Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Real Secret

When we are laughing or appreciating, we are in harmony with who we truly are.

The Law of Attraction is forever responding to our current point of attraction.

In the moments we are laughing or appreciating; in these moments we are most in alignment with our creative powers because these feelings are pure; just as the pulse or the source of our universe is and all its creative power is.

In your moments of bliss, this is when you should give birth to your desires...When you feel most content, dream...because when you are free of anger or resentment, you are free of resistance...which then connects you magnetically to the attracting powers of the universe...

Don't believe in the Law of Attraction? It doesn't really matter...You are where you are because The Law of Attraction always yields to you what you think of most of the time...

Whether you use The Law of Attraction to your advantage to deliberately create the life you want or not, its at work..........

I choose to be a student of The Law of Attraction knowing that in time, the more attention I spend getting into joy which is in alignment with who and what I truly am, the quicker the things of this universe of which I am wanting will manifest.

To this day, I have received everything I have ever wanted...And in my heart I know more of what I am wanting is on its way...

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Lisa A. Romano