When I was a little girl, I used to think that maybe I was an alien. I didn't ever feel like I quite fit in. I could feel others energy, or vibes, and shied away from many, simply because I didn't "feel" comfortable around them.
Often, I would think there was something wrong with me, because so many others didn't seem to feel what I felt.
For the past 11 years, I have been on a "soul journey". It has been my obsession to figure "me" out.
Bewildered, overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated after my divorce, I threw my hands up in the air and waved the white flag. I was done. I needed answers. My life wasn't working.
Never being the type who could easily accept anything for its face value, I knew I needed to roll up my spiritual sleeves, and dig into my psyche if I were ever going to get, to wherever the hell it was I was going.
It became crucial that I begin back at square one.
Why was I where I was? What thoughts got me to where I was? Why did I think the thoughts I thought?
If you read through this blog, you will undoubtedly learn that I have battled and won the war codependency created in my life. Deeper, I get it. Every ounce of chaos I endured, my thoughts drew to me in my physical world.
But this post is not about codependency. Its much much meatier than that.
While learning to unravel the wrinkles in my thought process, I stumbled upon internet searches about "secret societies" like the Skull and Bones and Masons, to name a few. Not ready at the time 11 years ago to digest the grizzle of these secret societies; still too busy digesting the fat of my own mind, I filed the information somewhere in the back of my mind.
Years later, I am in a much happier place, and strangely enough once again murmurs of secret societies have begun to stir.
Coincidence? Naa...I know better than that. I am still a student, and its time for me to learn more.
Don't believe me. Do your own research. The law of attraction is responsible for the existence of our galaxies, and every other galaxy. According to Quantum Physics, matter is made up of atoms and atoms attract atoms of similar energy composition. Energy and matter are said to be interchangeable...so...if thought is considered to be energy, then that energy will automatically draw to it similar energy; even in the form of matter or materialistic things.
Whatever you "think" about, you will draw to you. If you are insecure, you will draw to you people who help you validate your insecurities. If you cannot resist chocolate, you will notice in your environment every donut, chocolate kiss, or brownie within a mile radius that helps you validate your belief that you cannot resist chocolate. If you are happy, you will draw to you those things in your environment that validate your happiness. Essentially whatever we think about the most, will show up.
our outer is merely a mirror to our inner.
If you really want your life to change, then you have to change your life.
If you want to lose weight, unless you change what you "think" about, you won't lose weight.
The "thinking" is where the meat is. You must learn to observe your own mind, so that you can learn to re-program your mind so that you can attract to you what you really desire.
The secret? The secret is, this material world is crap, B/S, nonsense...
The truth is, you are not your body, or even your mind.
Your insecurities, your fears...all nonsense....
That's right, crap.........utter crap.......
Because the truth is, you are perfect.
You are, at your core energy. When your physical being ceases to function, the energy that created you, and kept you alive, will leave your body and join other energies.
The energy that held the atoms of your cells together cannot be destroyed.
Where did that energy come from?
Where or why energy exists, we do not know. What we do know is, energy is energy because the law of attraction is real.
Let's face it. Most of us weren't all that interested in quantum physics when we were in school. But who amongst us was?
Maybe they were geeks then, but look at them now.
They are Yale graduates, Presidents of countries, Kings, Princes and alike.
What's the connection?
Well maybe, just maybe if you or I were smart enough to get into Yale, we would have had to have learned about quantum physics and the law of attraction. The elite; the ones who were smart and or lucky enough to be part of the qualifiable gene pool, not only learned about the law of attraction; they became obsessed with it.
If you're not reading, you're not learning. If you're not actively trying to figure out how this energy thing works; the very thing that governs our universe and all universes, you will not attract to you the information you could use to make your life work more wonderfully.
What the elite want you to believe is, you are NOT in control. They want you stupid. They want you illiterate. They want you to be depressed. They want you murdering. They want you drinking. They want you drugging. They want you unable to gain control over your mind.
The elite control the media. What you see is a watered down version of what truly is.
You ask; Why is it our magazine and newspaper headlines seem to care more about celebrity nonsense than foreign affairs?
Can't figure that out?
THINK...If the elite amongst us can keep us ignorant to what is really going on, then perhaps we-the masses might be able to forge together and create some resistance or competition they do not want.
Conspiracy theory? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
But I hold no one responsible but myself.
I do not blame others for seeking information that benefits themselves. I do not blame my government for taking phonics out of our schools. I as a parent am ultimately responsible for the teaching of my child.
I do not blame my government for keeping me in the dark. It is ultimately my responsibility, right and obligation to know what the hell is going on in my world. And further, with the internet, I have no excuse not to know.
I do not blame my government for taxes. I am responsible for what I make, what I save and how I save it.
It is my belief, that the elite have found ways to prevent the average Joe from making it big, but not by absolute force. Instead, the elite believe in the law of attraction and use it to their advantage to stay above the rest.
I do believe however, that secret societies were formed to stay above the rest.
I also believe that elite elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and universities, were also put in place to ensure that the offspring of the elite were cultivated for greatness to ensure the the elite gene pool, stayed the elite gene pool.
I do believe the elite encourage marrying within their "class" for specific reasons; to ensure the elite stay the elite.
The elite know the law of attraction works, so when they gather together they speak of splendid and grand things. They speak of conquest, riches, and fortune. Collectively these men, focus, and multiply the energy they emit, or transmit to one another. Not only are they emitting grand energy, but they are receiving the energy back, as according to the law of attraction.
Like attracts like. Greatness attracts more greatness...Money attracts money.
Think Higher...................
If the elite, through their positions in society have the ability to control what information is put out in society, in essence they control the energy that is being emitted through the information.
If the information we are receiving is doom and gloom, then collectively, an entire nation will feel doom and gloom. Being as like attracts like, doom attracts more doom, right there in your living room.
So we divorce more, we drink more, we drug more, and we hate ourselves more...because everything we see reminds us of how ugly or fat or how worthless and unhappy we are...
Why is it we permit magazines to photoshop images of models that are so ridiculous they are beyond realistic? Because if the elite can get us to believe these unrealistic representations of "women" are achievable, then the elite can keep women depressed.
If the elite can keep women depressed and in competition with one another, then we women are way too busy to band together and give the "elite men" any real competition at a higher level.
Think Cinderella hating her ugly stepsisters was an accident? Personally, I don't think so.
First, gain knowledge. The elite are counting on you not wanting to seek information that will allow you to grow and gain momentum. If you have made it through this blog this far, pat yourself on the back, because most people will not be open or teachable enough to even entertain the issues I have addressed.
Secret societies exist. Do your own research. Research Carnegie, Hill, Edison, Franklin, Ford and alike. Read about Masons, Illuminati, Skulls and Bones and draw your own conclusions.
I may not know everything there is to know about this place I call home; my planet earth. But I do know that the law of attraction is real. If it weren't, clouds wouldn't be clouds, rain wouldn't be rain, and the sofa I am sitting on, wouldn't be a sofa at all.
I know the law of attraction works, because I have two eyes, that are being held together by alike atoms of similar molecular and energy composition, otherwise I wouldn't have eyes.
The great news is, no matter what anyone tries to make you feel, you can choose to feel something different.
No matter how anyone else feels, you can feel good. Your energy simply wants to grow, and it is your choice in what direction; positive or negative, your energy can go.
Become a student....a student of who and what you really are...You are me, and I am you...and we are physical manifestations of the law of attraction in human form....
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Thank you for visiting my site which was created to help heal adult children of alcoholics, codependents, those suffering from codependency issues, as well as all beings suffering from low self esteem, and who seek validation from outside rather from within.
Know--you are enough!
Lisa A. Romano