If your thoughts were money you kept in two separate bank accounts, and one account was called Self Love and had a 100% interest rate, and the other was called Self Hate, and had a 0% interest rate, which account would you think you needed to invest in?
The bigger question is, which account are you investing in?
Reality does not exist within our five senses. Reality has nothing to do with matter--in fact matter does not exist.
Scientists can prove that atoms are comprised mostly of space. This then means--all that we 'think' we are--is space. Matter then as we--in our ignorance of the truest nature of the universe--is an illusion.
What then is real?
Reality is moldable and is shaped by intent. Our thoughts create the matrix of that which we deem as reality.
If I proclaim myself as a 'victim' of another's abuse, I am in fact claiming the framework that will be the blueprint for a future reality I am creating in my Now.
Unless I am willing to restructure my perceptions of self--and accept that even my victimhood in the simplest forms--is an illusion (for at the core of every human beings lies the ability to think any thought we desire by the power of free will) my future reality will continue to be molded by ill thoughts.
What is real--is anything YOU as the being believes is real, good or bad.
When a being changes the way he/she looks at things, the things he/she looks at changes.
This happens by way of restructuring ones own individual perceptions.
But when great time, and thus practice has been evoked in ones own ill ideas about a lack of self worth, or money or love, much momentum has accrued within the vibration of the being who has suffered greatly at the hands of those more powerful than he/she, at a time when that being was powerless--for example; we children and grandchildren of alcoholics.
Although every being born possesses within its essence the language of self love--many beings who have been victimized as children, have been separated from the vibration or frequency of love. Wounded children have not been taught that at any time they can begin to get reacquainted with that language of love once more, and slowly travel towards a more congruent relationship with Self, and eventually even mold the realities they experience as they go along.
Self hate is a language. It is a language that requires no words. It is a language that is experienced through emotion and penetrates into every cell of the human body. It is a language that penetrates space and time. Hate is a vibration. People of different skins, religions, and countries of origin know it--feel it--and most often need no words to acknowledge its existence.
Although self hate is absorbable, it too is an illusion, if beings choose (free will) to change the way they look at hate.
Hate can be ejected, eradicated, and engulfed entirely.
Much like one small lit candle has the ability to add light to a dark room, the vibration of love, however small has the miraculous ability to counter fear, despair and hate.
In order to begin learning the language of self love;
One must desire to change.
One must commit to change.
One must comprehend the process.
One must be patient with self.
One must practice the vibration of love in all things.
One must honor the practice of self love.
If your thoughts were money you kept in two separate bank accounts, and one account was called Self Love and had a 100% interest rate, and the other was called Self Hate, and had a 0% interest rate, which account would you think you needed to invest in?
The bigger question is, which account are you investing in?
Earth is a free will zone, and you get to choose your reality.
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Thank you for visiting my site which was created to help heal adult children of alcoholics, codependents, those suffering from codependency issues, as well as all beings suffering from low self esteem, and who seek validation from outside rather from within.
Know--you are enough!
Lisa A. Romano