Friday, August 31, 2012

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The undeniable truth is that at your core--apart from who your parents were, or what they taught you, or what they did to you--you are perfect in every sense of the word.

At your core--apart from all the negative influences of earlier and less evolved man--you are as divine as any star, moon, or sun.  At your core--apart from what society, advertisers, family, friends, or schools have taught you to believe about you and your world--you are as worthy as any planet in the sky.

At your core--apart from what you have been wrongly conditioned to believe about you and this world--everything is unblemished, and is in harmony with the universe and universes at large whether man consciously believes it is or not.

There is no need to worry.

The planet, the sun, the moons, and all the other planets in our galaxy have never been told how to spin, or shine, or rest.  The sky knows when to rain down on the ground below, and the earth knows just how quickly to revolve.  Our hearts beat according to the pulse emitted from the core of the earth...our bodies in tune with our planet--in spite of our unawareness of it--is as divine as any blade of grass.

Just as perennial plants have their season--and then seem to fade for awhile--so too is it with physical beings.

We shall have our season in the sun...and then one day it will seem as if we have faded.

But that will not be the truth.

It is not possible to destroy the nature of what makes us physical.

At our core, we are pure light energy.  We are an atom--mostly full of space...A seemingly miniscule particle of light energy...and since energy cannot be destroyed...the essence of a physical beings can never possibly know death as the man of mind has been conditioned to believe death is today.

Your worry is not necessary--although your ego and fear of letting go will tell you it is...

The more you have been bruised as a child, the deeper the nails of your ego will want to stay dug into your soul.

Information will set you free, and soften the need for the cloak that is your false ego.  And eventually, as your conscious mind continues to absorb your truth--your ego shall set you free...

You are light...let shine...


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Repairing The Codependent Mind

Low self esteem is the result of unconscious codependent thinking.

When I expect others to validate me, to accept me, and to love me the way I believe they should, I hold myself apart from the vibrational of love that I am within me.

When I expect others to do what I think they should do--I hold them apart from the vibration of love that I could be offering them on an emotional level.

When I expect that others should be--do--think--and behave according to the way I want them to...I cut myself off from love and acceptance and step into a path of negative resistance...and cause dis-ease within my body.

When the governments of one country expect the governments of another country to think--be--and believe in what they think they should--on a global level we create tremendous vibrational disharmony on our planet.

Science has proven that emotions change our vibrational frequencies.

Vibrational frequencies show up in the form of emotions.

Whenever we dis-love ourselves--we are interrupting the positive flow of energy in our bodies--and causing dis-ease within us.

Whenever we on a familial, social, or global level dis-love others--we absolutely cause dis-ease in our world.

The path to enlightenment begins in our own reality and in our perceptions of our own 'self' first...

For as a  man thinketh--so shall he/she become...

If I love me--I cannot help but love you...and the world WE share...

Healing codependent thinking is the key to freeing our minds, as well as the world of its pain.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Are You Comfortable In Your Own Skin?

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Are You Comfortable In Your Own Skin?

Are You Comfortable In Your Own Skin?

Wisdom is timeless.

As it was in the beginning, it is now and ever shall be.

Who has ever entered this time-space reality and not yearned to be comfortable in their own skin?

The illogicality of this desired premise is the notion that our comfortability depends on our skin itself.

Yet, many a fine beauty has felt vile in her own skin.  So then, what beings yearn for cannot be found in the flesh and blood of the material world.

What we are after, is non-physical--invisible--and vibrational in nature.

All creatures crave harmony from within.  Harmony is a word that is used mostly to describe pleasing music and or sounds.  Harmony--sound--music--are all vibrational in nature.  What beings seek is vibrational harmony from within its own being.

It is possible to become comfortable in one's own skin, even if one's own skin is not comfortable.

It is not possible to achieve harmony from within without accepting what is the current state.

It is not possible to heal from within, without first accepting where one is first.

If you are not happy, or if you believe you have been broken, that is alright.  It is better to accept that one is broken and then take steps to achieve wholeness than to deny ones current reality and thus create an incongruent emotional state of being.

Falsely believing that one needs others to validate one's current state, is like falsely presuming one needs permission from another to breath.

Allow what is, even if what is--is uncomfortable...and then allow your self the permission to slip into being comfortable with what is...

See your self...and Free your self...


Self Healing-Healing From Within: Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening To Me

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening To Me

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Your Mirror

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Your Mirror

Self Healing-Healing From Within: The Art of Loving Self

Self Healing-Healing From Within: The Art of Loving Self

The Art of Loving Self

Love is a choice and a state of being.

Love is not an emotion. 

Love is an action word as it reflects a nonphysical state that is acted upon by a physical being.

To help us understand what love truly is, it helps to rest ones mind on the simplicity that abounds in nature.

Today, focus your attention on the beauty of a single flower.  Study it.  Watch it.  Imagine what it feels like to be a single rose or sunflower in a garden of many in a world it does not worry about, unconcerned with what the other sunflowers or roses think.

Do what you can to imagine and connect on a vibrational level to the absolute stillness of that flower.

Just for a few moments, drop your own mind.  Drop your thoughts.  Drop your worries over your past wounding experiences.  Drop your worry and connect to the infinite streams of abundance that is always--and was always about you.

Just for a few moments, become still of mind and milk the experience of love.  Milk the feeling of pure acceptance, peace, and stillness that is love.

Learning to love the self is, in fact, an art.

As physical beings, we are born to this physical time-space reality that has been infused with pain, suffering, anxiety, and dysfunction.

Many of us have been victims of others ill thought processes.

All of us have been infected with pain, as we have all been born into a system--a matrix--that has been set into motion to help fuel the illusions that keep this society moving economically.

Although many of us 'feel' wrong, ill, broken, and unworthy, the truth is we are not.

Although many of us 'feel' like we are rats running a race, the truth is we are not.

The illusions of the material world are created to keep beings out of love with their own selves--rather than connected to their inner and true self--and happy.

Happy, healthy and well-adjusted beings are less profitable than weary, obese, diabetic, and fracture minded beings.

Today, begin your journey towards learning to master the art of loving self, through a simple mind-expanding exercise.

Tomorrow, do the exercise again.  And then the next day and then the next, until it is your dominant experience to easily connect to the stream of well being that is truly you, and always was.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Understanding Codependent Anger

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Understanding Codependent Anger

Understanding Codependent Anger Interview

Listen hear to Lisa's interview about 'life' and divorce with

Host Andy Pearson speaks candidly with Lisa about the challenges created by divorce.

Can relationships last?

Must divorces be so messy?

How can men and women better relate to one another to ensure a happy and healthy life experience together?

These questions and others are answered during this eye opening interview.


Self Healing-Healing From Within: Verbal Abuse; When Children Abuse Parents

Self Healing-Healing From Within: Verbal Abuse; When Children Abuse Parents

Friday, August 17, 2012

Manifest The Life You Desire Now--Because Your Life Is Going To End

Yesterday, while sitting in a doctor's waiting area, I picked up what was intended to be a child's book on dinosaurs.  While sifting through it, I came across simple explanations as well as complimentary illustrations that highlighted the beginnings of planet earth.

As I thumbed through each page of this child's book, I could not help but feel in awe of what I was--for the first time beginning to deeply comprehend.

My life--your life--life--is but a flickering of a flame, that will one day gently fade.

Almost incomprehensible is the idea that our earth's surface was once one mass of land.  Through the churning of the earth, has come these separations of land that we now call the continents.

And so it is I wonder, what will planet earth become in another one billion years?

On a more personal home front I wonder, have I done all that was possible for one human being to do while a physical being on this still somewhat dry physical earth?

Do I truly appreciate the life I have been given?

Do I truly appreciate the very real fact that one day my life will be done?

Do I truly appreciate that how I treat others, is how I will be treated by others?

Do I truly appreciate how good it feels to laugh, to play, to respect others, and to let go?

Do I truly appreciate how unnecessary it is to worry about what others think about me, my decisions, my looks, or my life?

Do I truly appreciate how--no matter how deeply I dig in my heels and cause a silly fuss--that the world keeps on spinning--and thus continues to it has done since the beginning of time?

You can laugh or you can cry...You can live by default, or you can create the life you desire...You can blame or you can claim...You can be fair minded, or selfishly irrational...What you are--you attract...

The universe does not judge your emotional offering.  It is an attraction based physical world, simply drawing like matter to like matter.  If you have anger in your heart, expect experiences to show up in your life to reinforce that anger.

If you have love in your heart, expect experiences to show up that help you to love more deeply.

If you have fear and hopelessness in your heart, expect situations to manifest that will reinforce those fears of hopelessness...


If you keep your heart and your mind set on the pure desires of your soul, and if you can learn to ignore reality, especially when things don't look so peachy--and if you can thus learn to continue offering an emotional vibration that matches the desires of your heart, you can deliberately manifest the life you desire...and eventually learn to comprehend the incomprehensible...

You--me--we are but specks of dust that have been given the miraculous opportunity to manifest as physical human beings with the stupendous ability to create our own realities...

So while most humans worry, obsess, fear, and complain, I prefer to continue learning how to master my own destiny--because I know one day my chance at having fun on this physical planet called earth will be done...

And although there are times when heavy negative human emotions start to drag me down, I continue to strive to accept that what I offer emotionally I also attract...and so it is up to me to stay ever mindful of what my emotional offering is...

These days my work is to laugh more and to work appreciate more and to complain understand more and to judge hope more and to worry less...

One day--my chance at love, peace, happiness and fun will be done...and so will yours my friend...

Peace, joy and love to you...


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Verbal Abuse; When Children Abuse Parents

If you have ever been ripped open by someone else's rage, you know how excruciating, confusing and mind bending the experience of being deliberately harmed can be.

When those we love are unable to rationalize their feelings, we sometimes wind up being used as an emotional whipping post.  Because we care for the one we love who seems to be in pain, we stand there and listen to their words in an attempt to somehow comprehend where their pain is coming from.  But when the one we love is spewing in rage, and the words that are coming from their mouths are cruel and spoken with the intent to cripple us, it is all but impossible at times to not crumble under the weight of the verbal attack.

Verbal abuse is not an easy form of abuse to acknowledge or identify.  Because the one who is in rage is convinced their anger is justified, they are detached from the consequences their words are having on their victims.  Because very often people who are raging and spewing their crucifying accusations at others do not resort to violence, the abuser fails to recognize they have done any harm.

When a parent is verbally assaulting a child, it is fairly easy to identify.  And when a man is demoralizing his wife, this too is a situation involving verbal abuse that is not difficult to define as abusive.  But when the rage involved belongs to a child, and the person at the other end of the rampage is a parent, it is not a situation that is as easy to identify as abusive.  Because their is a presumed responsibility of parent to child, the boundaries are not as easily defined.  But anytime a person is in rage, and as a result is unable to take responsibility for the cruel words that come from their mouths, the exchange is considered abusive.

When there is a deep love between a parent and a child, and when the child lashes out, is accusatory, casts blame, is vulgar, disrespectful, and belittles the parent, it is quite difficult for the parent to be able to think clearly.  Because as parents we want nothing more than to witness our children being happy, when we discover our children are unhappy, and then in turn are blamed for their unhappiness through the rampage of verbal assaults, it is sometimes an impossible thing not to crumble under the weight of shattered dreams.

It is crucial however, that parents do not tolerate verbal abuse. In order for healing to ever occur, boundaries must be adhered to.  Open, clear, calm communication, with the heartfelt intent to heal what is at the root of the issues is essential to the healing process.  If the child is unable to speak about their feelings without an attachment to rage, then professional help should be considered.

There is never any reason to feel like a prisoner in ones own home.  A parent should never fear their child's anger, rage, words, or physical abuse.  Whenever words are used with the intent of harming another in an emotional, spiritual or intellectual way, the exchange is considered abusive.  Detach, stay quiet and calm, and above all things maintain clear boundaries, and seek help from professionals.