Thursday, October 27, 2011

Want More Money? Try This...

While the Law of Attraction is one that is the quantum truth that proves likes attract like, but also proves that simply by "observing" a field of energy, the field itself changes...can bring many of our desires to manifestation in the physical realm, sometimes the actualizing of money can be a little tricky.

When we visualize things like a healthy body, or a soul mate, it is easy to tune into the "emotions" a healthy body of a soul mate will bring. Those "emotions" are waves that, when sent out into the universe, attract more unto it, since emotions are charged wave particles.

When we visualize money, what we must do is find the "feeling" money will bring to us by having it.

While visualizing money, or the more having of it, it is critical to attach to your meditation, the emotion of gratitude.

Look around you...Be thankful for the car you have, or the shoes you are wearing, or the meal you had this morning, and will have later. Be grateful for the gas you put in your car, for the plates you ate from...and most importantly, on a deep level-connect to the thought that "money" is what made all that you have, eat and do possible.

It is not the thing...that you is not even the money that you want...What you want is the "feeling" the money can bring in exchange for the "thing" that will supply to you the "feeling" of having that "thing" represent...

Coupling the Law of Attraction with The Law of Gratitude is the key to manifesting more money into your life...

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Lisa A. Romano