mutant life form. It would be difficult to imagine anything less. As smart as we think we are, we have polluted the very thing that without our existence would cease. Our planet so glorious, so able to sustain us on every level, and yet the majority of beings rarely if ever notice the beauty in sunsets or the rhythm of the ocean. Instead of honoring that which feeds us, we ignore it’s invaluable divinity and then have the audacity to whine when it rains.

If I were an alien there are things I would want you to know. I would want you to know that you are magnificent. The elite thinkers; your corporate and political leaders; the ones amongst you who embrace learning, who are not lazy complainers or fans of fast food, follow laws they are using to their advantage, and to your disadvantage. Your elite think they are big, and they prefer that you believe you are small. If you are riddled with disease, fear, and unnecessary worry, you are also following the laws of attraction.

The Law of Attraction is a law that simply put refers to the idea that like attracts like.

If I were an alien I would want you to understand that the powerful amongst you do not withhold this information from you, but they do emit information that is meant to disconnect you from the powerful creator you truly are. The information you receive through your media, your reality TV, through your newspapers and music, is nothing shy then an attempt to have you direct your attention from your inner source and onto thoughts that prevent you from knowing how magnificent you truly are.

If I were an alien I would want you to love your self. I would want you to love your self so much, that when negative or disturbing information tried to find you, you would turn away from them and instead you would choose to seek information that helped you feel good.

If I were an alien I would want your life form to wake up and to stop making excuses for why you do not love yourselves. Your only agenda would be to feel good now, and to keep reaching to feel better! The same source that created the moon, the oceans, the sky and the stars created you. Each being you look at, is an extension of your self. It is your job to seek those of like minds and to spread love and truth wherever and whenever possible.

The elite amongst you do not want you to love your self/selves, because if you did the collective potential of the masses might start powerful competitive corporations, or challenge information, laws and the actions of your government. If you loved your self, you would not be obese, and your health would be so good that you would no longer need the enormous amounts of medications that fuel the pharmaceutical giants, and the stock market. Your leaders of government and industry follow the same laws you all do, except they use the laws knowingly.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Learning About Quantum Physics and The Law of Attraction

Check it out...stuff for you to research on your own...May the "force" be with you!! Get smart girls..............

Secrets To The Secret: What The Elite Don't Want You To Learn About

When I was a little girl, I used to think that maybe I was an alien. I didn't ever feel like I quite fit in. I could feel others energy, or vibes, and shied away from many, simply because I didn't "feel" comfortable around them.

Often, I would think there was something wrong with me, because so many others didn't seem to feel what I felt.

For the past 11 years, I have been on a "soul journey". It has been my obsession to figure "me" out.

Bewildered, overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated after my divorce, I threw my hands up in the air and waved the white flag. I was done. I needed answers. My life wasn't working.

Never being the type who could easily accept anything for its face value, I knew I needed to roll up my spiritual sleeves, and dig into my psyche if I were ever going to get, to wherever the hell it was I was going.

It became crucial that I begin back at square one.

Why was I where I was? What thoughts got me to where I was? Why did I think the thoughts I thought?

If you read through this blog, you will undoubtedly learn that I have battled and won the war codependency created in my life. Deeper, I get it. Every ounce of chaos I endured, my thoughts drew to me in my physical world.

But this post is not about codependency. Its much much meatier than that.

While learning to unravel the wrinkles in my thought process, I stumbled upon internet searches about "secret societies" like the Skull and Bones and Masons, to name a few. Not ready at the time 11 years ago to digest the grizzle of these secret societies; still too busy digesting the fat of my own mind, I filed the information somewhere in the back of my mind.

Years later, I am in a much happier place, and strangely enough once again murmurs of secret societies have begun to stir.

Coincidence? Naa...I know better than that. I am still a student, and its time for me to learn more.


Don't believe me. Do your own research. The law of attraction is responsible for the existence of our galaxies, and every other galaxy. According to Quantum Physics, matter is made up of atoms and atoms attract atoms of similar energy composition. Energy and matter are said to be thought is considered to be energy, then that energy will automatically draw to it similar energy; even in the form of matter or materialistic things.

Whatever you "think" about, you will draw to you. If you are insecure, you will draw to you people who help you validate your insecurities. If you cannot resist chocolate, you will notice in your environment every donut, chocolate kiss, or brownie within a mile radius that helps you validate your belief that you cannot resist chocolate. If you are happy, you will draw to you those things in your environment that validate your happiness. Essentially whatever we think about the most, will show up.

our outer is merely a mirror to our inner.


If you really want your life to change, then you have to change your life.

If you want to lose weight, unless you change what you "think" about, you won't lose weight.

The "thinking" is where the meat is. You must learn to observe your own mind, so that you can learn to re-program your mind so that you can attract to you what you really desire.


The secret? The secret is, this material world is crap, B/S, nonsense...

The truth is, you are not your body, or even your mind.

Your insecurities, your fears...all nonsense....

That's right, crap.........utter crap.......

Because the truth is, you are perfect.

You are, at your core energy. When your physical being ceases to function, the energy that created you, and kept you alive, will leave your body and join other energies.

The energy that held the atoms of your cells together cannot be destroyed.

Where did that energy come from?

Where or why energy exists, we do not know. What we do know is, energy is energy because the law of attraction is real.


Let's face it. Most of us weren't all that interested in quantum physics when we were in school. But who amongst us was?

Maybe they were geeks then, but look at them now.

They are Yale graduates, Presidents of countries, Kings, Princes and alike.

What's the connection?

Well maybe, just maybe if you or I were smart enough to get into Yale, we would have had to have learned about quantum physics and the law of attraction. The elite; the ones who were smart and or lucky enough to be part of the qualifiable gene pool, not only learned about the law of attraction; they became obsessed with it.


If you're not reading, you're not learning. If you're not actively trying to figure out how this energy thing works; the very thing that governs our universe and all universes, you will not attract to you the information you could use to make your life work more wonderfully.

What the elite want you to believe is, you are NOT in control. They want you stupid. They want you illiterate. They want you to be depressed. They want you murdering. They want you drinking. They want you drugging. They want you unable to gain control over your mind.



The elite control the media. What you see is a watered down version of what truly is.

You ask; Why is it our magazine and newspaper headlines seem to care more about celebrity nonsense than foreign affairs?

Can't figure that out?

THINK...If the elite amongst us can keep us ignorant to what is really going on, then perhaps we-the masses might be able to forge together and create some resistance or competition they do not want.

Conspiracy theory? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

But I hold no one responsible but myself.

I do not blame others for seeking information that benefits themselves. I do not blame my government for taking phonics out of our schools. I as a parent am ultimately responsible for the teaching of my child.

I do not blame my government for keeping me in the dark. It is ultimately my responsibility, right and obligation to know what the hell is going on in my world. And further, with the internet, I have no excuse not to know.

I do not blame my government for taxes. I am responsible for what I make, what I save and how I save it.


It is my belief, that the elite have found ways to prevent the average Joe from making it big, but not by absolute force. Instead, the elite believe in the law of attraction and use it to their advantage to stay above the rest.

I do believe however, that secret societies were formed to stay above the rest.

I also believe that elite elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and universities, were also put in place to ensure that the offspring of the elite were cultivated for greatness to ensure the the elite gene pool, stayed the elite gene pool.

I do believe the elite encourage marrying within their "class" for specific reasons; to ensure the elite stay the elite.

The elite know the law of attraction works, so when they gather together they speak of splendid and grand things. They speak of conquest, riches, and fortune. Collectively these men, focus, and multiply the energy they emit, or transmit to one another. Not only are they emitting grand energy, but they are receiving the energy back, as according to the law of attraction.

Like attracts like. Greatness attracts more greatness...Money attracts money.

Think Higher...................

If the elite, through their positions in society have the ability to control what information is put out in society, in essence they control the energy that is being emitted through the information.

If the information we are receiving is doom and gloom, then collectively, an entire nation will feel doom and gloom. Being as like attracts like, doom attracts more doom, right there in your living room.

So we divorce more, we drink more, we drug more, and we hate ourselves more...because everything we see reminds us of how ugly or fat or how worthless and unhappy we are...

Why is it we permit magazines to photoshop images of models that are so ridiculous they are beyond realistic? Because if the elite can get us to believe these unrealistic representations of "women" are achievable, then the elite can keep women depressed.

If the elite can keep women depressed and in competition with one another, then we women are way too busy to band together and give the "elite men" any real competition at a higher level.

Think Cinderella hating her ugly stepsisters was an accident? Personally, I don't think so.


First, gain knowledge. The elite are counting on you not wanting to seek information that will allow you to grow and gain momentum. If you have made it through this blog this far, pat yourself on the back, because most people will not be open or teachable enough to even entertain the issues I have addressed.


Secret societies exist. Do your own research. Research Carnegie, Hill, Edison, Franklin, Ford and alike. Read about Masons, Illuminati, Skulls and Bones and draw your own conclusions.

I may not know everything there is to know about this place I call home; my planet earth. But I do know that the law of attraction is real. If it weren't, clouds wouldn't be clouds, rain wouldn't be rain, and the sofa I am sitting on, wouldn't be a sofa at all.

I know the law of attraction works, because I have two eyes, that are being held together by alike atoms of similar molecular and energy composition, otherwise I wouldn't have eyes.


The great news is, no matter what anyone tries to make you feel, you can choose to feel something different.

No matter how anyone else feels, you can feel good. Your energy simply wants to grow, and it is your choice in what direction; positive or negative, your energy can go.


Become a student....a student of who and what you really are...You are me, and I am you...and we are physical manifestations of the law of attraction in human form....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How To Be Happy Now

If you want your life to change, you must change your life...

How willing are you to learn...and how willing are you to change your life to be happy?

If you are not willing to learn, then you will never know anymore than you know now...

Thoughts create your behavior...

Focus all of your attention on your "thought process"...

Do not worry about "how to be happy"...

Most people "fail" because they get caught up in the "how" am I going to get there? How will I ever be happy?...

Focus instead on learning to "see" and appreciate all the "good" that is in your world...

Do it over and a conscious seeing beauty and good in your self and others...

Eventually you will be a magnet for happiness...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Should I Have Plastic Surgery

Many people these days consider plastic surgery as an option to a body fix, that unless plastic surgery was part of the equation, could not get resolved.

As in all things, plastic surgery can be used within realistic reason, or it can be abused. Certainly a person who is clearly addicted to plastic surgery, or one who fears the natural laws of life to such an extreme, to the extent that there face looks more like cellophane than skin,this person has gone over the edge. On the other hand, if plastic surgery is being called upon to alleviate an ongoing issue that otherwise could never be rectified, or if surgery is being considered to enhance ones own look, without altering the actual "look" of the individual, plastic surgery, can be a blessed option.

If your body is holding you back and you know that with a specific procedure your life could be enhanced, and your personal stream of joy could be significantly magnified by allowing a skilled surgeon to do what he does best, then by all means, consider doing what needs to get done.

For those of us who grew up in homes, where we were taught that plastic surgery was for the vain, or the rich and famous or for selfish people, sometimes allowing oneself to feel "worthy" of such an option is uncomfortable.

For those of us who had selfish parents, who conditioned us to believe that if we ever "self cared" that WE were selfish, unraveling those whispers can be difficult.

When a child grows up in a home feeling like they do not matter, and is conditioned to believe that what others need, think and want is more important than what he/she needs, thinks or wants, as adults we "mush for brains" children, do not always hear what we need inside our own heads.

For those considering plastic surgery as a way to be more comfortable in ones own body, if you in your heart know that you are not abusing surgery and you are not altering your body to please others or to "fit in" to somebody else's ideal, then your mind is in the right place.

These bodies we are in, are merely suits; costumes we get to house our spirits in. Who you are, has nothing to do with your physical body. Who you are, at your core is an extension of all the magnificence that is.

But because we live in a physical place in a physical reality, one must learn to integrate their physical parts with their mental and spiritual. If surgery can be used to make the "house" your energy travels in more comfortable, by all means consider it as a valid option and put all those silly thoughts about selfishness behind you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Husband Has A Mistress

So you just found out your husband has a mistress.

So how long have you suspected this to be so? Be honest....

I know it hurts. I know you are angry and confused, resentful, and full of anxiety...but what I would like you to do is think...think...think...think...and then think some more.

This pain is not of you-meaning; you my dear were not created to spend your life in pain, confusion, anger or resentment. You were not born to be second to a partner. You my darling, regardless of where you live, what you look like or how much money you earn, or do not earn, have not been put into a physical body to spend its lifetime here on this physical planet tortured for any reason what so ever.

You are a divine spiritual energy being whose soul purpose is to grow, expand, to learn, to love, to laugh and to live breathing in all that is positive and splendid on this magnificent planet we call earth.

At this moment, you are so far removed from your truth that you cannot see the forest through the trees. You cannot see how spectacular the sunset is, or how magical the sunrise is, or how enormous the heavens are. You cannot appreciate how magnificently geese fly in formation, or how miraculous the birth of a child is because in your present state; in your physical state all you can feel is the pain of what you see before you.

But my dear...think...think higher..think deeper...just think...

Just because you have now discovered your husbands infidelity does not mean that the sky, the oceans, or the mountains are any less fantastic than they truly are. It just means you are cutting yourself off from how miraculous they are, because you are allowing the physical pain to steal you away from places of joy that are still stored in you somewhere.

I have always said, that truth, no matter how painful is only real road to happiness.

If your husband is having an affair, thank him...Thank him for showing you you deserve more.

Thank him for giving you the chance to declare to the world that you deserve better.

Thank him for being the one to have the courage to admit, at least on some level, that neither of you were truly happy.

Thank him for showing his true lack of character now, so that you still have time to find a man who believes in integrity before your physical life comes to an end.

Thank him for giving you the chance to practice surrender.

Thank him for teaching you to trust your instincts.

Thank him for being the reason you can let go and know you never have to look back.

Thank him for the chance to have off the hook, sex with another man who is more your equal.

Thank him for all the lessons you learned up until now, and for being the diving board for which you can spring off of and start beginning a new, more full, more real, and more gratifying life.

And while you are at it...send thoughts of thanks for the mistress too....

Thank her for showing you that you are not her...You know you're not a runner up...

Thank her for showing you what kind of woman you are not...You are not a back stabbing ego, denial based woman...

Thank her for getting your cheating husband out of your life, so that you can go and find a real man, who may not be perfect, but who believes in fidelity...

Thank her for giving your husband a reason to leave...

Thank her for all the nights you won't be cleaning his dirty underwear, picking up his smelly socks, or cooking his meals...

Thank her for your chance at a new life, free of ever having to have sex with a man who is not faithful.

Thank her for all the alimony, and child support and future weekends alone to do whatever you want...because daddy and she will of course have the children every other weekend...

Thank her for all the cooking classes, yoga classes, facials, massages and dance lessons you are going to finally have the free time for..

And then...when you are done thanking them both for letting you go, turn around, get in your car and drive to a wide open space...Then look up, see the heavens and shout a big "thank you" to the universe too...'ll be fine... In fact you're going to be better than fine...The life you wish to design is waiting...

