Saturday, March 31, 2012

Knowledge vs Experience

One who cannot conceive that he is more than his physical body, will be unable to gain knowledge. While he will gain the experience, he will miss the totality of the experience, and fail to gain the knowledge the experience was designed to bring.

Beings who are unable, unwilling, or simply choose not to see themselves beyond their thoughts, will fail to gain wisdom, insight, or understanding of him self, others, or the world.

When one does not see, accept or acknowledge the spiritual part of him or her self, and thus stays separate from his/her higher self, knowledge cannot be gained.

If we can conceive that our physical eyes cannot see or experience visually another continent, the mind knows it exists, so therefore the being can one day plan to visit that continent. But if the being knows nothing of this continent, it will have no knowledge of it, and will never experience the wonders of that continent.

And so it is with the spiritual part of man. If a being refuses to accept he/she has a higher, wiser self, its experience will be just that--an experience--void of the ability to see past his/her physicality, and that being will lack knowledge, insight, and understanding.

It is like living a life with only one half of the body, one half of the mind, and one half of the brain...

Friday, March 30, 2012

We Are All Brothers and Sisters

The world needs more people like you in it.

The very fact that you are reading this entry is evidence that your mind is more expansive than the majority of the worlds population. I know this because I track my articles views.

It is a wonderful thing to know and live truth. None of us are not connected to one another. None of us are not--at a quantum level--entangled. We are all, regardless of our race, creed, or religion, in fact, brothers and sisters.

It is my hope, and deeper, my knowing, that one day the beings of this place will no longer define others by the color of their skin, or by what clothes they wear, or what car they drive. One day it will matter little, or perhaps not at all, what another looks like or who that person calls god. One day, the generations we have laid the groundwork for, will know that all beings are from the same family--the human family.

It is the very concept of separation that causes the havoc on this planet we call earth. It is separation from love when one spouse disregards the feelings of another, and it is separation from love when one person steals from another, and it separation of love when one deceives another.

Man, so eagerly in search of peace, falls short of his understanding of himself, and often times draws into his experience the chaos he so ferociously protests. If one is not a channel of peace, how then can peace be a part of this mans experience?

If a man is easily irritated, seeks only outside of himself for satisfaction and or validation, or if he does not yet own his own mind, is lead by societal conditioning and falls prey to believing happiness can only be found outside of himself whether in the form of money, sex, drugs, or so on, how then can this man ever find the peace his false self tells him he is in search of?

Peace cannot be found out there. Peace is a choice made from within, and it requires releasing ones programming and conditioning to ideas of separation, fear and silly tit for tat mental justification games.

Peace is found when attachments to 'things' are surrendered. Peace is found when a being honors the love of self, and dedicates ones life to inner peace. In recognition of ones desire for peace, the being then no longer attracts chaos. A being whose heart, mind and soul is truly dedicated to peace, will side step others antagonistic ways, honor those he says he loves, and will learn to view other beings as expressions of his own self.

This life experience is a play, and in it we get to be who we say we are--or not.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

You're Divine

Do you know that you are divine?

Do you know that you are as loved as any mountain, or any sea?

Do you know that your mind is not you--you are the observer of breath...not breath...not thought...

Do you know that love surrounds you--and only you can separate yourself from it?

Do you know, that in any moment you can enter a 'no thought state' and find your 'self' again?


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Powerful Potential of Your Thoughts

When energy is flowing in one direction, it is wonderfully powerful; think about a lightning bolt.

When energy is moving in various directions, it is far less powerful than it could be; think about static electricity.

If thoughts are essentially energy in the form of ideas, imagine the force you were meant to be when your mind became physically focused. Imagine further the power of two physically focused human beings consumed by the same goal. Imagine the power behind the intent of combined physically focused energy in the form of thought.

This is the kind of energy that the universe is made of.

It is also the kind of energy that is responsible for destroying aspects of our lives as well.

Thought can create, or it can destroy. The free will of man is what decides a beings fate, although the ego will insist to its own mind that others, circumstances or things are to blame for his/her unhappy state of being.

After listening to another amazing clip by Esther Hicks, I am once again expanded by the idea that spontaneous healing is in fact possible, and probable. When Jesus laid hands on the sick, his desire for their wellness overpowered the sick persons concept of themselves. And when Jesus told the sick, "Go now you are healed, and tell no one", His reasons for insisting the healed person keep their secret to themselves is simple. Jesus didn't want any unfaithful person interrupting the healed persons new healthy thoughts. It is doubt that makes us sick.

We do no one any good when we see lack in them, and we do even less good when we see lack in ourselves.

Holding people in our minds the way we would like to see them, and refusing to give into their complaints about others or even themselves, is the key to healing.

Intentionally focusing our thoughts in a powerful way, and then coming together to co create specific desired realities together, is the cornerstone of manifesting our own realities as well as healing ourselves and others along the way.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Co Dependency Is Ruining Your Life

Co dependency is rampant in our society--perhaps even in the world.

From divorces to disease, ( dis-ease ), we are a people confused by what our true purpose here on this planet is about.

When we teach our children to worry more about what the neighbors think about our family than what they think about themselves, we are teaching them to disown themselves and to give up their right to stay connected to their 'self'.

When we buy things we cannot afford with the intent to impress others or to appear as if we have more money than we actually do--because we worry about what others think about us--we disown our selves, with the notions that what we insanely, 'think others think about us' is more important than being honest about our money situation even to ourselves, we are recreating co dependent pathways in our brains.

When we date people who are not good for us, because they 'look' good or have money, we disown our higher purpose for peace and happiness for the sake of the ego, which falsely has us believing that what others think about us is more important than what we think about ourselves.

When we stay in relationships with people who are dysfunctional because we believe we will eventually change them, and thus one day find ourselves feeling good about ourselves because our sick partner finally saw the light, we are giving into co dependent mind sets that ultimately disconnects us from our true selves, and our source.

When we worry more about the people in our lives who worry nothing about us, we teach them that what they think about us is more important than what we think about us, we are contributing to co dependent thinking.

And when we good natured co dependents who think we are out to save the world, expect the world to change because we think we know better, we are essentially forcing our self righteous wants on others, rather than accepting others for who they are...

And when we act like the martyrs we tell ourselves we are, we are behaving in a dysfunctional co dependent way and blaming others for our personal misery...

If the world is to finally find that peace we all come into this world seeking, then the world at large will need to let go of the notions that others have to be what and who we want them to be.

If you are to find inner peace then you must learn to practice on the field of your own mind the art of allowing.

Your work here on this planet has nothing to do with gaining material things...although many beings would argue that point.

Beings want material things not for the material thing, but for the 'feeling' that material thing will bring.

It is not the car you are after. It is the 'feeling' you believe the car will bring you.

We are all in search of a 'specific feeling or state of being'. We all say we want happiness, but many of us fail to acknowledge that our happiness has absolutely NOTHING to do with others.

A state of happiness is a practiced state of being. Happiness and peace are emotional vibrational states that once found and mastered, one learns to accept that others do not have to be, do or think like they do in order to stay in alignment with who they are.

In time and space this may seem to some as selfishness, and in some ways it is. But it can be no other way. Your life is not your life if your mind is under the illusion that your purpose is to worry more about others happiness than your own.

The key is to allow others to be who they are, even if who they are you disagree with.

The key is to not do the things that will cause chains of events that will disrupt your life.

The key is to appreciate peace, and happiness and those who bring more of those experiences your way, and to begin to turn away from those who do not.

The key is to let go of those who drain you out of love, and to allow them to play out their dysfunctional patterns without your interference. They'll get to where they need to go a whole lot faster without you telling them how you think they should live their life.

The key is to not get too far pulled out of alignment when the storms come, so that you can be like a beacon of light, rather than darkened by it all.

Your purpose here on earth is happy...mind your own business...let others be who they want to be...and still be happy...


Friday, March 23, 2012

Why Does Life Have To Be So Hard? Making Peace With Your Life

Often we hear people say things like, "Why does life have to be so hard", or "Life is so hard."

If our brain is nothing more than a computer processing tool, it is not difficult to see how we--the data entry clerks of our existence contribute to the very paradigm so many of us complain about.

Life is not supposed to be hard. However, without the benefit of contrast, none of us would know what we truly want or what makes us feel good. Without knowing what doesn't feel good in out guts, then we would not be able to fully grasp the glorious feeling of appreciation.

Those who were denied love as children, find themselves, if they allow the experience into their lives, resolved to love more deeply as adults.

Those who have been deceived, find that honesty and truth are states they appreciate perhaps more intensely than someone who has not known the pain of being hurt by lies.

Those who have known sickness, appreciate more the little things in life so many do not even acknowledge, because they have an awareness of death others spend little time contemplating.

Life gets messy sometimes for one reason only, and that is to wake us up.

If your life is messy, do not "attach" your self--your state of being to the emotions of the moment. Instead, become an observer of your feelings--step back and bless the feelings of misalignment within you for helping you notice when your life was getting off course...then with love, and with gratitude start making decisions that move you closer to the inner peace you crave.

Sometimes in that space--in the space where there is no sound--just the realization that a decision is required to pull you back into alignment, there is struggle. It is within that gap that souls slip, years tick by, and life escapes us. But, if you resolve yourself to feeling good more often, your need to make decisions in that space will lessen, because it will be your natural state of being as well as desire to not allow your thoughts, or others to pull you out of alignment in the first place...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Suicide--The Call Home

When I was a young adolescent, and contemplating suicide, I wondered if perhaps I was crazy for wanting to die. Everyone else I knew seemed so happy.

A much older version of me now looks back, and understands that in many ways that child is in fact gone. I have died and been born many times, and will go on doing so as my mind expands and my understanding of who I am in this time space reality continues to grow. This is not only true for me, but for you as well. Who you are today, is not who you were ten years ago, nor should you be.

Suicide is not about death. It is about a wanting--a wanting for peace. The more off course a soul is the greater the call of death. The more pure and gentle a soul--the more intense are those external experiences that become like razors to a souls heart. Suicide can become like a trumpeters blow, calling a soul home--back to peace.

The tragedy is not in the death...The tragedy is in the life that, for whatever reason was deprived of its right to be--to exist--and to know joy.

The tragedy is not in the resting of the soul. Instead, it is in the experiences of the life that learned it was not good enough--that it was ill--weak--inappropriate--defective, and not worthy.

But even death is an illusion. As are all our silly so called mundane problems--for life for all beings is a temporary thing--more like a piece of dust traveling through space than a mountain on a molehill.

Life equals life and its value is not determined by race, creed, religion or by dollars and cents. All beings--all life exists by the same luck of the draw. Only ignorance and short sidedness could believe anything less.

Brothers and sisters all are we. The earth our mother, heaven our father, and life the gift of the universe itself. The trees protect us, the grass comforts our feet, and the sun blankets us in warmth. Rain washes us, renews and restores us, and reminds us to sit back and be thankful for it all.

Love all things, if not with your words, with your heart, and remember often that all life is a temporary thing, and that even death itself is an illusion. Death is the door that returns us to the place we existed before we entered this physical time space reality, wherever that place is...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who You Really Are/Cosmic Reality

In immense appreciation for all that is, I write to you today.

With tears of love, joy, and gratefulness, I extend from within me to all who find themselves upon these words now.

We are all brothers and sisters. We are all as cosmic as we are flesh and bones. We are all as light as we are heavy.

We are not small. We are the heavens as well as the earth.

From dust;cosmic dust, and through the vortex's that have been, life has been summoned into the magnificent creation called man.

Our evolution is incomplete, and shall never be fulfilled, for it is our destiny to create from what has been before.

From a vortex we came forth. From a vortex we create now, and through a vortex shall we part from this physical time space reality, and to a vortex shall we find ourselves again.

Like a ferris wheel that never stops spinning, we beings transition through various states of consciousness.

We are all one. We are all of the same origin. There is no separation between beings, unless the mind accepts this as so.

This planet is like an amusement park for consciousness in physical form. Man is a creator, and can do with his physical life what he wishes.

Here, with physical bodies, we are meant to enjoy this physical planet called earth, one another and the gift of physicality itself.

It is our true nature to appreciate, to feel worthy and to above all else...Love...


Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Open Letter To Esther Hicks

Dear Esther,

I wish there were a way you could feel the magnificent way your teachings make me feel each morning, as I sit in the comfort of my tiny living room, surrounded my the things that bring me joy.

Your allowing of the teachings of Abraham to flow through you, and your choice to share these pearls with the universe have blessed me in innumerable ways.

Your interpretations of Abraham and the unique way in which you relay those teachings to us, your students, awakens pathways in me that may have never been awakened had it not been for you.

I wanted to take this time to thank you in a way only I know how to do, and that is with my words expressed through writing.

Thank you Esther for helping me remember who I really am, who we all really are, and what my true purpose is here in this physical time space reality, as an extension of pure source energy.

I am a physical representation of all that is non physical. I am as a star, and a star is as I am.

I get it Esther, and your teachings help keep me in alignment in those moments when I find myself stumbling through contrast...

I love you...


Lisa A. Romano

Friday, March 9, 2012

Manifesting-Could It Really Be That Simple?

We all dream. We all want, but how many of us get what we wish for?

For many, it seems that life is more full of the things we don't want, rather than with the things we do want. We all want to be thin, be beautiful, and to of course be rich. But instead most of us are overweight, far from gorgeous, and just about making ends meet. So what's the problem? Why aren't we yet a world full of deliberate, happy creators, drawing into our experience the things of our dreams?

For all those who have read the book and watched the movie called "The Secret", you may feel as I do that something was missing from the story. While I appreciate very much the message that was so beautifully brought to the publics attention, I cannot help but feel that there was a particular idea that could have been expanded upon a bit more extensively that would have helped all those who had true intentions of using the LOA to their advantage.

Yes, thoughts become things and what you think about is what you bring about, but the real clincher to this law is not what is going on in the head as much as it is about what is going on in the heart.

I think a better mantra for the movie and life for that matter is, "What you feel, becomes real".

The LOA is responding not to what you think consciously. Instead it is responding to what you feel. When people speak about their truth, they usually refer to "what their heart knows or feels."

If you ask most people who are now divorced, they will probably tell you that way before they got married, they knew "in their heart" they shouldn't have married their spouse. If they're truly honest, and at a healthy stage of self awareness, they will also probably tell you that along their life's path they often felt "their heart" telling them that they should never have gotten married to their partner at all. They will also tell you, how happy they are now, that they eventually found the courage to "follow their heart" and ultimately got divorced.

People who are barely making ends meet are most often than not, people who are in jobs they do not like. Because they spend so much of their time feeling negatively towards where they work, they unfortunately fail to spend time thinking about how they want to feel.

The Law of Attraction is simple. What you feel, becomes real, good or bad. Your biggest brain isn't in your head or in your pants, its in your chest. Your heart knows what's good for you.

Manifesting deliberately is a simple process. First and foremost you have to follow your joy. Each being born was created to live to its fullest potential. A rose is beautiful because it knows its supposed to be a rose. What would a rose who was unhappy it was a rose look like? What if a rose really wanted to be a tulip or a daisy? The rose would be confused and undoubtedly would not be the symbol of love it has become today.

When you listen to your heart, and deliberately seek to experience the things that bring you joy, whether that is dancing, or writing, or raising animals, you come into alignment, mind-body-and soul with the very source that created you.

When you know what you want will bring you joy, then being joyful first will resonate from within you and become like a magnet, and draw to you the equivalent vibration of joy.

If you believe being thin will bring you joy, then starting a business you have been dreaming about starting will bring you the joy you will need to help you attract the joy you believe being thin will create in you. You will naturally lose weight, merely because you are following your bliss "first" by starting that business your heart has been urging you to begin.

Remember, "What you feel, you can make real."

Knowing what brings you joy is key. Following that joy right here and right now, is also key. Eventually in time as you begin to finally tip the scales of bliss in your favor, your physical time space reality will begin to reveal to you evidence of your inner desires.

Remember too, that if you allow yourself to feel frustrated, only more frustrating situations and circumstances can stay active in your life. When you begin to harness the power that is found in the NOW by deliberately focusing on the things that bring you happiness, in spite of whatever nonsense is going on around you, you've then joined the ranks of the very few, but very happy joyful deliberate creators.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Change Your Belief and Begin Deliberating Manifesting

Your life is representative of your beliefs.

If you want to use the LOA to your full advantage, you will then need to know what your belief systems are.

If you do not take the time to first truly understand what motivates you, you may unknowingly frustrate yourself while trying to deliberately manifest your desires.

If you want love, yet do not subconsciously believe in your worth, you may blame the LOA for letting you down, although the truth would be, the LOA was in fact working perfectly. You always bring about what you think about...good or bad...

Blending Your Physical Mind With Your Higher Self; THE KEY TO THE LOA

The law of attraction is an amazing thing. If understood efficiently, a person can literally have, be and do whatever their physical mind can imagine.

Its not that simple however. In order for you to be able to use the LOA to your full advantage, it will be necessary for you to understand a few key concepts.

The physical mind must be in harmony with the higher self. Your brain allows you to imagine things, or experiences in your mind that you may wish to attract into your life. Your higher self however isn't as interested in the images as it is the "feelings" or the "vibrations" the images in your brain create in your heart field.

Your higher self will attract to you various situations that will help you achieve the vibrational match to the image that is being created in your physical mind.

It will help you to remember that your higher self may not attract the exact "thing" your physical mind is imagining. It will however draw into your experience those things that match the vibration the "thing" you imagined created.

Reactions Reinforce The Law of Attraction

Whatever you are reacting to, you are in fact creating, recreating and keeping alive in your vibration.

Regardless of what you THINK you want, desire, or wish to manifest means nothing, if you are still reacting within the walls of your heart, mind and bodies cells to those things you do not want.

If you want wealth, you cannot continue to beat the drum of poverty or lack.

If you want love, confidence and health you cannot continue to beat the drum of insecurity and sickness.

When you feel thin even though in time and space you are fat, you will begin to lose weight.

When you feel confident even though in time and space you are not yet surrounded by those who support you, you will then begin to attract those who reflect back to you your new found feelings of self love.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Law of Attraction and Self Doubt

The law of attraction is at work whether a being acknowledges it is or not. If we are fear based, or anxiety based our external experience will reinforce that fear and anxiety. A fear based anxious being quite literally takes what could be a joyous, pleasant experience and perceives it as anxiety provoking.

Spirit guides are all around us. In my opinion this is a fact. But if I did not believe in them, I would not experience the ease of knowing they exist.

Self doubt is one reason why we are so often pulled out of alignment with our greater purpose. We doubt what we think, what we feel and even what we believe.

If we grew up in homes with overbearing parents, who conditioned us to doubt our own feelings, and if we have not dealt with this issue effectively in our adult lives, this could be effecting our ability to use the law of attraction deliberately.