Friday, March 2, 2012

Reactions Reinforce The Law of Attraction

Whatever you are reacting to, you are in fact creating, recreating and keeping alive in your vibration.

Regardless of what you THINK you want, desire, or wish to manifest means nothing, if you are still reacting within the walls of your heart, mind and bodies cells to those things you do not want.

If you want wealth, you cannot continue to beat the drum of poverty or lack.

If you want love, confidence and health you cannot continue to beat the drum of insecurity and sickness.

When you feel thin even though in time and space you are fat, you will begin to lose weight.

When you feel confident even though in time and space you are not yet surrounded by those who support you, you will then begin to attract those who reflect back to you your new found feelings of self love.

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Know--you are enough!

Lisa A. Romano